In the afternoon, Li Mu took Hui Yuan Ai out of the hotel and went to a nearby commercial street.

After arriving at the commercial street, Li Mu patted Hui Yuan Ai's little head.

"Okay, if you like something, go buy it and I'll pay for it today."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't refuse and walked directly into a luxury store.

As soon as he entered, Hui Yuan Ai held his hands and looked at the waiter very domineeringly.

"Waiter, take out the limited edition bag you have here, I want it."

The waiters were all dumbfounded.

If an adult woman came to buy, they would be extremely happy.

But when a little girl came over, she seemed to have no purchasing power. They didn't think that this little girl came to buy brand-name luxury goods.

Why? Looking at it, I felt that Hui Yuan Ai was here to play.

Li Mu smiled, took a step forward, and took out his black card

"Waiter, bring me the most famous brand bag. I want the limited edition one."

When the waiter saw the black card in Li Mu's hand, he immediately showed a bright smile and ran to the side.

After a while, the waiter took out an exquisite and beautiful bag.

"Sir, this is the bag you want, it is our limited edition bag. Li

Mu didn't even look at it and said domineeringly:"Pack it up and take it away.""

"Yes, sir."

The waiter was so happy that he immediately packed the bags for Li Mu.

After buying the bag, Li Mu patted Haiyuan Ai on the head.

"Okay, let’s go to the next store. Today, I’ll buy you whatever you want."

After that, Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai left the luxury store under the envious eyes of the waiter.

In the next hour or two, Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai walked around a commercial street and bought a lot of things.

But most of them Most of the things had been sent away in a car arranged by Li Mu.

Dr. Ali was a little confused when he looked at these brand-name things.

Didn't he go to the doctor when he was sick? Why did he buy so many high-end things?

Fortunately, Ah Li Dr. Li didn't hesitate.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Mu took Haiyuan Ai to the dilapidated building again.

This time, Li Mu went directly to the room he had stayed in in the morning and locked the room completely.

"Xiao Ai, do you want to be bigger today?"

Hui Yuan Ai's cheeks turned red.

Getting bigger is nothing more than becoming an adult, and the purpose of getting bigger, needless to say?

Although she was shy, Hui Yuan Ai was even more looking forward to it.

Hai Yuan Ai didn't say anything, and nodded gently. Li Mu nodded.

Li Mu understood immediately and handed the medicine that had been prepared to Hui Yuan Ai.

At the same time, Li Mu handed another bottle of mineral water.

Hui Yuan Ai took the medicine, ate it in one gulp, and drank it again. A sip of water.

After drinking, Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai waited patiently.

After a few people, Hui Yuan Ai grew bigger. Before it grew bigger, Hui Yuan Ai deliberately took off his coat. After a while, there was a sound coming from inside the room. There was an abnormal sound.

On the other hand, at Dr. A Li's house, two people, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, stood next to Dr. A Li, with eerie smiles on their faces.

Dr. A Li, on the other hand, was lying on the bed. On the ground on one side, sleeping soundly

"Hey, did you see it? These are all brand-name luxury goods. It seems that this family is really rich."

The fat man looked at the luxury goods on the ground next to him, his eyes sparkling. He wanted to take these things away immediately.


The thin man patted the fat man and said dissatisfied:"What's so good about these things? Take this old man away. By then, there will be plenty of money, and it’s not easy to sell these things."

"Yes, then we leave immediately. It will be easy to be discovered after a long time."

The fat man nodded, then put Dr. Ali in the box inside and closed it.

In this way, the two took Dr. Ali away.

After they left Dr. Ali's house, they came to a nearby shabby The building.

And this building happened to be the building where Li Mu and Hui Yuan Ai were.

The two carried the box and walked towards the roof.

Just as they reached the roof, the fat man slipped his hand and the box fell directly to the ground. A huge noise was made.

This sound was so loud and harsh in the empty building.

Hui Yuan Ai heard the sound for the first time and immediately grabbed Li Mu

"Look, there seems to be someone."

This sound was heard by Hui Yuan Ai, not to mention Li Mu.

Li Mu also stopped.

"Don't worry, this room is locked. As long as you don't make a sound, no one outside will be discovered."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded.

Indeed, this room is completely locked, and there is nothing inside. People outside should not come in stupidly.

Sure enough, the people outside just turned the door handle and saw Unable to open the door, he walked to the room on the other side.

Li Mu listened to the sounds in the next room and continued to whisper:"Okay, they are next door. Let's keep our voices down so we won't be discovered."

Haihara Ai nodded, and then suppressed his voice to prevent his voice from being heard.

In the next room, the fat and thin people put Dr. A Li in the box, and then took out a mobile phone.

"Okay, it's almost time now. We have to wait for this old man's granddaughter to get out of school. Then we can blackmail them and we will make a fortune."

The two of them didn't know that there was someone in the next room, so the sound was very loud, and both Li Mu and Haiyuan Ai heard it.

Listening to this sound, Li Mu had fun.

He didn't expect that someone would do something meaningful here like him. Things.

However, what Li Mu did was not illegal, but what these two people did was.

Haiyuan Ai also tugged on Li Mu's clothes and looked at Li Mu, as if asking what Li Mu should do.

Li Mu thought about it For a moment, and then looked at Haiyuan Ai seriously

"Wait for a while, wait until the two of us are finished, and then call the police. It won't take long anyway."

Hui Yuan Ai nodded after hearing this.

According to the normal time, Li Mu will be over soon. If he calls the police then, nothing will happen.

The poor two kidnappers still don't know that their plan has been They discovered it and were about to call the police.

But the two of them were still having fun in their minds, as if they were about to make a fortune.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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