About ten minutes later, Li Mu and Xiaolan left Dr. Ali's house together.

During these ten minutes, Li Mu discussed Conan's issues with Dr. Ali seriously.

Although his tone was very sincere, Dr. Ali once thought that Li Mu was doing this for Conan's sake.

But only Conan knows that Li Mu is definitely causing trouble for Conan overtly or covertly.

"Dr. Ali, I'll leave it to you from now on. I have to go to school now. Goodbye."

Xiaolan said very politely, and then left.

If it weren't for class, Xiaolan would definitely stay and give a good lecture.

"Well, Xiaolan, don't worry, I will definitely keep an eye on Conan and let him study hard."

Dr. Ali was very embarrassed.

In the past, he seemed to have never studied with Conan. Who knew that Xiaolan would come to visit today.

In the end, Xiaolan left, and Conan also left, and both of them had to go to school..

Only Li Mu did not leave, but stood at the door of Dr. A Li's house.

Dr. A Li also saw Li Mu and asked quickly:"Li Mu, do you have anything else to do?""

What else does Li Mu have to do? He is just waiting for Hui Yuan Ai.

To be honest, it has been a long time since he was with Hui Yuan Ai last time.

He misses Hui Yuan Ai a little.

In fact, Hui Yuan Ai Yuan Ai also missed Li Mu.


The door suddenly opened. Hui Yuan Ai picked up his backpack and walked out silently.

As soon as he came out, Hui Yuan Ai saw Li Mu and felt a slight impulse in his heart.

But soon , Haiyuan Ai suppressed her inner impulse, and her expression became serious again, as if her face was paralyzed.

"Doctor, why is this guy here? What's matter?"

Li Mu's mouth twitched.

Hui Yuan Ai actually spoke like this. When he has time, he must teach Hui Yuan Ai a lesson.

For example, find an opportunity today.

"Xiao Ai, don't talk about Li Mu like that. He came here today to discuss Conan's studies with me."

Discussing Conan's study.

Haiyuan Ai glanced at Li Mu.

He remembered that Conan complained about Li Mu yesterday, and because of Li Mu, he didn't have time to do his homework.

Today Li Mu came here, definitely not for Conan's study, but to find Conan trouble.

Li Mu didn’t care and looked at Haiyuan Ai with a smile.

"Xiao Ai, why haven’t you gone to class today? Are you feeling unwell?"

While speaking, Li Mu blinked.

Hui Yuan Ai understood immediately. Although he was unhappy on the surface, he was very happy in his heart.

"It's nothing, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

After saying that, Hui Yuarai put his right hand on his forehead, with a painful expression on his face.

"Xiao Ai, what's wrong with you? It's okay! Do you want to see a doctor?"

Dr. A Li suddenly became anxious, and immediately walked to Hui Yuan Ai's side, looking at Hui Yuan Ai with concern.

Li Mu had long seen that Xiao Lan seemed to be pretending, after all, he was also a doctor.

However, Li Mu did not point out the problem, but instead Walked in front of Hui Yuan Ai and looked at Hui Yuan Ai with concern

"Huihara Ai, are you okay? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?"

Hui Yuan Ai was overjoyed.

She pretended to be sick just to be with Li Mu.

Now she has finally achieved her goal.

"I just have a headache. Brother Li, why don't you take me to the hospital? You don't need to bother Dr. Ali for such a small matter."

"Okay, I'll send you away now."

Xiaolan immediately hugged Haiyuan Ai, and then glanced at Dr. Ali again.

"Dr. Ali, leave this kind of thing to us young people, you can take a good rest."

"Yeah? Then I’ll trouble you, Li Mu."

Dr. A Li is not worried, but trusts Li Mu very much.

The most important thing is that Hui Yuan Ai is only a minor illness, nothing serious, and he does not need to worry.

"Okay, let's go."

Li Mu turned around and blinked at Hui Yuan Ai.

Hui Yuan Ai's cheeks were slightly red, and he lowered his head shyly, not daring to look directly at Li Mu.

Li Mu held Hui Yuan Ai in his arms and walked for ten minutes before arriving at the nearby In the parking lot, he put Hui Yuan Ai in the car.

Then Li Mu sat in the driver's seat.

However, Li Mu did not leave. Instead, he put his hands on the steering wheel and focused on Hui Yuan Ai.

"Okay, you're not sick, no need to pretend."

As soon as he finished speaking, Hui Yuan Ai immediately recovered and looked at Li Mu seriously, with a hint of gloom on his face.

"Li Mu, you have been having a good time during this period. Some time ago, you actually went to the beach, not only Xiaolan, but also He Ye."

As she spoke, Hui Yuan Ai's tone was laced with jealousy.

She also wanted to be with Li Mu, but Li Mu didn't take her with him.

Especially when she knew that Li Mu and Xiaolan went to the beach for vacation and brought many people with them, but they didn't take her with them. She made her feel a little empty in her heart.

Li Mu smiled and put his right hand on Hui Yuan Ai's tea-colored hair.

"What's wrong? Are you jealous? Or are you jealous? Otherwise, I'll take you there next time"

"Humph, I won’t go there."

Hui Yuan Ai turned her head arrogantly, saying she was not happy to go, but in her heart she was looking forward to it.

If Li Mu invites her again, Hui Yuan Ai will definitely agree.

But Li Mu just glanced at Hui Yuan Ai, but didn't Continuing to talk, Hui Yuan Ai felt itchy in her heart and wanted to slap Li Mu to death.

She acted so obviously that Li Mu didn't notice and acted like a man.

After a while, Li Mu still didn't speak, and Hui Yuan Ai was immediately dissatisfied. He stood up and glared at Li Mu

"Hey, don’t you have anything to say?"

"Oh, you're right, I remembered it. Are you still feeling well now? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Hui Yuan Ai choked and couldn't help but want to kick Li Mu.

Just now, he revealed that she was not sick, and now he asked her if she was sick.

Such a man would do nothing if he didn't teach him a lesson.

Hai Yuan Ai raised his foot , kicked Li Mu, and glared at Li Mu

"Hum, I'm leaving. If you have something to do, you can leave too."

After saying that, Hui Yuan Ai was about to leave.

Li Mu also understood that if he didn't take action at this time, it would probably be too late.

"Okay, don't be angry, wasn't I just joking with you?"

The Pirate's Fate with the Dragon"

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