About 20 minutes later, the food from the restaurant was delivered.

Mouri Kogoro looked at the dishes that were delivered, and then secretly glanced at Fei Yingli.

"Li Mu, Xiaolan, you should try it carefully. The food here is very good. I have been eating here these days."

After saying that, Maori Kogoro glanced at Fei Yingri again, hoping that Fei Yingri would say something.

Time passed by, Fei Yingli's face was slightly red, flushed, and she looked a little cute.

Maori Kogoro naturally noticed it. Fei Yingli's expression showed some doubts in her heart

"Excuse me? Is there anything you need? His face doesn't look good."

Li Mu raised the corner of his mouth and didn't care.

For a moment, Fei Yingli and Xiaolan couldn't help but cursed in their hearts.

Fei Yingli was even more anxious and quickly wiped her forehead.

"This stuff is a bit spicy, so I feel a little uncomfortable"

"Is it spicy?"

Moori Kogoro looked at the spicy tofu and tasted it himself.

"This one doesn't seem too spicy."

At the same time, Xiaolan also took a bite, and then slapped her cheek with her little hand.

"This spicy tofu is indeed very spicy. Dad, could it be that you have lost your sense of taste?"

To be honest, this spicy tofu tastes good and is not particularly spicy.

But she needs to find an excuse for herself and Fei Yingli. She has no choice but to say that this spicy tofu is very spicy.

Li Mu also saw it. The two of them thought about it, and then said:"Maybe during this period, Xiaolan and the others don't eat spicy food. As time goes by, they don't think it's spicy anymore."

After listening to Li Mu's explanation, Mouri Kogoro also thought it was possible.

This is just like the ability to drink is developed through exercise. If you haven't eaten for a long time, your body may not be able to adapt to the spicy taste.

Not to mention other people, it's Conan, look. Looking at the three of them, Li Mu, he always felt that there was something unusual about the three of them.

But he couldn't figure it out. Conan stopped thinking about it and continued to have lunch.

After lunch, Maori Xiaowu paid the bill, left the restaurant together, and came to the nearby parking lot.

After arriving at the parking lot, Mouri Kogoro looked at Li Mu’s car and his eyes lit up.

"Li Mu, you have changed your car again, can you let me drive it?"

Mouri Kogoro can't afford this car, so he can only borrow it and enjoy his addiction."

"Okay, then go ahead and drive."

Li Mu nodded and sat directly in the back seat of the car.

Xiaolan and Fei Yingli sat on either side of Li Mu.

Conan looked at Li Mu, feeling very jealous and wanted to be next to Xiaolan..

Unfortunately, now that the seat has been taken, he has no choice but to sit in the passenger seat.

Mouri Kogoro excitedly occupied the driver's seat, and then patted the steering wheel. After being excited for a while, Mouri Kogoro drove the car The car left the parking lot.

Time gradually passed, and Feiyingli blushed.

Mouri Kogoro kept driving, and kept secretly paying attention to Feiyingli behind.

However, due to the angle of the back mirror, Mouri Kogoro could only see Fei Yingli’s cheeks and upper body.

I happened to see Fei Yingli’s abnormality

"Yingli, what's wrong with you? You don't look good. Is it too hot?"

Because it's summer, and the car is closed and the windows are not opened, the weather is still a bit hot. But if he knew the little secret between Li Mu and Fei Yingli, he probably wouldn't be so calm.

Fei. Yingli was startled and cursed in her heart.

"It's nothing, it's just a little hot. Please open the car window."

Besides, Xiaolan naturally noticed this situation and kicked Li Mu gently, hoping that Li Mu could restrain himself.

Not long after, they arrived at the Maori Detective Agency.

Below the agency, after Xiaolan got off the car, she immediately Walked to Fei Yingli's side and grabbed Fei Yingli's arm.

"Mom, you will stay here tonight. I haven’t been with you for a long time."

After saying that, Xiaolan leaned on Fei Yingli's ear and said softly

"Well, I haven't been with you for a long time. Let's have a good chat tonight and reunite mother and daughter."

Moori Kogoro was very happy. You wanted to say something, but you were afraid that Fei Yingli would leave angrily, so you simply didn't say anything.

Li Mu looked at the secret joy of Maori Kogoro in his heart, shook his head, and suddenly felt pity.

He suddenly I feel that Mouri Kogoro is quite pitiful. I should repay him well.

One Piece: A Fate with the Dragon_To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Novel

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