In a ramen shop, Li Mu came in, found a seat, and sat down together.

As soon as he sat down, Li Mu picked up the menu and handed it to Miwako and the three people next to him.

"Miwako, Yumi, Miaozi, take a look, if you want to eat anything, order whatever you want, I’ll treat you."

"OK, I'll order first."

Yumi nodded, then immediately picked up the menu and took a serious look at it.

"I'll just...just order some ramen"

"Then I'll have some ramen too"

"Let me have one too."

Miwako and the other three said that what they ordered was expensive, but in fact, they were still very polite and did not order anything too expensive.

Li Mu was quite touched.

"Okay, let's have some bowls of ramen, and I'll eat ramen too."

After ordering lunch, Li Mu sat and waited.

In about ten minutes, the ramen for the four of Li Mu was served.

"Wow, it tastes so delicious. I can’t wait to eat it."

Yumi sighed with emotion, and then began to taste it.

At this moment, a figure walked in.

After this person came in, he was just about to sit next to Li Mu when he saw Li Mu and walked over immediately

"Li Mu, are you here too?"

Li Mu turned his head, looked at the person in front of him, and was stunned for a moment.

"It's you? I didn’t expect you to be here too. Isn’t it so fateful?"

The person in front of them was none other than Hattori Heiji's mother Shizuka Ikeha.

Miwako and the other three also stopped and looked at Shizuka Ikeha next to them, feeling suddenly nervous.

After all, the person in front of them was obviously Li Mu's Friends, will they be discovered by Li Mu’s friends?

"Li Mu, is this your friend? Why haven't I seen it?"

Miwako asked.

Miike Naoko and Yumi didn't speak. They just looked at Chibo Jinghua and then at Li Mu, feeling a little curious in their hearts.

"Oh, by the way, please explain. This is Shizuka Ikeha, the mother of Hattori Heiji, and, madam, these three are three policemen from the Metropolitan Police Department and also my friends.

The three of them are going on a trip this time, so I came here to see them off."

"What? She is the mother of Hattori Heiji."

Miwako shouted in surprise and looked at Ikeha Shizuka in disbelief.

Others didn't know much about Hattori Heiji, but she had seen him a lot, so she naturally knew Hattori Heiji very well.

That dark-skinned boy actually had such a young, beautiful and fair mother..Real or false.

Li Mu naturally knew Miwako’s surprise and smiled calmly.

"How about it? Miwako, don’t you feel very confident? In fact, I also think that Hattori Heiji’s guy was actually picked up, probably from the trash can."

"Hey, hey, hey, Li Mu, that’s not a good thing to say, right?"

Miwako coughed lightly and kicked Li Mu's feet at the same time.

"It doesn't matter. To be honest, I picked up that Heiji kid from the trash can many years ago. Thinking about it now, it's been so many years that I almost forgot about it."

Chi Bo Jinghua sat next to Li Mu and replied with a smile.

"What? is this real? That kid was really picked up by you."

Miwako looked at Shizuka Ikeha in surprise. She didn't expect that Hattori Heiji was picked up by Shizuka Ikeha.

Li Mu looked at Miwako who was serious and was speechless.

"Miwako, do you believe this? Madam is just joking with you. That black boy looks like his father and looks nothing like Madam."

After listening to Li Mu's words, Miwako glanced at Chibo Jinghua who was snickering, and immediately understood.

"By the way, madam, remember that you are here for dinner too, why don't we come together? Anyway, Li Mu is treating us today."

Sanchi Miaozi on the side invited.

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't say anything, just looked at Li Mu.

If Li Mu invited, Chi Bo Jinghua would definitely agree without saying a word.

But this is not Li Mu's invitation.

Li Mu still doesn't understand Chi Bo Jinghua. He immediately said:"Yes, madam, since you are here, let's have dinner together. I will treat you at noon today.""

"Well, since you have invited me, I won’t refuse."

Li Mu has already invited, how could Chi Bo Jinghua refuse, and directly agreed.

Chi Bo Jinghua then ordered a ramen, and then sat next to Li Mu

"By the way, the three of you went out to play with Li Mu today. Is it possible that one of you is Li Mu's girlfriend? Chibo

Jinghua looked at the three Miwako and asked with a smile on her face.

As soon as she finished speaking, Miwako and the other three blushed instantly, feeling extremely shy.

However, the three of them quickly refused.

"No, no, we are just ordinary friends"

"Yes, we are indeed just ordinary friends"

"That's just eating together occasionally."

Chi Bo Jinghua looked at the expressions of the three people.

She still didn't know what these three people were thinking. She just asked, but who knew that the expressions of the three people immediately betrayed her.

At the same time, Chi Bo Jinghua also felt sad in her heart. I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This guy Li Mu actually managed to take down three police beauties without saying a word, plus her, He Ye and a lot of other people.

I'm afraid there are no less than one class of people related to Li Mu.

Chi Bo Jinghua couldn't help but kicked Li Mu, and at the same time secretly glanced at Li Mu.

Li Mu didn't know what Chi Bo Jinghua was thinking, so he also kicked Chi Bo Jinghua.

"Okay, the ramen is here, let’s eat it first, and then let’s go out and play together."

Li Mu opened his mouth to invite.

Since Chi Bo Jinghua is here, let's invite him together. Anyway, in the afternoon, Li Mu just plans to go shopping and won't do anything else.

"I...I'll hang out with you guys, is that okay? It seems inappropriate for you young people to be together."

Chi Bo Jinghua wanted to be with Li Mu in her heart, but she still pretended to refuse on the surface.

"It doesn't matter, let's go shopping together in the afternoon. We are all friends anyway."

Miwako was the first to speak.

"Yes, let's go shopping together, so that we can feel the same."

The other two people also started to invite Chibo Jinghua.

Although there is an extra light bulb, it is not evening time anyway. When it is night, they don't want anyone to disturb them.

"Yes, ma'am, let's meet in the afternoon. After all, it's rare for us to meet each other."

Li Mu said again

"Then I will trouble you this afternoon."

Chibo Jinghua didn't want to refuse, so she agreed directly.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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