Ms. Omakihara was silent for a long time

"Yes, Ms. Guofan was indeed at my place, and the reason was precisely because this gentleman said that she saw the murder process three months ago."

At this moment, a very young girl rushed from a distance.

This girl was Ms. Goho.

Finally, Ms. Goho bravely pointed out that Mr. Naruse was the murderer three months ago.

Mr. Naruse also admitted his crime

"Li Mu, I really trouble you today. Thank you for helping our police find the murderer."

Officer Mu Mu looked grateful.

Fortunately for Li Mu, otherwise the police might not be able to solve the case.

At least before solving the case today, he had no idea at all.

"Everywhere, this is all the credit of everyone, not just me."

Li Mu was very polite, and Mouri Kogoro was very grateful.

Conan was the only one with black streaks on his head.

He was very unhappy. He obviously knew who the murderer was, but he had no way to tell him. He could only keep it in his heart..Conan felt very depressed when he thought of this.

"Okay, brother Maori, Li Mu, please go to the police station with me to make a record."

The corners of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

To be honest, he hated taking notes the most. It was a complete waste of time.

What's important is that those policemen completely hated Li Mu. Every policeman seemed like Li Mu owed him millions.

But there was nothing he could do. , who asked Li Mu to rob their police beauty.

An hour later,

Li Mu and Maori Kogoro left the Metropolitan Police Department together and returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

By the time they arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, it was already six o'clock in the evening. dinner time

"Hey, Detective Mori, it's evening, why don't we have dinner downstairs?"

"That’s fine, the taste of Poirot Coffee Shop is also good, let’s eat there."

Xiaolan is not that particular.

And to be honest, the taste of Bailuo Coffee Shop is indeed excellent.

It would be a pity for Toru Amuro to become an agent instead of a chef.

Mouri Kogoro said with a bitter look on his face. To be honest, he really wanted to trick Li Mu into going to a high-end restaurant, but Xiaolan said so, what else could he do?

"Okay, let's go together."

Conan had no objection at all. Who asked him to just stay here, and he was not asked to pay.

After making the decision, Li Mu and the four came to the restaurant downstairs.

"Boss, you are here."

Just after entering Shiro Coffee Shop, Toru Amuro saw Li Mu and hurriedly came over to say hello.

"Well, Amuro, we're hungry. Let's prepare a dinner. Curry rice is very good."


Toru Amuro didn't ask any more questions and immediately walked to the kitchen.

At this time, Azusa Enomoto also came over with a smile on his face.

"Boss, Maori Detective, Xiaolan, how was your island vacation this time? Isn't it perfect?"

"Yes, I was very happy on this vacation."

Maori Xiaolang had an excited smile on his face, and there was a drop of saliva at the corner of his mouth. His mind is still full of those beauties. This holiday is probably his happiest moment.

So many lovely beauties, surrounded by All around him.

How he hoped that days like this could continue forever.

"Yeah, it was a nice vacation."

Xiaolan also nodded, recalling the scene with Li Mu in her mind.

She can still remember the scene vividly.

If possible, she would like to be with Li Mu more

"Yes, I also think this holiday is good. If possible, it would be best to take more days off."

The same is true for Li Mu.

He is accompanied by Xiaolan and Heye during the day, and Chibo Jinghua is accompanied by him at night. On days like this, it is difficult to find him even with a lantern.

Looking back, Conan is a little unhappy. This holiday is probably the most unhappy one for him..

Of course, if there was no Li Mu, then he would be very happy.

What a pity, why does Li Mu have to do everything?

Conan subconsciously looked at Li Mu's handsome face, wishing to kick him down.

Li Mu naturally noticed Conan's gaze, The corners of the mouth are raised, with a smile on the face

"Conan, how's it going? Did you enjoy your vacation this time?"

"Happy, really happy."

Conan forced a smile.

To be honest, he was really unhappy, but he had to say he was happy.

"Yeah? I really envy you for being able to travel. I also want to travel."

Enomoto Azusa was full of envy.

If she could, she would also like to travel, preferably to a beach vacation. It must be a very beautiful journey.

"There's nothing to be envious about. Let's do this. I'll give you three days of paid leave. You can go and have fun."

Li Mu is very polite.

It's just a small restaurant anyway. For Li Mu now, it's all one more, no more, and one less.

And it can also show his masculinity. What's wrong with that?

"Really? That's great. Thank you, boss. Then I'll start my vacation tomorrow."

Enomoto Azusa jumped up happily, very lively and cute. With such a beautiful woman, what right does Li Mu have to deny her a holiday?

Xiaolan looked at the happy Enomoto Azusa, nodded subconsciously, and recognized Li Mu even more in her heart.

So Where can I find an excellent boyfriend?

At the same time, Xiaolan also feels lucky for her own vision.

Being able to find an outstanding man like Li Mu is considered a blessing.

"Boss, Maori Detective, this is the curry rice you want."

After waiting for about fifteen minutes, Toru Amuro handed several plates of curry rice to Li Mu and others.

After receiving a portion of curry rice, Li Mu started to taste it.

"Well, yes, it tastes delicious, and I have three points of praise. Conan, you also need to study hard. As a man, how can you do it if you don't know how to cook?"

Li Mu was praising himself while eating. He was totally narcissistic.

Conan pursed his lips and ignored Li Mu's words.

For Li Mu, ignore what you can, and try to ignore if you can't.

Anyway, Li Mu often comes to him. trouble

"Conan, you have to listen to Brother Li. He is the reason why Brother Li is so good."

Xiaolan also looked at Conan seriously, as if you should be obedient.

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan, I will work hard."

The new book"One Piece: A Fate with Dragons" begins!

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