"Okay, we've almost rested, let's go take a look at the moon. You see, the moon in the sky is very round."

Xiaolan looked at the moon in the sky and couldn't help but squint her eyes.

Li Mu also raised his head and looked into the sky.

Before he knew it, it was the night of the full moon, and the bright moonlight illuminated the dark sky. The earth.

Although the light was not particularly bright, Li Mu could still see traces on the ground and the figures nearby.

"Okay, let’s go and see it together."

Li Mu nodded, and then took the lead in walking to a nearby wall.

Here, the moonlight is very bright, and there is a beautiful mountain view in the distance.

This is a good place to cultivate sentiments, and it is also a good place for lovers to A good place to be romantic together.

It would be great if there weren't so many troublesome people nearby, especially Hattori Heiji. In that case, Li Mu can hug him and enjoy his peak life.

Become CEO, marry Bai Fumei, From now on, you will reach the pinnacle of your life

"Brother Li, the moonlight is so beautiful today."

Kazuye looked at the moon in the sky, with a bright smile on his face. He looked very cute.

Such a cute and beautiful smile made Kazuye look even more beautiful. Hattori Heiji on the side was stunned, with a look on his face Like a pig brother.

Next to Hattori Heiji, Okita Souji was a little speechless. Such an incompetent person was actually his competitor.

He was a little embarrassed.

But to be honest, Xiaolan was quite cute, and he couldn't bear it. Zhu took one more look at Xiaolan.

But unfortunately, Xiaolan already had someone she liked, and she rejected him righteously.

"Yes, the sky today is really beautiful."

Xiaolan and Yuanzi also looked at the sky, with bright smiles on their faces.

Although it was dark night, Li Mu could still clearly see the faces of the three of them.

All of them were beautiful women.

If not If the time is wrong, Li Mu will definitely eat all three of them, eating them cleanly.

After a while, He Ye subconsciously grabbed Li Mu's arm and pulled him into his arms.

Li Mu felt a little soft.

No. Not to mention, Kazuya's figure is very good, very good, this feeling is extraordinary.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji's eyes widened, and there was anger in his eyes.

Kazuye has never caught him like this, and now He could grab Li Mu's arm and act so intimately

"Heye, what are you doing? In broad daylight, in public, you two are actually arguing like this."

He Ye also reacted.

Just now, she subconsciously wanted to catch Li Yi and forgot about the current situation.

There were many big light bulbs next to her, and she couldn't restrain herself for a moment.

When she thought that so many classmates saw it, she suddenly became shy. He lowered his head shyly.

This expression made Hattori Heiji even more dissatisfied and jealous.

Li Mu glanced at Hattori Heiji

"Hattori, you seem to have forgotten that it’s evening now, it’s not broad daylight anymore."

Hattori Heiji almost choked to death.

Is this issue his focus? Why bother with this issue?

Simply, Hattori Heiji is not saying anything. Anyway, Heiye has separated from Li Mu, so what he is saying is useless.


About half an hour later, it was already getting dark, and the teacher asked the students to go back.

Li Mu and Xiaolan also went back together.

After arriving at the hotel, Li Mu entered the hotel directly.

Hattori Heiji frowned slightly when he saw Li Mu going in with him, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Li Mu, why are you here? Isn't this where students live?"

He really wants Li Mu to leave, but he can't drive Li Mu away in a fair and just way.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you that in this world, money is not everything, but without money nothing is impossible.

I have already bribed the boss here and bought a room at a big price, so I will stay here tonight"

"The most evil rich man."

Hattori Heiji complained, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"By the way, I live in Room 01 on the top floor. If you have anything, you can go to me and I can help you."

Li Mu said something, then turned around and left. After listening to Li Mu's words, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and He Ye immediately understood what Li Mu was thinking.

However, none of the three showed it, so whether it was Hattori Heiji or Shiliang Zhenjun, the two true detectives found nothing unusual.

After Li Mu returned to the room, the others also returned to their rooms, and then began to wash and sleep.

By the time everyone fell asleep, it was already dark. He Ye quietly came out of his bed and glanced at the classmates next to him.

Because there were many students, it would be wasteful for one person to have a room, so several rooms shared a room.

As for the bed? There is no need at all, because there is one here Just laying one layer of tatami on the floor is enough.

Kazuha secretly left the room without anyone noticing.

On the other hand, after Sonoko and Xiaolan got up, they glanced at Sera Masumi next to them, and then took They picked up their coats.

The two of them carefully made sure that Masumi Sera had not woken up, and then left secretly.

But as soon as the two people left, Masumi Sera opened her eyes and looked at the backs of the two people as they left.

"These two guys are sneaky and don't know what to do, so they must be useful."

Sera Masaki doesn't think Xiaolan and Sonoko did anything bad, but what is certain is that there must be some secrets between the two.

As a detective, her mission is to dig out these secrets.

Xiaolan and Sonoko , but they don’t have such excellent anti-detection skills, and of course they don’t know that someone is secretly following them.

After Sera Masumi left the room, she followed Xiaolan. Not long after she left, a black figure appeared in front of Sera Masumi. From behind, he gently knocked Sera Masumi on the back of his neck.

With this heavy blow, Sera Masumi fainted directly.

"These two little girls didn't know how to pay attention. If I hadn't come over to watch, they might have been exposed."

This black figure was none other than Li Mu.

Because he was afraid of being discovered by Hattori Heiji, Li Mu secretly came down to ensure that the three of them would not be discovered.

Fortunately, Li Mu came down and stopped Sera Masumi in time.

Pirates and Dragons -

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