Li Mu spent the whole afternoon accompanying Xiaolan and others shopping.

As the only man, Li Mu naturally shouldered the mission of helping everyone get the packages.

As for Conan, who told him to be small, naturally he didn't need to take the bag, he just needed to follow behind.

For this reason, Conan was still very happy. Along the way, with a bright smile on his face, he looked at Li Mu and wanted to slap him.

This guy really deserves a beating.

Fortunately, the afternoon passed quickly.

At about four o'clock, Li Mu and his party went to the nearby vegetable market, bought some vegetables, and then returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

In the office, Mouri Kogoro has returned and is reading the newspaper.

When Li Mu and others came back, Maori Kogoro took a look, and then continued to focus on the newspaper.

"You are back. Did you have fun these days?"

"I am very happy. These days, doing it is the happiest few days I have ever had. It makes me feel like I have forgotten everything."

Li Mu said first, and at the same time he stretched out a hand and put it on Conan's head.

Conan's face turned dark instantly.

He was very happy these days. Why did these words sound so annoying?

Especially Li Mu's happy expression, which made He felt very unhappy.

Why could Li Mu live such a happy life, but he could only spend two days in the hospital bed

? He picked up the phone and flipped through it.

Sera Masaki glanced at Li Mu, then walked behind Conan and looked at Conan's phone.

After seeing the content on the phone, Conan's pupils shrank and he looked seriously.

"Conan, are you also investigating Haneda Koji's case? What's going on now?"

Koji Haneda.

It's none other than Masumi Sera's brother.

Over the years, both Masumi Sera and Shuichi Akai have been investigating the cause of death of Koji Haneda.

However, there hasn't been much progress.

So Sera Masumi wanted to ask Conan, maybe Conan would find out something from his investigation.

Conan also took a deep look at Sera Masumi, and then showed an awkward smile.

"Sorry, Sister Sera, I don’t have any clues, but one thing is certain, that is, the clues left by Haneda Koji should point to the murderer."

Sera Masumi nodded.

Indeed, the clue left by Haneda Koji was referring to Rum in the black organization.

Abbreviating those letters into two words, it was Rum.

Instead, Li Mu stepped forward, Standing behind Conan, he nodded solemnly.

"You actually don't even know such a simple clue, it's not just Urenmaru, it's not what it means on the surface."

Although Li Mu said it casually, it was like thunder, shaking the pure hearts of Conan and Sera.

Yes, if you follow the superficial meaning, it is indeed the Wuren Maru that Li Mu said.

This is not the point. The important point is that the Wu Ren Maru Ye mentioned by Li Mu was the man who died half of the world's most famous rich man.

Moreover, Wu Ren Maru Ye's favorite pattern at that time was the crow, which was the crow that symbolized the black organization.

If it were in the past, they probably wouldn't believe that Urenmaruya was still alive.

But now, Conan can change from an adult to a child, and it's not impossible for Urenmaruya to be alive.

But if it's really like what they think , Urenmaruya is still alive, then Urenmaruya's power must be very huge.

And they are enemies of the most powerful people in the Neon Kingdom.

When thinking of this, Conan and Sera Masumi's faces turned pale. It was dark, and their expressions were a little solemn.

But the two of them were not afraid. Even if they were enemies of the whole world, they would still find the secret of this black organization and catch the mastermind behind it.

Li Mu looked at the two people who were thinking seriously and touched Touch chin

"Speaking of this guy named Uren Maruya, I remember that when our company was first founded, we had a very close relationship with him and could be considered a partner.

At that time, we had a lot of cooperation, and it was still secret cooperation. Unfortunately, it took so long that I had almost forgotten about it."

Of course Li Mu was talking nonsense, and the purpose was to attract Conan's attention.

Then...then Li Mu didn't tell Conan, which made Conan anxious and flattered him.

In the end, Li Mu didn't say anything, which made Conan very angry. After hearing Li Mu's words, Conan's eyes lit up and he immediately stood up and looked at Li Mu hurriedly.

"What did you say? Tell me about that quickly, what kind of cooperation is there?"

Shiliang Zhenchun was also in a hurry. He didn't care so much and immediately grabbed Li Mu's collar.

"That's right, tell us these things quickly, what exactly is this cooperation? What else do you know about Urenmaruya?"

Li Mu was very serious and straightened his collar.

"No, your attitude is too bad and your tone is too bad. I am very unhappy, so don't tell you."

After saying that, Li Mu sat aside, holding the remote control in his hand, as if he didn't want to pay attention to Conan.

Conan and Sera Masumi also reacted. They seemed to be too anxious just now, and their tone was a bit bad, which made Li Mu dissatisfied.

"Conan, seriously, how could you talk to Brother Li like this? Don’t you know how to be polite?"

Xiaolan came over, with her hands on her hips, looking a little serious.

As for Shiliang Zhenjun, she was a classmate with her, so it was not convenient for her to say anything.

Conan was very embarrassed, not only provoking Li Mu, but also Xiaolan.

Of course, Now is not the time to think about this matter. He wants to know what Li Mu knows about Wu Ren Wan Ye.

"Brother Li, I'm sorry. I was too anxious just now, so my tone was a little bad. I wonder what you know, Brother Li, can you tell me."

Seliang Zhenzun sat next to Li Mu and looked at Li Mu with a smile, showing two small tiger teeth. She looked quite cute.

"Yes, Li Mu, do you know something? Can you tell me?"

Li Mu leaned on the sofa and patted his legs with a very unhappy look on his face.

"Alas, I walked too far today and my legs are a little sore here. If someone can help me, maybe I can remember."

Conan's face darkened. He still didn't know what Li Mu meant.

Although he was speechless, Conan still punched Li Mu hard.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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