"Xiaolan, I always feel that Conan should be strictly supervised. This guy is a dog who can't change his habit of eating shit."

Conan's head was full of black lines. What do you mean by this? How dare you describe him as a dog.

Xiaolan was about to nod when she suddenly realized

"Brother Li, you are serious, how can you describe Conan like this? Maybe he is not a bad person."

As she spoke, Xiaolan's tone was filled with resentment.

Conan felt even more unhappy.

Why did Xiaolan become so harsh when he made a mistake?

And when Li Mu made a mistake, Xiaolan actually had such a sweet smile on her face. It was as if he had not made a mistake.

This huge feeling of disparity made Conan feel a little unbalanced and a little jealous.

Li Mu naturally noticed Conan's imbalance, but felt somewhat balanced in his heart. When

Conan was unhappy, he was happy.

"Xiaolan, you are so kind, but I was thinking about Conan just now, so what I said was a bit harsh. I'm so sorry, Conan."

Although Li Mu was apologizing, Conan couldn't hear it. Instead, he felt that Li Mu was threatening.

However, considering Xiaolan on the side, Conan could only smile.

"Brother Li, it doesn't matter. I will definitely be obedient and won't get into trouble again."

Li Mu looked at Conan meaningfully.

He still believed that others would not cause trouble, but it is absolutely impossible for Conan not to cause trouble.

Based on Conan's protagonist's fate, it is estimated that even if he does not cause trouble, trouble will come for him..

The corner of Conan's mouth twitched. Li Mu's look made him look a little unhappy.

"Okay, Conan, you go do your homework and I'll make dinner. By the way, Brother Li, will you stay here for dinner tonight?"

Xiaolan stared at Li Mu, eager in her heart for Li Mu to stay.

Don't stay! Don't stay!

Conan prayed in his heart, not wanting Li Mu to stay.

Seeing Li Mu's face, Conan had no appetite.

Unfortunately, The less Conan wanted Li Mu to stay, the more Li Mu wanted to stay.

"Well, Xiaolan, you said so today, if I don't stay, I won't give you face."

Conan was very unhappy. He just didn't want Li Mu to stay.

He didn't want Li Mu to give him face or anything like that.

"Ahem, Xiaolan, I can’t see the restaurant, I’ll save you the trouble of doing it yourself."

As soon as Mouri Kogoro heard about the dinner, he immediately coughed and looked at Xiaolan seriously.

Xiaolan had black lines on her head and stared at Moori Kogoro dissatisfied.

Just now, she was standing there like a dead person, but now she is actually He became a living person again.

And she knew clearly that Mouri Kogoro definitely wanted Li Mu to treat him

"No, we must eat at home today. I will cook the food myself and no one is allowed to leave."

Xiaolan refused without hesitation.

Although her relationship with Li Mu is very unusual, it is precisely because of the unusual relationship that she does not want to take advantage of Li Mu. She does not want the relationship between the two to be measured by money.

Li Mu It didn't matter, but since Xiaolan said so, he naturally wouldn't refute Xiaolan.

Not to mention Mouri Kogoro.

When he saw Xiaolan getting angry, he immediately got scared and didn't dare to say a word, silently Reading the newspaper.

Although Xiaolan disciplined him less these days, the impression of the past few years was deeply engraved in his mind.

Especially Xiaolan's explosive fighting power, which made him even a judo master. Dare to resist.

Li Mu and Conan looked with disdain.

This uncle had no moral integrity.

Seeing that Mouri Kogoro didn't reply, Xiaolan nodded happily, and then walked happily to the kitchen.

After a while, the smell of oil smoke came from the kitchen It floated out.

Smelling the fragrance wafting in the air, Conan sniffed it, his stomach felt great, and he wanted to have a good dinner.

Li Mu noticed Conan's expression, suddenly became serious, and looked at Conan sternly

"Conan, don't be in a daze. Have you finished your homework for today? If you don’t have any homework to do, just write it for me right away."

Now Li Mu is like a strict father, teaching his son.

Although Li Mu doesn't want this son.

Mouri Kogoro also raised his head and looked at Conan, his expression became serious.

"Conan, don't be in a daze, hurry up and do your homework, otherwise, you won't eat today's dinner."

"Yes, Brother Li, Uncle Maori."

Conan was immediately frightened.

Now Li Mu and Mouri Kogoro are completely bosses. He can't afford to offend him, and why can't he hide from him?

The homework for elementary school students is not much, and it is not complicated either.

In addition, Conan's grades are inherently poor. Very good, both now and when he was in junior high school, he was an outstanding student.

So the questions assigned by the teacher were completed in a short time. As soon as he finished the homework, Conan suddenly became proud and raised his head happily.

"Uncle Maori, I have finished my homework."

Li Mu didn't even look at Conan.

If it were anyone else, Li Mu would definitely check it, find a mistake, and teach him a lesson.

But Conan, there is no need to talk about his achievements, and Li Mu has no need to waste time.

Not to mention Mouri Kogoro, he didn’t want to waste time on this at all.

At this moment, Xiaolan came out, holding two plates of fragrant dishes in his hands

"Is the homework done? Then let's have dinner together"


Conan happily took a step forward and sat in his seat.

Li Mu glanced at the happy Conan and felt the urge to teach him a lesson.

"Conan, remember, you must study hard and make progress every day in the future. You can't be like this again.

Also, don’t look at how strict I am usually. In fact, I am good to you. Only by studying hard can you be successful in the future.

Look at Detective Maori, why he can become a famous detective is because he studies hard and has rich knowledge, so solving crimes is really simple.

Look at me again. I am very knowledgeable and have read more books in my life than you have eaten, so I can suddenly say that Detective Maori and I are role models for you to learn from."

I don't know if I will be struck by lightning if I speak so unconscionably.

Anyway, Li Mu doesn't care. If he is struck by lightning, he will be struck by lightning, as long as he doesn't die.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly became proud after hearing Li Mu's words. He quickly adjusted his clothes and looked at Conan seriously.

I have to say that the current Mouri Kogoro really has the demeanor of a famous detective.

Of course, the premise is to put aside his slutty face. One

Piece and the Dragon Destined to start a new book!

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