After Li Mu left, Yuanzi felt a little uncomfortable.

"Xiaolan, I'm going to take a bath. I like that I'm resting."

"I'll go take a shower too."

Fei Yingli also felt a little uncomfortable, so she followed Yuanzi and went to take a hot bath together. On the other side, after Li Mu left, he drove towards his home.

About half an hour later, Li Mu arrived home.

As soon as he got home, Li Mu saw that there was still light in the room on the second floor. It was estimated that Mira had not rested yet.

It was precisely because Mira had not rested yet, so as long as Li Mu was free, he would definitely go home at night.

Otherwise, Mira will definitely not rest.

After parking the car, Li Mu went directly to the second floor and opened the door.

At this moment, Mira was eating food while watching the bitter drama in the TV series.

The door opened At that moment, Mira was obviously very happy. She immediately stood up and walked towards Li Mu.

"Li Mu, you're finally back. It's so late. I thought you weren't coming back today."

"How can it be? I'll be back every night, as long as I'm in this city."

Li Mu clicked on Mira's face and pulled him to the sofa on the side.

Mira smelled Li Mu's body, frowned slightly, puffed up her little face, and was a little unhappy.

"Li Mu, asked, are you with Xiaolan? You smell of her all over your body, so you must be with her."

After saying that, Xiaolan's face showed a trace of seriousness.

She thought that for so many days, Li Mu came back very late every night, and it must be at Xiaolan's place.

Li Mu looked at each other.

Mira was right, he was indeed With Xiaolan, it's not just Xiaolan alone, there are two people.

However, of course Li Mu will not tell it. If he says this, wouldn't he be an idiot?

"Okay, Mira, don't be angry, I'm not back now, you see, I will be back every night."

Mila's face became much better after listening to Li Mu's words.

After all, if Li Mu comes back every night, he must take her seriously.

If he doesn't like her, he may not come back every night.

Thinking of this, Mi Laya no longer hesitates

"Okay, Mira, you take a rest first, and I'll prepare something. When it's ready, I'll rest too."

After Mira sat up straight, she tapped Li Mu's face.

"Okay, then remember to go to bed early and don't be too tired."

"Don't worry, I won't be too tired."

Li Mu immediately left the room, came to the study, and then took out a piece of paper.

This piece of paper was very simple. It was obtained by Li Mu a long time ago, but it has been kept there.

There are some writings on it, but most of it is The blank space is completely enough to write something down.

Li Mu picked up the pen and thought seriously for a while.

Today Li Mu is going to make a treasure map and give it to Conan and the others so that Conan can go out to hunt for treasure.

In this way, no one can disturb Arrive in Li Mu.

Especially in two days, it will be Sunday again, and with the holidays, there will be a total of three days off.

These three days must be a very good day.

But before that, Li Mu needs to prepare. A treasure map to drive Conan out.

As long as Conan wants to get the false list of black organizations, he will definitely go out and look for it.

Li Mu thought about it for a long time.

After all, if he wants to prepare a treasure map, it must be necessary A very profound code requires Conan to rack his brains.

So Li Mu thought for a long time and finally came up with a perfect code.

Conan would never be able to unlock this code without three or five days.

And this Within three to five days, Li Mu will definitely be very happy. Next time, he can find another opportunity to trick Conan out.

"Tsk tsk tsk, with this plan, Conan will definitely have a headache when the time comes."

Li Mu looked at the plan in his hand and felt very proud.

Sure enough, a genius is a genius and cannot be compared with ordinary people.

"By the way, there are still some things that must be prepared."

Since it is a treasure map, there must be treasures.

Li Mu took a few pieces of paper and wrote some names on the paper.

Of course, these names were not written randomly. Li Mu had already invaded the network and selected Some people whose families were ruined.

Most of these people are usually very mysterious, and in the end all their families died tragically.

If you write the names of these people, you will definitely be able to fool Conan.

As for the others, even if you can fool Conan, you will definitely He couldn't satisfy the FBI, so he had to be very mysterious early.

After writing about seven or eight names, Li Mu suddenly stopped, hesitated, and wrote in Kudo Shinichi's grandfather.

"Hahaha, Conan, if you find out that your grandfather is related to this matter, I don’t know what you will think then."

Li Mu was so happy when he thought of Conan discovering his grandfather's name and then going to investigate his grandfather.

By then, Conan probably wouldn't be in the mood to trouble Li Mu.

After thinking for a while, Li Mu wrote on it again The name of a person, none other than Dr. A Li.

In addition to Dr. A Li, Li Mu also wrote the name of the first-generation Kaitou Kidd.

In short, as long as those who look particularly mysterious and have lived in the past life On the Internet, Li Mu wrote all the people who were considered to be members of the black organization and who matched the age.

Poor Conan didn't know that he had been tricked by Li Mu.

I'm afraid that once Conan learns about it, As for the whereabouts of the black organization, he will definitely look for those clues regardless of trivial matters. He will also investigate his grandfather and Dr. Ali.

"Okay, done."

After Li Mu finished writing, he placed this quaint-looking treasure map on the table and left the study.

After returning to the room, Li Mu glanced at Mira, who was already sleeping soundly, and lay down without waking him up. Next to him.

At night, the moonlight was so bright, shining directly on Li Mu.

Gradually, Li Mu fell into sleep.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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