Suzuki Shiro was just polite.

Youdao is to talk to people and talk to ghosts. Businessmen are probably the most polite people.

After all, harmony makes money.

Li Mu was naturally very polite.

Suzuki Shiro set his sights on Tomoko again

"Tomoko, you ordered that dress yourself, why did you change it again? What happened just now?"

Tomoko was also a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, Sonoko on the side understood all this and immediately took a step forward.

"Sorry, Dad, I accidentally spilled some tea when I was pouring it.

There were many guests today, so my mother changed that dress. I'm really sorry."

Tomoko looked at Sonoko gratefully. She is indeed her daughter, speaking for her at the most critical moment.

In fact, Sonoko has no choice. She can't let the relationship between Li Mu and Tomoko be exposed.

In this way, even she will be affected.

"Yeah? You really need to change your clothes, otherwise you will easily be embarrassed in front of the guests."

Suzuki Shiro nodded, and then no longer struggled with this issue.

"By the way, let's go meet other people. The presidents of other clubs have already passed."

Suzuki Shiro suddenly thought of something and led Sonoko and others to the center of the living room.

Suddenly, the entire conference room was divided into two parts.

One part was naturally going to celebrate his birthday, and the other part was naturally coming to Li Mu. In fact, the so-called Birthdays and banquets are completely social platforms for these rich people.

Birthdays are just the second priority.

Li Mu looked at the people who came, very polite, with a smile on his face.

Not far away, Maori Xiao Goro hit Conan on the head hard

"Conan, you must study hard in the future and strive to reach this point."

Conan rolled his eyes, a little speechless.

It seems that Mouri Kogoro is jealous. A top detective is here, but no one comes to say hello.

Unlike usual, when Moori Kogoro goes to any place, almost everyone knows him. Basically It was the center of the hot spots.

Moori Kogoro was jealous, but he still cared about his own image and did not do anything extraordinary.

Time passed slowly, the banquet came to an end, and the guests who attended the banquet also left one after another..In the end, only Li Mu and others and Suzuki Shiro's family were left in the entire banquet hall.

After seeing off the last guest, Suzuki Shiro walked to Li Mu's side

"Mr. Li, Detective Maori, why don't you sleep here tonight and go back tomorrow?"

"How good is this? Otherwise, we should go back."

Mouri Kogoro touched the back of his head, feeling a little embarrassed. Conan glanced at it and complained with a heartbeat.

In this world, there are still times when Mouri Kogoro is embarrassed.

Moori Kogoro wants to leave, but some people don't. Happy, such as Sonoko Tomoko and the others.

Of course, Sonoko and the others do not care about Mouri Kogoro, they just hope that Li Mu will stay.

Who asked Mouri Kogoro to take Li Mu's car when he came, and Moori Kogoro was about to leave at this time, no This means that Li Mu has to leave too.

The two of them have not seen Li Mu for more than two weeks, and they miss him very much.

"Detective Maori, it's getting so late, why don't you stay and have a rest before leaving tomorrow! Tomoko was the first to speak.

"Yes, I haven’t been with Xiaolan for a long time. Uncle Maori, just stay with Xiaolan."

Yuanzi also spoke.

"Yes, I also admire Detective Maori very much. Detective Maori, you'd better stay."

Suzuki Shiro also said.

When Mouri Kogoro heard Suzuki Shiro say the same thing, he suddenly became complacent.

After all, there is a difference between being praised by an ordinary person and being praised by a person of high status.

"No matter where, since President Suzuki said so, I can only stay here."

Tomoko and Sonoko were immediately overjoyed and felt a little proud.

Since Mouri Kogoro stayed, they could also be with Li Mu at night.

"So Sonoko, take Detective Mori to the guest room. By the way, Detective Mori, do you want to chat with me?"

"Of course, that's what I want."

Moori Kogoro followed Suzuki Shiro and walked into the room together.

Li Mu raised the corners of his mouth and winked secretly at Sonoko and the others.

"Yuanzi, Xiaolan, I’m a little sleepy today, so I’m going to rest first. Goodbye."

"It's okay, Brother Li, you go and do your business, we just have something to discuss."

Yuanzi naturally noticed Li Mu's gaze and was immediately overjoyed.

Then, Li Mu came to his room, and Yuanzi and others walked to Yuanzi's room together.

It was convenient for them to be together tonight.

As for Conan, there was no other way. , and had to go back to the room to watch TV.

He really wanted to be with Xiaolan and the others, but unfortunately the three of Xiaolan had women's matters to discuss, so they couldn't let Conan in since they refused.

In the end, Mouri Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro While chatting, Conan was alone in the room, while Xiaolan and his party were all in Yuanzi's room, waiting for Li Mu.

Time passed little by little, and when the time was almost up, Li Mu made sure that no one was there and secretly came to Yuanzi's room. Room.

Sonoko and others were chatting when they suddenly saw the door open, raised their heads, and then saw Li Mu. As soon as they saw Li Mu coming in, the three of them were immediately happy.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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