"Wait, who are these two people?"

Yamucha suddenly saw No. 19 and No. 20, and stopped subconsciously.

Because he felt that No. 19 and No. 20 were a little strange. They were hit by a car, but nothing happened. Although he didn't care about this kind of thing, It can be done, but after all, it is not something ordinary people can do.

This also shows that No. 19 and No. 20 are not ordinary people.

Similarly, No. 19 and No. 20 also noticed Yamu Cha and set their sights on Yamu Cha. body

"On the 20th, it seems to be Sun Wukong’s companion, a guy named Yamcha. His energy is very good. Why not let me absorb it?"

"Well, I’ll leave it to you."

No. 20 did not refuse. He stood calmly and did not take Yamcha seriously at all.

Maybe Yamcha is very strong, but this little energy is like a small meal to him.

No. 19 got 20 After No. 19 agreed, his body flashed and appeared in front of Yamcha in the blink of an eye, and then grabbed Yamcha.

Yamcha's pupils shrank, and when he was about to resist, No. 19 grabbed his mouth and was unable to speak. words.

Similarly, Yamcha felt that the power in his body disappeared, and his breath was also declining rapidly.

At this moment, Sun Wukong and others all felt it.

Even Li Mu also felt it.

"No, something happened to Yamcha."

Sun Wukong and others immediately rushed in the direction of Yamcha.

After a while, Sun Wukong and his party came to Yamcha's side and saw No. 19 and No. 20 at the same time.

"Yamu tea."

Sun Wukong shouted, then rushed towards No. 19, and kicked No. 19 down with one foot.


There was a loud noise, and No. 19 was kicked away.

Sun Wukong had no time to cause trouble for No. 19, and rushed towards No. 19 immediately. He grabbed Yamcha and captured Yamcha.

Then, Klin and his party also came back.

"Clym, get him."

Sun Wukong threw Yamcha to Klin.

Klin immediately grabbed Yamcha, flew to the side, and then looked at Yamcha with concern.

"Wukong, don't worry, Yamcha is fine. He's just a little weak. Just eat a fairy bean and he'll be fine."

Sun Wukong breathed a sigh of relief after listening to Klin's words. Then he immediately reacted and looked at No. 19 and No. 20 angrily.

"Bastards, you two actually attacked Yamcha, I will never let you go."

When I saw Sun Wukong on the 20th, there was murderous intent in his eyes.

"It's you, Sun Wukong. It's so great. I didn't expect to see you here. Today is the day of your death."

No. 20 is full of hatred for Sun Wukong.

Over the years, No. 20 has worked so hard just to avenge Sun Wukong. Today he finally can.

In the distance, Li Mu stood on a tall building, looking at No. 20 below. , I was a little speechless.

Didn’t it mean that the Red Ribbon Legion was destroyed, and it took so much effort and such a long time to still be remembered in my heart. For those who didn’t know, I thought the Red Ribbon Legion belonged to No. 20.

Of course, this Everything has nothing to do with Li Mu, he just wants to see No. 18.

In addition, Li Mu also wants to see Shalu

"Li Mu, is this guy the artificial human you mentioned? It seems that the strength is indeed quite good."

Sun Wukong glanced at No. 19 and No. 20, and then set his sights on Li Mu. After hearing Sun Wukong's words, No. 20's pupils shrank, and he looked at Li Mu in surprise.

He has been researching artificial humans for so many years. project.

However, why did others know about it?

Of course he didn’t know that Li Mu came from the future.

Li Mu flew over from the sky and slowly landed next to Sun Wukong.

"Yes, these two people are indeed artificial humans."

"Just the two of them?"

Bick looked at No. 19 and No. 20 suspiciously.

After all, No. 19 and No. 20 didn't look powerful at all, how could they kill them.

Of course, this was just a thought.

Others were also a little curious and looked seriously. Looking at No. 19 and No. 20.

After all, these are the people who will kill them in the future.

In fact, these people are not the ones who killed them, but Li Mu is not wrong. No. 19 and No. 20 were originally artificial humans.

"Okay, you two, change places with me, and we'll go fight somewhere else."

Sun Wukong can't wait to get rid of No. 19 and No. 20 immediately.

But considering that there are still many people here, Sun Wukong can only go to other places.

The corners of No. 20's mouth raised, and he still didn't know what Sun Wukong was thinking.

After so many years, Sun Wukong is still like this of kindness

"I think it's nice here, but there are a lot of people who are in the way, so why don't I take care of it for you."

No. 20 suddenly raised his head, and bursts of orange light bloomed.


These rays of light flew out, like cannonballs, hitting high-rise buildings head-on.

These high-rise buildings were detonated instantly, and countless people died tragically in them.

"Damn it, you bastard, what are you going to do?"

Sun Wukong couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed directly to No. 20, hitting No. 20 on the head with a fist.


No. 20's head tilted, and the hat on his head flew out.

In addition, No. 20's head flew out. Nothing happened.

Piccolo and others' pupils shrank. They were able to withstand Sun Wukong's angry punch, but nothing happened. No. 20 is definitely not ordinary.

Maybe they will be solved by No. 20 in the future.

No. 20 Very calmly, he slowly left Sun Wukong, picked up the hat on the ground, patted it gently, and then put it on his head

"Sun Wukong, you are still too kind as before, but this will become your fatal weakness."

Indeed, being too kind is a handle.

Although Li Mu will not take the initiative to do bad things, he will also not become a good person.

Sun Wukong did not speak, but looked at No. 20 indifferently.

"Okay, Sun Wukong, since you want to change a place, then I will make it happen for you. Then you can choose a cemetery for yourself."

No. 20 is very confident. According to his information, the current Sun Wukong is definitely not his opponent.

Sun Wukong didn't say anything, turned around and flew directly into the distance.

No. 19 and 20 immediately followed Sun Wukong. Behind.

Li Mu didn't say anything and just followed a few people.

These two guys didn't need him to do anything at all.

Pirates and Dragons Are Destined

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