"Okay, Brother Li, Conan, it's time to eat."

Xiaolan brought a plate of dishes and placed it on the dining table.

Li Mu put down the newspaper, walked to the dining table, and picked up the chopsticks.

Conan sat on the dining table while thinking.

Although he was eating, Conan's attention was completely focused on Regarding what happened last night.

He just wanted to know what happened last night and why he was in a coma.

"Conan, what are you thinking? What is it that makes you so confused?"

Xiaolan was eating when she suddenly saw Conan who was thinking seriously and asked curiously.


Conan exclaimed and quickly raised his head

"Sister Xiaolan, I’m not thinking about anything. I’m just thinking about the homework assigned by the teacher yesterday."


Li Mu smiled and looked at Conan with interest.

"Conan, you were with us yesterday. When did your teacher give you homework?"


He was just looking for an excuse, did he need to be so serious?

"Hahaha... Brother Li, I made a mistake. What I meant was that before the holiday, the teacher assigned an assignment. I am thinking about it now."

"Oh, the homework assigned, that is to say, you have to go to class today, but it turns out that your holiday homework has not been completed yet, is that right?"

Li Mu couldn't help laughing.

Before he traveled through time, he did not do his homework every time.

But in this anime world, homework is very easy, so there are very few people who don't do their homework.

"What? You didn't do your homework?"

Xiaolan exclaimed, and then looked at Conan, with anger in her big shining eyes.

"Conan, you didn't do your homework. You've had so much fun these three days. It seems like I'm too relaxed about you."

Conan's face darkened.

Indeed, these three days were indeed very relaxing, but for him, he was not happy at all.

Because Xiaolan had been with Li Mu all the time.

"Sister Xiaolan, listen to me, my homework has been completed……"

"That's enough, no excuses. It seems that from now on, you will no longer be allowed to travel casually.

Xiaolan, if Conan doesn't do his homework well in the future, you will never take him out to play."

Li Mu shouted quickly, feeling very happy.

In the past, Li Mu had tricked Conan many times, making Xiaolan think that Conan's mentality was familiar and widening the distance between the two.

If you can still take advantage of this opportunity, I am causing trouble for Conan. I don’t need to take Conan with me when I go out to play in the future. After listening to Li Mu’s words, Xiaolan suddenly became serious and nodded her little head.

"Brother Li, you are right. You must watch Conan carefully from now on. If you don't do your homework well, you must not go out to play. Otherwise, if his grades are too poor in the future, his parents will definitely blame us."

Conan's face turned bitter. He wanted to explain that his academic performance was particularly good and he was already in the second year of high school.

Unfortunately, he couldn't explain it at all.

Who told him that he did not do his homework because he was worried about what Li Mu would do to Xiaolan, so He has been monitoring Li Mu.

It is precisely because of this that Conan did not do his homework well.

He can only eat Coptis chinensis as a mute, and cannot explain the suffering.

"Conan, do you hear us? You must finish your homework before you can go out to play"

"Yes, Sister Xiaolan."

Conan lowered his head, feeling very unhappy.

At the same time, he was even more dissatisfied with Li Mu.

If Li Mu hadn't been looking for trouble, would he have needed to be so unlucky?

"Okay, Conan, hurry up and eat. After eating, finish your homework as soon as possible. You have to go to school later."


Conan finished his meal quickly, then walked aside, picked up his homework and wrote quickly.

As for what happened last night, he had no time to think about it now. If he doesn't finish his homework, today will be over.

Xiaolan shook his head, I put away the tableware and then washed it in the kitchen

"Brother Li, I'm going to class, how about you? Where are you going now?"

"I'll go with you. Anyway, I have nothing to do now."

Li Mu really has nothing to do. It's a good thing to send Xiaolan to school.

After listening to Li Mu's words, Conan raised his head and glared at Li Mu dissatisfied.

He also wanted to follow Xiaolan, but it's a pity. Now he has to do his homework. , he probably couldn't leave until he finished his homework.

So he could only stare at Li Mu with a resentful look, complaining and cursing Li Mu in his heart.

Li Mu also noticed the resentful gaze behind him, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, thinking to himself How to get revenge on Conan.

Suddenly, Li Mu's eyes lit up, his body tilted, and he fell directly forward.

The next second, Li Mu fell directly into a warm embrace, and a faint fragrance reached Li Mu's nose.

Conan was stunned.

Li Mu actually threw himself into Xiaolan's arms.

His beloved girl was actually eaten by Li Mu.

"Damn it, what are you going to do to Xiaolan?"

Conan didn't care so much, and rushed towards Li Mu, grabbing Li Mu's arm with both hands, his eyes filled with anger.

This endless anger seemed to be able to ignite Li Mu.

"Oops, I got up to my waist. Sure enough, I am old, exercise too much, and my physical fitness is not very good."

Li Mu ignored Conan's anger and reached out to hold his waist, with a painful expression on his face.

This expression seemed to be really hurt.

But only Li Mu knew that there was nothing wrong with him, and he was not injured at all.

"Brother Li, are you okay? Does it still hurt?"

Xiaolan looked at Li Mu who was in some pain, and suddenly became worried, staring at Li Mu with her big shining eyes.

As for Conan, he looked at Li Mu suspiciously, full of doubts in his heart.

He always felt that Li Mu seemed to be fine.

But he also Don't dare to question casually, otherwise it will leave a bad influence on Xiaolan's heart

"I have nothing to do, just nowIt's about my waist, I just need to rest a bit. Conan, thank you for coming over to help me."

Conan smiled awkwardly.

He came to question Li Mu.

But now that Li Mu has said so, how can she question Li Mu?

"Hahaha, Brother Li, let me help you. You sit there and have a good rest."

The Pirate's Fate with the Dragon"

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