"Brother Li, why are you so slow?"

After He Ye came in, he complained dissatisfiedly.

"What's wrong? Are you in a hurry?"

Li Mu blinked and suddenly hugged He Ye. He

Ye was startled, and then quickly grabbed Li Mu and moved his little head close to Li Mu.

Xiaolan followed Li Mu and sat on the sofa.

Just after sitting down, Xiaolan looked around and didn't see anyone.

Of course, she just looked around and didn't know that there was another person in the room.

"Brother Li, you were really slow to open the door just now. What if you are discovered?"


Li Mu touched his chin and looked serious.

"If anyone is out here late at night, they will definitely not be discovered.

And even if we are discovered, so what, my relationship with you is very pure! Jie, what can others do?"

Xiao Lan and He Ye blushed instantly.

Li Mu's words sounded a little unpleasant.

But Li Mu was right. The relationship between the two of them and Li Mu was very pure! Clean.

The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried, why can't we Together.

In the closet, Chi Bo Jinghua couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he heard Li Mu's fallacy, but didn't say anything.

But to be honest, there was no problem if Xiaolan and Li Mu's affairs were discovered. It took more than an hour After that, He Ye and Xiaolan left Li Mu's room.

But before leaving, He Ye turned his head and looked at Li Mu.

"Li Mu, are you sure you don't need the two of us to stay with you?"

Xiaolan also stared at Li Mu closely, looking forward to staying as well.

"He Ye, that’s not necessary. What if you are accidentally discovered tomorrow morning? How should you explain it then?"

To be honest, Li Mu also wanted to stay with Ye and the others, but unfortunately there were people in the room, so naturally they couldn't be allowed to stay.

Time passed gradually, and not long after, Li Mu and Chi Bo Jinghua fell asleep.

Until the next morning, Li Mu After waking up, he started to wash up.

Chi Bo Jinghua also secretly returned to his room.

At about six o'clock, Li Mu left the room and came to the Hua Cong below the hotel, waiting patiently.

Nothing. How long did it take? About ten minutes, Shizuka Chiha and others came down one after another.

As soon as they came down, Kogoro Mouri straightened his collar and looked up at the sun in the sky.

"The weather is nice today and there should be a lot of people on the beach. Let's go to the beach."

The purpose of Maori Kogoro going to the beach is not to take a vacation, nor to bask in the sun, but also to play with horses.

In the past two days, Maori Kogoro has hooked up with many beautiful women, and with Xiaolan's connivance, Maori Kogoro has become even more unscrupulous..

It is precisely because of this that Mouri Kogoro is so interested in the beach.

Conan had already known what Mouri Kogoro was thinking, and couldn't help but roll his eyes with contempt.

Xiaolan helplessly covered her own Head, complained dissatisfied:"Dad, can't you pay attention to your image? It's so embarrassing for you to look like this"

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, I, Kogoro Mouri, but I feel very honored to handle cases for those young college students."

Looking at Mouri Kogoro's smug look, Xiaolan wanted to kick Mouri Kogoro away.

But when she thought of her father's tragic experience, Xiaolan had to hold back her thoughts.

Her father was so pitiful, It's better to let him go

"Okay, Xiaolan, actually going to the beach is not bad, and on this island, the beach is a good attraction, and there is nothing good to go to other places."

Li Mu said so, so Xiao Lan naturally couldn't refuse.

Then Li Mu and his party left the hotel and went directly to the golden beach.

Pirates and Dragons Are Fateful

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