After finishing breakfast, Li Mu began to pack his luggage.

Although ordinary students still have two days of vacation, Miwako and the others have very few vacations due to their careers.

Need to go back today.

Therefore, after Li Mu finished eating, he started to pack his luggage, then got into Li Mu's car and left here together.


On the highway, Miwako drove the car, Li Mu sat in the back, and Miike Naoko and Yumi sat on both sides of Li Mu.

It was very boring in the car, and before he knew it, Li Mu couldn't help but fall asleep.

Next to her, Yumi looked at the sleeping Li Mu, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, stretched out her hand, put it on Li Mu's face, and pulled it up hard.

Li Mu was awakened instantly.

As soon as he woke up, Li Mu noticed Yumi's gaze and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yumi, what's wrong? Is it possible that you really miss me that much?"

Yumi's face turned red instantly.

Miwako couldn't help but glance at Yumi through the rear mirror.

If she had known this, she would have asked Yumi to drive so that she could be with Li Mu, and maybe she could do something else..

But now, such a good opportunity was given to Yumi for nothing, and she was really a little jealous.

Miike Naeko also secretly looked at Yumi and Li Mu.

Anyway, no matter what Yumi and Li Mu do later, she will penetrate them A kick.

When necessary, she can take the initiative.

Li Mu naturally noticed a few scorching eyes, but he still didn't understand what these people were thinking.

I don't know how long it took, but Miwako's car suddenly slowed down slowly, and her expression became a little... dignified

"Okay, Li Mu, Miao Zi, you two can take a rest. There are roadblocks and some traffic police ahead. I guess something is going on."

After everything was sorted out, Miwako stopped the car and the police came over.

"Sorry, please show your driver's license"

"Officer Miwako, Officer Yumi, Officer Miike Naeko, I didn’t expect it to be you. Have you returned from vacation?"

Obviously, this person in charge happens to know Miwako and the other three.

"Yes, we are back, what happened? What happened again?"

Miwako glanced at the nearby formations, and it was obvious that something big had happened.

"Yes, there was a jewelry robbery recently. The criminal is still fleeing, so we blocked all routes in the hope of catching the robber."

"Yeah? Then I won't disturb you. Please check it quickly. We'll go first."Miwako said.

"No need, I know all the police officers, and I also know Mr. Li Mu. There is no need to waste time. You go first."

The person in charge just got out of the way.

After all, there were three policemen and a super rich man in this car. How could such a few people commit robbery?

And if there were robbers, Miwako and the others would probably wink at her. , naturally there is no need to check.

After the car left, Li Mu took a look at the roadblocks behind, and then directly grabbed Sanchi Miaozi

"Okay, Miaozi, we don’t need to waste time, let’s hurry up, today, I will let you feel my warmth."

After that, Li Mu took the initiative.

About half an hour later, Miwako drove a car and arrived at the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Li Mu, the three of us have to go to work and drive back by ourselves. Remember to be careful."

"Okay, I'll go back first, don't work too hard, remember to take a rest."

Li Mu was concerned for a moment, and then sat in the driver's seat.

Pirates and Dragons Are Fateful

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