Xiaolan and Heye blushed.

What does it mean to play musical instruments together? The two of them were obviously solving some problems for Li Mu.

This is because these two people don't know what wind instruments are, otherwise, they probably wouldn't be so calm.

Chi Bo Jinghua, who was behind, understood Li Mu's words, her cheeks were slightly red, and she glanced at Xiaolan and the two.

She didn't expect that Li Mu and Xiaolan had done that kind of thing just now.

"Musical instrument?"

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu suspiciously, walked into the room, and glanced at the table in the room.

"You just said you play musical instruments, but what about the flute? Why didn't I see it? Are you kidding me?"

Xiao Lan and He Ye's expressions changed suddenly, and they became nervous.

Li Mu made it up about playing musical instruments. Where are they going to prepare the flute now?

"Here, do you want to try it?"

Li Mu waved his right hand, and a green long flute appeared in his hand.

It was made of turquoise jade, and the price was very expensive. It was also one of Li Mu's collections.

Xiaolan and He Ye were stunned, with incredible expressions on their faces. They looked at Li Mu.

They didn't expect that Li Mu had been prepared for a long time, and where did the flute come from.

Hattori Heiji glanced at Li Mu, and then at Xiaolan and the two next to him.

Xiaolan's expression, they It can be seen that Li Mu and Li Mu did not have any wind instruments just now.

But now that Li Mu has produced evidence, what else can they doubt?

"What's wrong? Don't look at it, why don't you give it a try? Wind instruments are a very good sport."

It is indeed a very good sport.

But the premise is that beauties such as Xiao Ranchi and Ha Shihua play instruments for Li Mu, not Hattori Heiji, a dark-skinned boy.

"No, I won’t brag. But I heard that you have good abilities. Would you like to brag to us?"

Hattori Heiji can't play an instrument, so naturally he can't perform.

Otherwise, it would be too embarrassing, and it would be embarrassing in front of the people she likes.

The most important thing is, she wants to see if Li Mu can Yes, maybe Li Mu just lied

"Okay, since you said that, let me perform it!"

Li Mu picked up the long flute and put it to his mouth.

Xiao Lan and He Ye also walked to the sofa on the side and sat down, looking at Li Mu silently.

They also had some expectations for Li Mu's musical level.

Chi Bo Jinghua In the same way, I found a place to sit down and stared at Li Mu with bright eyes.

"Come on, pretend to be anything, you definitely don’t know how."

Hattori Heiji found a place to sit down and looked at Li Mu with disdain.

Conan also nodded, feeling very unhappy.

Suddenly, a lifetime of beautiful music sounded, playing around in the whole room.

Listening to this beautiful and sweet music Xiaolan and Ikeha Shizuka were all fascinated by the sound, and their minds were filled with the sound of music.

Even Hattori Heiji and Conan were the same.

Even though they were unhappy with Li Mu, they still had no resistance to music..

The music ended quickly, but everyone was still immersed in the music.

Li Mu looked at Hattori Heiji who looked confused! The corners of his mouth rose. At this time, Hattori Heiji probably felt even more unhappy.

"How about it? Hattori-san, what do you think of my music? How does it compare to you?"

"Very good, very good, much better than me."

Hattori Heiji hadn't reacted yet and praised him the next time.

As for Conan, Li Mu didn't ask at all. How could this tone-deaf guy have the qualifications to express his opinion on Li Mu's works?

Conan simply knew his level, so he didn't When he spoke, he was just recalling the music just now.

After a few seconds, Hattori Heiji suddenly came back to his senses and quickly shook his head.

"This music is just average. Compared with the top musicians in the world, it is still far behind. You still need to work hard."

Kazuye likes Li Mu's music very much, but after listening to Hattori Heiji's words, he frowned slightly and glared at Hattori Heiji with dissatisfaction.

"So please? How is your musical level?"

Hattori Heiji suddenly became embarrassed.

His musical level is only a little better than Conan's, and he is so-so. Compared with Li Mu, it is far behind.

But he can't lose the battle, and he doesn't intend to lose to Li Mu.

"He Ye, I mean, his music is far from the top level in the world, I don’t say he is too bad."

Seeing the duplicity of Hattori Heiji, even Ikeha Shizuka couldn't stand it.

"Heiji, how can you tell lies with your eyes open? Li Mu is obviously very good."

"yes! Heiji, many musicians are not as good as Brother Li, and Brother Li's music level is already very good."

On the other hand, Conan listened to Xiaolan's words and looked at Hattori Heiji equally seriously.

"That’s right, Brother Hattori, Brother Li’s music is so excellent, it’s definitely rare."

Although he was reluctant to praise Li Mu, in fact, Li Mu's music level is particularly excellent.

And he is not stupid, so it is naturally impossible for him to go against Xiaolan.

And it's not just Xiaolan, but also Heye and Chibo Jinghua. Agreeing with Li Mu, how could he say something sarcastic.

This will only make other people dissatisfied.

Hattori Heiji's head was full of black lines, and he glared dissatisfied at Conan who betrayed him. Instead of the promised united front of the Anti-Japanese War, you have actually betrayed me now , Is this okay?

Although Conan was embarrassed, he still stared at Hattori Heiji, and secretly winked at Hattori Heiji, indicating that Hattori Heiji had better give in.

Although Hattori Heiji has a low EQ, his IQ is still quite high. He saw the abnormality in Conan's eyes.

After reacting, Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu seriously

"Li Mu, your music is actually very good, I'm just afraid that you will be too proud, but if you keep working hard in the future, I believe you will succeed."

Li Mu smiled. It was not easy to make Hattori Heiji give in.

Then, Li Mu stopped worrying about this issue and turned around to see Xiaolan and the others.

"Xiaolan, Heye, Auntie, how are you doing? Why don't you learn how to play a musical instrument? It will definitely be useful in the future."

There is something in Li Mu's words.

No matter what kind of wind instrument it is, it will definitely be useful in the future.

Anyway, there is one kind that Xiaolan and the others will definitely use. Maybe tonight, they can find a chance to try it out.

The Pirates Destined to be with the dragon

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