Hattori Heiji felt a little disappointed when he saw that Kazuha didn't say anything.

He originally hoped to say something to Ye, so that he would know what he should say next.

But he stopped talking to Ye, what else could he do.

Along the way, Li Muhe and the Ye guys talked and laughed, looking at Hattori Heiji a little jealous, but couldn't get a word in.

Soon, everyone arrived at the hotel.

When he arrived at the hotel, He Ye looked at Li Mu with some reluctance.

"Brother Li, it’s getting late, so we’ll go back to rest. You should also rest early."

"I will go to bed early, and you should also go to bed early. Don't sleep too late, it is not good for your health."

Li Mu put his hand on Kazuye's little head and kneaded it gently.

Kazuye was very happy and did not resist. Li Mu's hand stroked her head.

Next to him, Hattori Heiji was so angry that he gritted his teeth and his body was slightly He was trembling, wishing he could duel with Li Mu.

Unfortunately, this was just a thought in his mind.

"Then I'm leaving. Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Madam, you should go to bed early and don't play too late."

Li Mu said goodbye to the three of them, then got in the elevator and headed to the top floor.

After He Ye and the other three reluctantly said goodbye to Li Mu, they each returned to their rooms.

After Li Mu arrived in the room, he sat directly on the sofa and waited patiently.

He believed that He Ye and the others would come over soon, just to eat him.

In this case, Li Mu only had to wait patiently. He didn’t know how long it had been

, but it was already dark, and the two All the students in the school had fallen asleep.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi secretly glanced at Sera Masaki next to them, and then left directly.

This time, the two of them were not worried about being discovered, because before that, Li Mu had already given He gave the two of them a sleeping pill.

The current Shiliang Zhenzun must have been knocked out by Xiaolan.

So after the two left, they walked directly towards the floor where Li Mu was.

On the other side, Kazuo also opened his eyes secretly. Opening her eyes, she left her room while others were not paying attention.

Just when Heye went to the top floor, Heye didn't notice that a person suddenly appeared behind her.

This person was not someone else. It was Hattori Heiji who had just come out of his room.

Because Hattori Heiji was in a bad mood, he was going to go out to buy some food.

But as soon as he came out, he saw some sneaky Kazuha

"Where does He Ye want to go?"

Hattori Heiji murmured, and then followed Kazuya cautiously, very curious about where Kazuye was going.

He did not notice that behind him, there was also a person slowly approaching. This person was none other than Li Mu. Li Mu. After approaching Hattori Heiji, the corners of his mouth raised.

In order to have a peaceful night, Li Mu had no choice but to surrender to Hattori Heiji.

Hattori Heiji was about to follow Kazuha when he suddenly found a shadow behind him. He was startled and the alliance turned. But just as he turned around

, Li Mu stretched out his hand and knocked Hattori Heiji unconscious.

After taking care of Hattori Heiji, Li Mu grabbed Hattori Heiji, went directly to Hattori Heiji's room, and placed Hattori Heiji inside the door.

After Li Mu made sure everything was safe, he left this floor directly and went to the top floor.

As soon as he arrived at the top floor, Li Mu saw He Ye and Xiaolan together.

They were all standing at the gate waiting.

He Ye also saw Li Mu and hurriedly Asked:"Brother Li, you came up from below again, did something happen?"

Li Mu walked up to He Ye, reached out and patted He Ye's little head.

"Kazuya, it’s true for you, Hattori was right behind you just now, and you didn’t even notice.

Fortunately, I knocked out your Hattori for you. Otherwise, Hattori would probably have discovered our secret."

"What? Heiji is behind."

Kazuye was startled, and he was very happy in his heart.

Fortunately, Li Mu found out, otherwise Hattori Heiji found out, and their secret would have been lost.

Not only Kazuye, but also Xiaolan and Sonoko were very Fortunately

"Hattori is also true, why does he always like to follow people, just like Conan, if this continues, we will be discovered one day."

Xiao Lan complained dissatisfiedly.

If she was discovered one day, she would have a headache.

Thinking about it with Ye and Yuanzi, once this kind of thing is discovered, their reputation will not be guaranteed.

"Okay, do you still have to worry about this kind of thing? At worst, don't take them two with you when you come out in the future. You can trick them and throw them away.

All in all, we will come out from now on and try our best to get rid of the two of them."

Li Mu has wanted to do this for a long time.

Every time he goes out, he will bring a few oil bottles with him, which is really a bit unhappy.

If we can get rid of the two of them, Li Mu will not have to worry about being discovered when he does anything in the future.

And Ye nodded after listening.

"That’s right, I’ll do this from now on and try my best to get the two of them to get rid of each other."

"That's right, Xiaolan, try not to take that little devil in your house with you from now on."

It's not just Kazuha, Sonoko thinks the same way.

As for Conan, that troublesome guy, Sonoko has long wanted to say it, but she was concerned about Xiaolan, so she never said it.

Xiaolan thinks of Conan, who is usually a troublesome one.

In the past It was nothing back then, but now, the three of them are often with Li Mu, and it would not be good if they were discovered.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan also had a firm look in her eyes

"Well, next time we come out, we will come out secretly and don’t let anyone else know."

"Okay, let’s not dwell on this matter. Let’s go in quickly. If we don’t go in, it will be really late."

Li Mu took a look at the sky outside, immediately opened the door, and then pulled He and Ye in. After thinking about it, He and Ye couldn't forget the purpose of today.

They just came to see Li Mu, not to discuss anything. Hattori Heiji and others.

On the other hand, Ikeha Shizuka was in his room, holding a mobile phone in his hand, but what he was thinking about was Li Mu

"The three of them should be at Li Mu's place."

In fact, He Ye is indeed with Li Mu.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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