"Really?" The corner of Li Mu's mouth rose and he said with a smile: "Black Jeanne, since that's the case, don't blame me for being rude."

  After speaking, Li Mu put Black Jeanne on the edge of the bath and let her lie down there. Li Mu also stood up and pressed her on top.


  Time passed slowly. After Li Mu vented on Hei Joan, he picked up Hei Joan and went outside. Looking at the empty outside, he put her on the table to the side and continued. started.

  In this way, Li Mu and Black Joan of Arc were wildly unrestrained, playing in various places in the castle, and even outside Joan of Arc's bedroom, so that Joan of Arc inside couldn't sleep all night.

  In the end, when it was almost dawn, Black Jeanne couldn't take it anymore, Li Mu just carried her back to his room, and Li Mu also lay on her bed and rested.

  When Li Mu and the others were resting, in Joan's room on one side, Joan covered her ruddy face, with a seductive blush on her face.

  "Damn, this bastard, doing this kind of thing in front of my room."

  She felt very strange when she thought that Li Mu was doing that kind of thing at her door and there was a strange sound.

  Especially her body, like taking a hot spring bath, became very strange.

  She didn't know what was going on, but hoped that it was not Black Jeanne who was with Li Mu, but her. At this moment, there was a trace of jealousy in her heart.

  But after a while, Joan of Arc reacted, shook her head and said, "How is this possible, how can I be jealous, this must be a mistake."

  After speaking, Jeanne covered her head with a quilt, trying to calm herself down, but she couldn't sleep peacefully no matter what.

  That night, it was not just that Joan of Arc couldn't sleep, but even other people who had a relationship with Li Mu couldn't sleep peacefully.

  Only Li Mu and Black Joan slept soundly, as if nothing had anything to do with them.

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Chapter [-] Lancelot strikes (two more)

  The next day, after Li Mu got up, looking at the blushing crowd, he couldn't help but slapped haha, and then sat on the sofa beside him.

  After a while, Joan of Arc came out and looked at the people who were staring at him, his face turned red all of a sudden, like a ripe red apple.

  Seeing that Black Jeanne was too embarrassed, Li Mu immediately said, "Okay, don't do this anymore, it's too bad to stare at someone like this."

  It was fine that Li Mu didn't speak. As soon as he spoke, Joan's eyes stared at Li Mu, with a trace of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

  She had slept well yesterday, but Li Mu and Black Jeanne were dashing at the door of her room, how could she not be angry.

  Li Mu also heard Joan's heart, and was embarrassed for a while, then he didn't say anything, and turned his head to look aside.

  Seeing that the atmosphere was too embarrassing, Arturia "[-]" on the side said quickly, "Okay, Li Mu, hurry up and prepare, we are going to have your breakfast today."

  "Okay, I'm going to prepare now." Li Mu ran over as if relieved, and came to the kitchen to help Chancheng Kui with his work.

  However, when he was doing things, he kept walking with his hands, making Chancheng Aoi's face flushed and shy.


  In this way, Li Mu once again had a stable day, the night gradually came, and at night, the heroic spirits began to move in unison.

  It has been several days since the Holy Grail War began, and the time has gradually reached the later stage, and the night is more and more dangerous.

  Under the dark night, near Li Mu Castle, a very embarrassed figure came over.

  Walking to the vicinity of a forest, the man stared at where Li Mu was, and muttered to himself, "Sister Kui, wait, I'll save you now, and I won't let you have any trouble."

  This person is naturally the sad man Matou Kariya in the original book. The sentence 'Tokiomi, it's all your fault' has become popular all over the country.

  After he came here, he naturally thought that Li Mu had stolen his sweetheart, so he came here specially to save Chancheng Aoi.

  Although he knew that Li Mu's heroic spirits were very strong and there were a lot of them, he didn't have much time, so he had to rush over.

  After walking for a while again, Matou Kariya broke into the forest of the old castle, and thus triggered the magic barrier inside, which alarmed Li Mu inside.

  "Everyone, prepare, there are heroic spirits coming from outside, you must be careful today."

  "Understood." When the others heard the arrival of the heroic spirit, their expressions immediately became solemn.

  Even Joan of Arc didn't know why, but she also became vigilant, as if she had forgotten her identity as a ruler, and subconsciously thought for Li Mu.

  After a while, after everyone walked out, they saw Matou Kariya walking in the distance.

  And Matou Yanye also saw everyone, especially Chancheng Aoi next to Li Mu, he was overjoyed, and quickly shouted: "berserker, hurry up and save people."

  Lancelot didn't hesitate, just roared and rushed over quickly, heading straight for Chancheng Aoi.

  Seeing this, Artoria on the side hurried over to stand in front of Li Mu, and met Lancelot with the Sword of Oath Victory in her hand.

  Lancelot saw Arturia, and suddenly there was a trace of tyranny in his eyes, his hands kept attacking, and there was a roar from the corner of his mouth.

  "A...King Arthur, King Arthur, I'm going to kill you."

  As soon as the words fell, Artoria was also surprised, and said in disbelief: "Difficult... Do we know each other? Or were we once companions?"

  At the time of speaking, Arturia had tears in her eyes, and she was even more sure of his identity, either an enemy or a companion.

  But Lancelot felt too familiar to her, like a companion for many years, so she blamed herself even more.

  She thought that all of this was her fault, otherwise others wouldn't be like this, and she came here to seek revenge for herself.

  When Lancelot was fighting, Aoi Chancheng also saw Matou Kariya in the distance, and was shocked.

  At this moment, Matou Kariya has white hair, many wrinkles on his face, and his pupils are even more bulged. He looks very old, and he doesn't look like he is thirty years old at all.

  "Yan Ye, what's wrong with you, how did you become like this?"

  Matou Kariya's heart trembled, and he lowered his head involuntarily, but still said: "Sister Kui, don't worry, I will definitely rescue you, and I won't let others hurt you.  … "

  "No, that's not the case, I am here voluntarily, even Sakura and Rin are here." Chancheng Aoi also knew that Matou Kariya had misunderstood, and quickly explained.

  "What? Rin and Xiao Sakura are also here?" Matou Kariya's face changed greatly, and he said angrily: "Sister Kwai, don't worry, Xiao Sakura and Rin I will save them back, they will be fine. "

  "No, Kariya, you are mistaken. Tomisaka Tokiomi and I have separated, and now I am with Li Mu. I am his person, don't make a mistake."

  After hearing this, Matou Yanye couldn't help but glance at Li Mu, with a trace of jealousy in his eyes.

  And Li Mu didn't speak the whole time. If Matou Yanye didn't know each other, he wouldn't mind solving this sad man.

  He even said that if it wasn't for the poor family, and he had a little conscience, Li Mu wouldn't talk nonsense with him.

  After Matou Kariya looked at Li Mu for a moment, he confirmed that Chancheng Aoi was not lying, so he lowered his head and pondered.

  If possible, he hopes to take Chancheng Aoi by himself, but he does not have the ability.

  He knew that he wouldn't live long, and even if he forcibly took Chancheng Aoi away, he couldn't protect her, and he would even suffer the poisonous hands of his perverted father.

  And he also understands that 4.6, with his strength, can't take Chancheng Aoi from Li Mu at all.

  After struggling for a moment, Matong Yanye suppressed the jealousy in his heart, raised his head, looked at Li Mu firmly and said, "You, remember to me, you must protect Sister Kui well, or I won't let you go. ."

  "Hmph, you don't need to say that." Li Mu snorted coldly, then put one arm around Chancheng Kui's waist, and said softly, "Xiao Kui, don't worry, I will definitely protect you, Xiao Kui. Sakura and Rin, I will take good care of them, just like Illya."

  Chancheng Kui blushed and nodded in a low voice, "Yes."

  At this moment, Chancheng Aoi felt very happy.

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Chapter [-] 'Comfort' Liya (three more)

  Matou Yanye glanced at Li Mu, then closed his eyes, unable to bear to look at the person he likes and others hugging him.

  After a while, Matou Kariya saw that the two were not showing their affection, and couldn't help but look at Lancelot.

  "berserker, stop and stop fighting."

  However, Lancelot ignored Matou Kariya, and continued to charge at Artoria, fighting non-stop.

  Matou Kariya was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that Lancelot seemed to have a grudge against Arturia, so he became anxious and hurriedly shouted.

  "berserker, what are you doing, stop quickly."

  It's a pity that Lancelot still ignored him and fought on his own. He kept attacking Arturia with both hands, and even the offensive in his hands became more and more fierce.

  After being anxious for a moment, Matou Kariya gritted his teeth, stretched out his right hand, and prepared to use the Command Spell to make Lancelot withdraw.

  Li Mu stood aside and hesitated for 19 minutes before saying, "Mato Kariya, let them fight, so that the grievances between them can be resolved as soon as possible."

  After Matou Kariya heard this, he glanced at the contradiction between the two, and without saying anything, he stood aside and watched anxiously.

  Irisviel next to her blinked her big red eyes and asked curiously, "Li Mu, do you know his identity?"

  "I know, but I can't say that until they find out for themselves."

  Since Li Mu refused to speak, although they were curious, they didn't ask any more questions, and watched the battle in the distance nervously.

  In the distance, although Artoria was dissatisfied with Li Mu's refusal to say anything, she also knew that the two did have grudges and had to continue fighting.

  However, Arturia's state was very bad, and there were a few small mistakes. Fortunately, Li Mu's magic power increased her attributes.


  Under the gazes of everyone, Lancelot suddenly rushed out with a stride, and the Noble Phantasm held in his right hand slashed hard at Artoria.

  Arturia turned slightly, dodging the attack, but the big tree behind her did not dodge, it was chopped straight down, and then fell down.

  The next moment, Artoria also leaned forward, raised the Sword of Oath Victory in her hand, and slashed hard at Lancelot.

  Immediately, her whole body strength was released, and a powerful force hit Lancelot's hand, sending the Noble Phantasm out of his hand.

  But in the next second, Lancelot took out his Noble Phantasm again. Seeing this Noble Phantasm, Arturia was stunned and understood at the same time.

  Undestructed Lake Light is the knight who once served her, and is the strongest knight of the round table - Lancelot's saber, which is paired with the sword of victory she holds, and it is a divine weapon of the same origin. .

  At this moment, if she didn't know who Berserker was, she would be King Arthur for nothing.

  But it was precisely knowing who Lancelot was that she felt very sad. Her strongest knight not only betrayed herself, but also hated herself so much.

  Even if he is incarnated as a berserker, he will come to seek revenge for himself.

  She didn't understand that she was so good to him, even if he gave herself a green hat, but she still gave him his princess, but he still betrayed her.

  Thinking about it, Artoria couldn't help but teardrops from her eyes.

  "Lan... Sir Lancelot, why are you, why am I sorry for you, you actually want to treat me like this."


  Others were also surprised when they heard it, but they didn't expect that this was Lancelot, King Arthur's Knight of the Round Table.

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