But then, a soldier posted a notice, and countless people rushed over to read it, although most of them could not read.

  "' "What does this mean? Doraj, you know the words, come and see."

  "I see." The man called Doraj came over, looked at the notice, and was completely stunned.

  Others looked at the stunned Doraj, and said dissatisfiedly, "Doraj, what are you doing, don't speak to me quickly."

  "I know... I know." Doraj nodded, and then said: "It is written on (Li Liaozhao) that the new Her Majesty has decided to renovate the slums and build new houses, which will be funded by Her Royal Highness the Prince. Retrofit.

  We poor people are responsible for the transformation, the kingdom is responsible for our meals, and each person is responsible for two copper coins a day, one knot a day, starting today. "

  "What? To remodel our home and pay us back? To take care of our meals?"

  Everyone was stunned, not knowing what to say.

  It was good that the previous kingdom did not exploit them, how could it be so good, not only to help them build their homes, but also to give them money.

  In their view, this is giving them money.

  Everyone was silent for a moment, then confirmed it again, and then cheered happily.

  "Long live Her Majesty the Queen, long live Her Royal Highness."

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The [-]th chapter liberates slaves, nobles rebel (one more)

  In another corner, Emilia looked at the cheering crowd with a smile on her face.

  Next to Emilia, Feirut also smiled and said gratefully: "Queen Emilia, thank you very much, I didn't expect you to actually do this."

  "Where, I don't care about my business." Emilia waved her hand and pointed to Li Mu on the side. "This is all done by Li Mu, and it has nothing to do with me. The money is also from Li Mu."

  "Yes, thank you Li Mu, you are such a good person."

  Come on, I was given a good person card again.

  Li Mu was also helpless. After a long time, he was given a good person card, and he didn't know what to say.

  "Okay, let's go back and prepare. Today, we will solve the small problem. It is estimated that the slum here in the capital can be solved in a month, and we have to work hard for the rest."

  "Well, let me help you." Feirut nodded excitedly, and immediately followed behind Li Mu.

  It is worth mentioning that after Emilia ascended the throne, Feirut left the Reinhardt house and never went back, and Reinhardt did not stop him.

  So Feirut can follow Li 923 Mu and help Li Mu to do something she likes.

  Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, it had been a few months since Emilia Adam became the queen.

  In the past few months, Li Mu spent tens of thousands of gold coins. Fortunately, Li Mu had once looted the Tianlong people in the world of One Piece, otherwise it was really not enough.

  However, the effect is also obvious. At least the entire Lugnica slum has disappeared, and there are not so many poor people. Moreover, Li Mu also loosened the clothes of each poor person, making those poor people feel grateful.

  It can be said that the money Li Mu spent was entirely Li Mu's investment, and he spent a lot of gold coins in order to get system rewards.

  However, Li Mu was not worried either, because his next policy was likely to cause riots, and he could take this opportunity to shave it off.

  And this world is not only Lugnica, Li Mu can also go to other countries to scavenge to make up for his losses. In general, Li Mu is not too bad.

  In addition to these, Li Mu also specially asked Emilia to cut the taxes of the commoners, and even made a trip across the country to determine whether ordinary officials did it by listening to the voice of all things.

  If One Piece knew that his ability was used to do this kind of thing, would he climb out of the coffin and inspire Li Mu.

  In the end, the most important policy, Li Mu and everyone thought about it, and improved the treatment of the knights. The key is to give the knights the opportunity to be knighted.

  This time, there was simply a huge wave.

  In this country, a country ruled by aristocrats, although knights have a high status, they are a little worse than nobles.

  And the country is so big, and there are only a few nobles, so if a knight wants a title, he can only kill one noble.

  This time, the nobles and the knights were drawn to the opposite side, and Emilia and the nobles were also drawn to the opposite sides.

  But it is precisely because of this that Emilia has almost got the allegiance of most of the knights, and for this reason, Emilia has indeed given many titles.

  For example, wooing Reinhardt directly gave him a title, even if his status was very high, he didn't need this title.

  Although this title is gradually decreasing, for example, the father is the duke, the son who has no ability is the earl, and then the marquis and so on.

  And the title is also based on the five titles of the former princes and uncles.

  Even if the title will decrease, it still cannot put out the heat of the knights. Everyone wants to make contributions and then get their own title.

  It can be said that it was because of this system that Emilia went from being supported by a small number of knights to being supported by a large number of knights (ahfe).

  In the palace, Li Mu glanced at the document in his hand, then glanced at the knights around him, and then handed the document to these knights.

  "To call everyone here today is nothing more than Her Lady Queen's decision to abolish slavery and free all slaves."

  As soon as the words fell, the knights below shouted, after all, they all had some slaves more or less, and letting them go would not mean depriving them of their slaves.

  On the contrary, Al, who broke his hand below, was very excited. As a modern education, and he was deeply hurt by slaves, he naturally hoped to abolish the slave system.

  It's just that he doesn't have the ability, he can only suppress the thoughts in his mind.

  "Cough, cough..." Li Mu looked at the quarreling crowd, coughed and said, "Okay, when I say abolishing slaves, I only mean that slaves are not allowed, it doesn't mean that there can't be servants, it's just that every servant is There must be wages, a coin or two, or more.

  Secondly, if the servants make mistakes, give them a little education. If they break the law, they will be dealt with by the law. You can't kill them. "

  Li Mu is not stupid, it is impossible to abolish the slave system directly, after all, he has finally won the support of the knights, and it is impossible to offend them.

  Although compared to getting a title, a slave is far worse.

  "Yes, Your Royal Highness."

  After hearing this, the knights also understood that as long as they paid a small part of the wages, they could not kill people casually, and it was no big deal.

  In fact, this is equivalent to changing from a slave society to a feudal society, and there is not much difference in essence.

  "Okay, let's get ready, and control the army. Maybe some people rebel, but this is also for a better tomorrow."

  Speaking of which, Emilia's face was a little ugly.

  After all, if these systems are implemented, there will definitely be rebellions, but for the future of the country, she has no choice but to do so.

  In addition, she saw the smiles of the common people during this time, and she understood that this was for the vast majority of people.

  The knights below are not so sentimental. After all, with war, they can obtain military industry, and then they can obtain titles.

  As for the life and death of the nobles they used to be loyal to, no matter what they do, those who stand in their way will die.


  Sure enough, when this system was announced, a large number of slaves were happy, while the nobles were even more unhappy, and they resented Emilia even more in their hearts.

  After the discord was ineffective, some nobles united and rebelled.

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The [-]th chapter rebellion, the nobility was annihilated (two more)

  After the nobles rebelled, there was an instant uproar, but most of them supported Emilia.

  After all, Emilia helped the poor build new homes, while reducing the taxes of the commoners, giving hope to the knights, and abolishing slavery.

  It means that most of the entire Lugnica are still very supportive of Emilia, and only a few people rebel.

  In the palace, Emilia looked anxiously at the arriving knight. Although she had already guessed the day, he was still very nervous when it really arrived.

  However, compared to Emilia's nervousness, those knights were a little dignified, but most of them were looking forward to it, after all, this was an opportunity to obtain a title.

  After waiting for a while, after seeing the arrival of the knights, Emilia hurriedly asked: "Those nobles rebelled, what do you think? Or is there any solution?"

  "Your Majesty, I am willing to go to exterminate the rebellion." A knight came out impatiently.

  "Your Majesty, I am also willing to go."

  "And me, Her Majesty."

  The other knights also came out one after another, with anticipation and longing in their eyes, as if the title was already in front of them.

  Emilia hesitated for a moment, then looked at Li Mu, who was obviously still very trusting in Li Mu.

  Li Mu nodded slightly, looked at Reinhardt to the side and said, "Reinhardt, you are responsible for this, you take these knights to eliminate the rebellion, and Emilia and I will also go. "

  "Yes, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness."

  Reinhardt did not refuse either. After all, although their family was the largest noble in Lugnica, they were also the largest knight family, so they naturally didn't worry about it.

  Moreover, Reinhardt fully agreed with Emilia's policies, and naturally supported these policies very much.


  A few days later, Reinhardt gathered most of the knights, and then set off with Emilia and Li Mu to clear the rebellion from the foreign enemy.

  However, when Li Mu left, he deliberately left Artoria and Ram and the others behind to be in charge of the rebellions in the capital.

  In the north of Lugnica, many nobles, as well as their slaves and troops, gathered here, the purpose is to wait here, preparing to enter the royal capital of Lugnica.

  However, because they received the news that Emilia was going to go out, they waited here, trying to defeat Emilia in one fell swoop.

  In the rebel camp, some nobles sat on the main seat and kept complaining.

  "This guy, dare to do this, this is completely digging our foundation."

  "Yeah, she would rather make the knights famous than help us. This time, she must not let them go."

  "Yes, but no matter what, she is also recognized by Dragon Power Stone. After defeating her, it is enough to force her to abolish the system of knights obtaining titles."

  "I think so too."

  A group of nobles discussed for a while, but in the end they didn't decide to kill Emilia. Obviously, they were very afraid of the dragon god Polkeni, and they didn't dare to resist even at this time.

  This shows how popular the dragon god Polkeni is in the Kingdom of Lugnica.

  "Report, ladies and gentlemen, the knights of the kingdom have come, and it is because they are outside the camp."

  "Are you here?" A nobleman reacted, and then quickly said: "Hurry up, prepare the army, defeat them, and end this boring battle early."

  After a while, countless armies of slaves ran out to oppose Emilia's army.

  Seeing this scene, everyone thought of the demihuman war decades ago, and their hearts trembled, with a trace of fear in their eyes.

  Li Mu glanced at the people who were a little scared, stepped forward slowly, came to the middle of the two armies, and then looked at the noble army opposite.

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