"By the way, President Suzuki, it's almost nine o'clock outside and you need to take a rest. I won't disturb you today."

Mouri Kogoro was talking happily and subconsciously glanced at the clock next to him.

Unknowingly, the two of them chatted until past nine o'clock, and it was almost ten o'clock.

Suzuki Shiro also noticed the clock next to him, and at the same time I also took a look at the sky outside.

It was completely dark, and because of the bad weather, there was no moon outside.

At this time, you really should rest.

"That’s right, I won’t disturb Detective Maori while you rest. Then I will take a bath first. Tomorrow morning, I will also invite Detective Maori to have dinner with me."

"Goodbye then, President Suzuki."

Mouri Kogoro stood up, tidied his clothes, and then got up and left.

After watching Mouri Kogoro leave, Suzuki Shiro walked to the bathroom on the side.

After taking a bath, Suzuki Shiro returned to his room, but No Tomoko found

"Strange, where did Tomoko go?"

Suzuki Shiro murmured, then put on some clothes, left his room, and came outside Sonoko's room.

"Yuanzi, have you seen your mother? Is she there with you?"

In the room, Sonoko heard what Suzuki Shiro said and was about to get up to talk when she saw Li Mu and Tomoko next to her.

Regarding this, Sonoko was a little speechless.

Since it was over, she didn't go back to her home to rest. She was still lying down. Next to her.

Although she was speechless, Yuanzi also knew that she should help the two of them cover up, otherwise something would happen accidentally and they would be in trouble.

"Dad, I'm sorry, my mother was chatting in my room just now and she has fallen asleep now."

At this time, Tomoko also woke up.

Just after waking up, Tomoko found that Suzuki Shiro was outside.

"Shirou, I'm sorry, I fell asleep just now. I'm so sorry, I'll get up now."

After Suzuki Shiro confirmed that Tomoko was in Sonoko's room, he no longer worried.

"It's okay, it's getting late outside, and you're already asleep, so there's no need to get up. Just sleep here tonight."

When Li Mu heard Suzuki Shiro's words, the corners of his mouth raised, he grabbed Tomoko and tapped her on the face.

"Look, your husband is so considerate, why don't you just stay here tonight."

Tomoko and Sonoko couldn't help rolling their eyes after listening to Li Mu's words.

But to be honest, Tomoko didn't want to leave, especially since Li Mu was still next to her.

"Then I will be here tonight. You should also go to bed early and don’t stay up too late."

"I understand, then I will go to rest, and you should also rest early."

Suzuki Shiro didn't say much, turned around and left.

He didn't know that at this moment, his beloved was lying in Li Mu's arms, very kind.

After Li Mu confirmed that Suzuki Shiro had left, he looked at the person next to him Tomoko.

The jade rabbit fell in the west and the golden crow rose in the east.

The night passed like this.

When the next day came, Li Mu woke up early, then tidied his clothes and left the garden's room.

Walking in the corridor, Li Mu walked Not long after walking, he happened to meet Suzuki Shiro.

Suzuki Shiro also met Li Mu and quickly greeted him:"Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to be up. Did you go to the garden just now?"

The direction that Li Mu just came from happened to be the direction of Yuanzi. That's why Suzuki Shiro asked.

He didn't know that Li Mu had been resting in Yuanzi's room yesterday with three beauties.

"Yes, I originally planned to invite them to go running together, but they didn't seem to get up, so I planned to go alone."

"If you want to run, then the two of us will go together. It just so happens that I also want to run."

Suzuki Shiro suddenly said

"Okay, let's go together."

Li Mu really didn't want to run with an old man, but since we just said it, we can only do it together.

But Li Mu decided not to make this excuse next time, but to make another one.

Later, Li Mu and Suzuki Shiro were in the garden together They ran around for 20 minutes.

The two jogged and chatted.

When the sun came up, the two stopped running and returned to the restaurant.

At this moment, Sonoko and Tomoko were already in the restaurant.

Even more than just the two of them People, even Mouri Kogoro came.

When Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she felt happy

"Brother Li, where did you go just now? Why weren't you there when we just went to find you?"

"Oh, I just went for a run with Mr. Suzuki. I'm really sorry to keep you waiting."

Li Mu smiled and then sat at the dining table.

"Okay, Detective Mori, Xiaolan, and Tomoko, let’s start eating after keeping you waiting for so long."

Suzuki Shiro sat on the main seat, and then picked up the tableware.

As the head of the family, Suzuki Shiro said so, so naturally no one would wait.

"It's delicious. It's delicious. It's the food of President Suzuki's family. It's very delicious."

Mouri Kogoro was fascinated by this delicious food for a long time. He ate it with big mouthfuls, as if he hadn't eaten in more than ten years.

Xiaolan had black lines on her head and was a little dissatisfied.

"Dad, could you please be more careful and not be so embarrassed in other people's homes?"

"It's okay, Xiaolan, given the relationship between the two of us, don't worry about it."

Yuanzi waved her little hand, very unconcerned.

Seeing that Yuanzi had already said this, Xiaolan didn't say any more."

Pirates and Dragons Are Fateful"

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