"So what do we do now? It seems that she has left, or in the forest, we can't seem to solve her." Emilia said with an ugly face.

  If she doesn't solve that person, she won't worry about letting Rem and the others come to buy supplies in the future.

  "Don't worry, you are here, and leave the rest to me."

  Li Mu patted Emilia's head, and then took a step forward.

  On one side, Le Yueang watched Li Mu's actions, and he immediately became interested, with jealousy in his eyes, and cursed Li Mu's failure in his heart.

  "Well, now it's on, come out, the soldiers who used to follow me."

  Li Mu opened his hands and shouted, the surrounding space was instantly distorted, and the sun in the sky disappeared in the blink of an eye.

  Everyone just felt that their eyes were dark, and then they regained their sight again.

  It's just that what everyone sees at this moment is not the original village and forest, and the sun in the sky is not as bright as it used to be.

  In its place was a huge plain, surrounded by only pitch-black dirt and some green weeds.

  On the grassland, behind them, stood row after row of soldiers, completely shrouding them behind them.

  And in front of them, there are countless beasts, constantly roaring.

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Chapter [-] The extremely jealous Leyue Ang (one more)

  Looking at the monsters in front of him, Leyue Ang said with some fear: "Hey, hey, we can't deal with so many monsters, right? This is not a joke."

  Leyue Ang was okay, at least he was able to suppress the anger in his heart, but those villagers were not so good, and some were even paralyzed with fear.

  There are really too many beasts in front of them. There are tens of thousands of beasts that are densely packed, and they look very fierce.

  Of course, only the rookies like Leyue Ang are a little scared. If nothing else, just these monsters, Ram, who has recovered, can solve it with a little time.

  Not to mention Li Mu, a few super-large attacks can solve these monsters.

  Compared to Leyue Ang's panic, the demon beast on the opposite side was even more panicked. She didn't understand why the "two six seven" scene around her suddenly changed.

  In the forest just now, she could escape even if she couldn't beat her. If necessary, she could let some of the monsters escape, so that some people could be dealt with.

  But now, at a glance, there is no place to hide, and there are countless soldiers on the opposite side, no less than his own, and it is not good to fight at all.

  Li Mu looked at Lai Yueang, then pointed helplessly behind him and said, "Please look behind, there are so many people, are you still afraid?"

  As soon as everyone heard it, they quickly looked behind, and immediately saw countless soldiers wearing black armor and holding weapons that exuded cold light.

  Every soldier wears a dark mask, with a firm and huge fighting intent in his eyes, and an indomitable momentum. At first glance, this is a soldier with strong morale.

  (I always feel that the Qin Shimingyue version of the Daqin soldiers is more domineering.)

  Seeing these soldiers, everyone was stunned.

  Since they were standing in front of the soldiers, there were a lot of monsters in front of them, so at first, their eyes were attracted by the monsters, and they didn't pay attention to the soldiers behind them.

  Now that Li Mu mentioned it, they discovered that there were countless soldiers behind them, and they looked very powerful.

  "Li Mu, this... Where did these soldiers come from? How did they appear behind me?" Emilia asked curiously.

  "This is my magic." Li Mu didn't hide it, on the contrary, he said proudly: "This is my magic that embodies my inner landscape. Once activated, it will change the surrounding space into a completely different landscape.

  And these soldiers behind me are those who crossed the boundaries of time and space, life and death, came out of the long river of time, and continued to fight for me. Their beliefs were combined with my beliefs. It can be said that this is what I am. The once invincible soldier. "

  The corner of Leyue's mouth twitched slightly after hearing this.

  If he remembered correctly, isn't this motherfucking the King of Conqueror's inherent strength of the enchantment king?

  Although he didn't know much, and he didn't see various versions of the Holy Grail War, he still saw the most famous one.

  Looking at everything around, except for the scenery and soldiers, it is almost not much different from the army of the king.

  At this moment, Leyue Ang even suspected that Li Mu was a transmigrator, but after a while, the wine rejected it. After all, he usually observed Li Mu, and the original world was no different.

  How did he know that Li Mu had been in the Pirate World for so long, and he had long since derailed from the original world, and many had forgotten about it.

  However, although he rejected Li Mu's status as a 'traverser', he was still jealous of Li Mu. How could Li Mu be so powerful and attract the attention of all the girls, and he became a foil.

  "No, I must study magic well, I can't forget it."

  Li Mu didn't know that because of his attack, it affected a person's thoughts, and he was even more determined to learn magic.

  Compared to Leyue's shock, Emilia and the others who already knew magic were also shocked.

  From what Li Mu said just now, it can be heard that Li Mu not only created a world, but also summoned his soldiers from various eras. This kind of magic is no longer magic, and it may be comparable to those legendary magics.

  Thinking about it, they looked at Li Mu not only with shock, but also with love in the eyes of Emilia and the others.

  With such powerful strength and magical talent, who would not like it.

  "Okay, wait here, it's my turn to perform..."

  Li Mu smiled and came to the front, then turned around, looked at the soldiers behind him, and shouted: "Everyone, the monsters in front are our enemies, do you have the confidence to crush them?"

  "There is...there is...there is..."

  The soldiers roared, waving their hands non-stop, colliding with the weapons in their hands, and making a shocking whistling sound.

  "Okay, pass my order, and the whole army will attack."

  Following Li Mu's order, all the soldiers rushed out quickly and charged towards the beast with their weapons.

  Immediately, the sound of Jin Ge, the sound of horses' hooves, and shouts spread throughout the entire plain, and the soldiers in jet-black iron armor rushed out quickly, rushing towards the demon beasts in the distance with the momentum of tigers descending the mountain.

  Those beasts felt the morale and murderousness of the soldiers, and they also became trembling, constantly mourning in a low voice, and there was a trace of fear in their hearts.

  As the soldiers approached the demon beasts, the fight began instantly. The demon beasts without command were attacked by the neatly formed soldiers. Soon, all the demon beasts fell.

  This is not a war, this is just a fight, a fight without suspense.

  Li Mu watched the end of the war, got into the car pulled by the legendary Qin Shihuang's seven BMWs, and slowly approached the shivering Mei Li.

  Li Mu looked at Mei Li, who was frightened in front of him, shook his head and said, "You are also a hard-working child, 5.9, let's go, don't take this task, this is not something you can accomplish."

  After hearing this, Mei Li was startled and looked at Li Mu in disbelief, not believing that Li Mu actually let her go.

  Looking at Li Mu's eyes again, Mei Li's heart softened, she didn't expect to meet such a nice person.

  Li Mu didn't care about this either. With a wave of his hand, the inherent barrier disappeared instantly.

  After Pingyuan disappeared, Li Mu came to Emilia's side and smiled: "Okay, the matter is settled, let's go back."

  "Well, I see." Emilia nodded, not caring that Li Mu let Meili go, slowly pulling Li Mu and walking towards Roswaal's mansion.

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Chapter [-] Roswaal's request (two more)

  After Li Mu left, Mei Li took a look at Li Mu with a hint of gratitude in her eyes, and then left slowly.

  After returning to Roswaal's mansion, Emilia looked at Li Mu with a hint of gratitude on her face: "Li Mu, thank you, if it weren't for you, Rem would be in danger."

  As soon as he finished speaking, Rem on the side looked at Emilia dissatisfied. This was her business, but Emilia actually thanked Li Mu.

  Rem suddenly became vigilant, he couldn't help but glanced at Ram next to him, nodded with Ram, and decided in his heart to deal with Li Mu together.

  "Li Mu, Rem thank you too."

  "Yeah, thank you Ram too."

  With that said, Ram and Rem came over, each holding Li Mu with one hand and looking at Emilia provocatively.

  Emilia's face changed slightly, and she looked at Ram and Rem with dissatisfaction. Just as she was about to speak, Li Mu patted the two of them on the head and said, "Okay, don't be naughty, I have something to do, I need to rest."

  "Got it." Ram and Rem stuck out their tongues and let go of Li Mu's arm.

  After Li Mu saw them, 13 rubbed their little heads, patted Emilia's hair again, and left immediately.

  Ramrem looked at each other and left one after another.

  After everyone left, Parker took Emilia to the side and whispered, "Amelia, let me tell you, the two of Ramrem have joined forces, you must seize the opportunity, you can't put Li Mu. Give it to someone else."

  "Parker, don't worry, I will definitely work hard and I won't let you down." Emilia nodded and waved her hands, with a hint of firmness in her eyes.

  On the other hand, after Li Mu returned to his room, he took out a crystal bottle, looked at the blood-red liquid inside, and asked curiously, "System, is this dragon blood? What's the use?"

  "Ding, dragon blood, has powerful magic power, and can be used to revive the lust witch."

  "Really? Resurrection of the lust witch?" Li Mu's expression changed slightly. Does this thing have any effect on him?He couldn't revive the lust witch, and they had nothing to do with each other.

  Li Mu didn't know that when he took out the dragon's blood, a sentence appeared in the Gospels of Beatrice and Roswaal not far away at the same time.

  "Li Mu has dragon blood and can resurrect the lust witch."

  Immediately both Roswaal and Beatrice were excited.

  Roswaal was excited that Li Mu had dragon blood, so he could find a way to revive his teacher, the Witch of Desire.

  After all, compared to slaying the dragon, it is very easy to get it here in Li Mu, at least slaughtering the dragon is particularly difficult.

  Beatrice was excited because she thought Li Mu was the one she could contract with. She had been here alone for [-] years, and even decided to die to solve her pain. How could she know that happiness would come so quickly.

  Li Mu didn't know that he had been discovered by others. At this moment, he was holding a mandatory contract and asked curiously: "System, what does this do?"

  "Ding, compulsory contract, once the contract is signed, the other party can never go back on it. This is a contract prepared for the host."

  "Damn it, it turns out that it's matching."

  Li Mu immediately understood that the system gave him dragon blood and this, presumably for trading with Roswaal, giving the dragon blood to Roswaal and asking Roswaal to agree to his request.

  "someone is coming?"

  As soon as Li Mu remembered to go to Roswaal, he felt Roswaal's breath approaching, and he was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Roswaal was looking for him.

  But after a while, he reacted, the soul of the lust witch seems to have been observing Leyue Ang, and now it is nothing to observe himself.

  No wonder he always felt that someone was watching him and made him dare not do anything. Now that he understands, this seems to be a witch of lust.

  At the same time, his heart was also vigilant. A lust witch could observe so far. Even if she used magic, her strength was very strong.

  Of course, he was just worried, maybe a little bit stronger than himself, but his strongest Noble Phantasm, he could completely defeat the strong with the weak.

  After waiting for a while, Roswaal knocked on the door and said with a smile: "Li Mujun, do you know if you are free? I want to chat with you."

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