On the other hand, Tohka also saw this scene jealously, and quickly grabbed Li Mu's arm while looking at Tobiichi Origami provocatively.

  PS Great Voyage: The Journey to Blame the Dragon Ball Roll begins! .

Chapter five hundred and ten hot spring tourism (three more)

  For the next few days, Tokisaki Kurumi came to the school every day, talked to Li Mu every day, and of course quarreled with Tobiichi Origami every day.

  After school that day, there was no one around, Shizaki Kuangsan held the backpack in both hands, stood up straight, Meimei looked at Li Mu.

  "Classmate Li Mu, I don't know if you are free this Sunday, why don't we go out on a date."

  "The date, okay, just this Sunday morning, I'll wait for you, see you soon." Li Mu agreed without hesitation after listening to the date invitation.

  If a beautiful woman invites herself, and she is a beauty like Tokisaki Kurumi, if she doesn't agree, then she is no different from an idiot.

  "Well, I'll wait for you, see you soon."

  Tokisaki Kurumi threw a wink, then turned around and left.

  That night, during dinner, Yuanyi Origami looked at Li Mu and asked calmly, "Li Mu, are you free on Sunday? Let's go out and play together."

  "Yes, let's go out to play, let's go out together." Tohka also nodded, with a trace of excitement on her face.

  Although the Four Elements on the side did not speak, there was a trace of change in her eyes, and she obviously wanted to follow behind.

  "This..." Li Mu looked at the expectant gazes of the girls, and remembered Shizaki Kuangsan's invitation, he couldn't help nodding and said, "I'm not free on Sunday, let's go on Saturday 697, and I'll take you to the hot springs."

  "Hot spring?" Tobiichi Origami's eyes lit up, then nodded quickly, and said solemnly: "Okay, that's it, let's go to the hot spring on Sunday."

  Seeing that several people agreed, Li Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

  He didn't want to be in such a hurry like Shidou Gokawa, dating two people by himself.

  And dividing the time down, when the time comes, it will be very beneficial for Li Mu.


  Time passed quickly, and Saturday was coming soon. Li Mu, Yuanyi Origami and others packed up their clothes and then left the house directly.

  After leaving home, Li Mu waited to get in the car and quickly came to a warm place.

  Just arriving at the hot spring hotel, Tobiichi Origami hurried forward, took out a stack of money, and handed it to the boss there.

  "Boss, I want a separate mixed hot spring."

  "Okay, I see." The boss glanced at a few people and was not surprised. He picked up a key and handed it to Tobiichi Origami.

  After the kite took the key, Li Mu and the others entered directly.

  After entering a private room, Tobiichi Origami picked up his bag, changed his clothes in a fair manner, put on a black swimsuit, and walked in directly.

  This series of movements is very skilled, and there is no concealment at all, it seems that Li Mu and others are not around at all.

  Tohka on the side was stunned for a moment, and then she scolded Tobiichi Origami for being shameless, but the movements in her hands were not slow at all, and her clothes quickly faded.

  After taking off her clothes, Tohka stood in front of Li Mu and began to change into her swimsuit.

  Unlike Tobiichi Origami's color, Tohka's swimsuit is white, and it perfectly complements her figure.

  Then Tohka glanced at Tobiichi Origami provocatively, walked to the hot spring pool, sat down, and began to enjoy it.

  "Si Element Nai, don't be afraid, you also hurry up and change your clothes, don't lose to the two of them." Si Element Nai saw Si Element Nai froze, and began to provoke.

  Si Xian Nai heard Si Xian Nai's words, grabbed Si X Nai with one hand, and said embarrassedly, "Si X Nai, don't talk nonsense."

  "It's alright, it's alright, change your clothes quickly, I'm going to soak in the hot spring too."

  Listening to Si Xinai's provocation, Si Xinai's face turned slightly red, but he did not refuse. He slowly took off his clothes and put on a blue one-piece swimsuit.

  After changing his clothes, Si Xin Nai's face was flushed, and he quickly walked into the swimming pool, sat down, and put his chin in the hot spring.

  In the hot spring, the heat was constantly radiating from all around, covering the entire room, that is, Li Mu's eyesight was good, otherwise he really couldn't see.

  Li Mu also slowly changed his clothes, and immediately wore only a pair of underwear, and then went into the hot spring to soak.

  I have to say, the hot spring is really a good thing, you can use it to relax your body and mind.

  Sitting in the hot spring, Li Mu couldn't help lying on the edge of the pool, closed his eyes and started to rest.

  But not long after the rest, Li Mu felt two figures crowded beside him.

  When he turned his head to look, he saw Tohka and Tobiichi Origami surrounding themselves on the left and right, and their bodies were in zero-distance contact.

  After getting close, Li Mu could feel the skin of the two, like milk, very smooth and silky to touch.

  Li Mu glanced at the two of them, then didn't ask any more questions, closed his eyes and started to rest.

  Si Xinai on the opposite side looked at Li Mu and the three of them and couldn't help but say, "Si Xinai, don't be afraid, you lied in Li Mu's arms in the past, and Li Mu would never say anything."

  "What do you say, don't talk nonsense." Si Xian Nai grabbed Si Xing Nai, then moved his hand into his arms, preventing Si Xing Nai from speaking.

  At the same time, the Four Elements couldn't help but secretly glanced at Li Mu, with a blush on his face.

  Seeing that Li Mu didn't speak afterward, the Four Elements breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time there was a trace of regret.


  Time passed quickly, Li Mu, who was lying in the hot spring, closed his eyes involuntarily and began to rest, and gradually fell asleep.

  After an unknown amount of time, Li Mu suddenly felt a change in his body, opened his eyes and looked at the two beside him.

  Suddenly, the corner of Li Mu's mouth twitched.

  I saw that the two women were holding Li Mu's arm, constantly provoking each other.

  That's all, at the moment, the two women are soaking in the hot spring, wearing less clothes, and even less material on them. Li Mu's arm is placed on it, and it feels soft to the touch.

  On the opposite side, Si Element Nai looked at the two of them, his face even more red, and his face was shy.


  Li Mu hurriedly sat up straight, pulled his hand back, and at the same time lightly patted the two of them on the head, and said dissatisfiedly: "Look at you, the Four Elements are still here, do you still pay attention to your own? image."

  "Okay, I get it now."

  Tohka and Tobiichi Origami patted their heads, and then nodded, but Li Mu didn't see their repentance.

  PS Great Voyage: The Journey to Blame the Dragon Ball Roll begins! .

Chapter five hundred and eleventh hot springs (four more)

  After Li Mu gently taught Tohka and the two of them a lesson, he continued to lie there and began to enjoy it.

  The two of Tohka could only continue to stare at each other with a trace of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

  Next to the two women, Si Xiannai also sat there shyly, not daring to look up at Li Mu and them.

  After a while, Yuanyi Origami suddenly looked at Li Mu, patted Li Mu and said, "Li Mu, let's do it, let me massage you, I learned it when I came here."

  "Massage?" Li Mu opened his eyes, then nodded and said, "Alright, soaking in the hot spring and getting a massage is also a kind of enjoyment, so come on."

  After speaking, Li Mu stood up, walked to a place where he could rest and lay down.

  Yuan Yi Origami walked to Li Mu's side, sat directly on Li Mu's body, then put his hand on Li Mu's back, and gently massaged "Seven Six Zero".

  The delicate and tender little hands pressed on Li Mu's muscles, although the strength was not great, the strength was not so suitable for him.

  But it's always a beauty, and being massaged by a beauty in a swimsuit should always be a treat.

  "Damn." Tohka suddenly became jealous when she looked at the two people who were so close, her eyes were full of jealousy, enough to burn them out.

  But after a while, Tohka suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up, she hurriedly walked to Li Mu's side, squatted down, and put her head on Li Mu's face.

  "Li Mu, I want to massage you too, so let me help you later? I can do it too."

  "You?" Li Mu glanced at Tohka, who was very much looking forward to, and couldn't bear to refuse, then nodded and said, "Alright then, come later."

  This time, it was Tobiichi Origami's turn to be dissatisfied, but considering that she had already helped Li Mu with a massage, she could only accept this decision.

  Although the two have been allocated, there is a great dissatisfaction between the two.

  Of course, Li Mu also knew that there were conflicts between the two, but after all, with so many women, there would always be two conflicts.

  While Li Mu was enjoying it, Sis Nai looked at Li Mu with small shining eyes, with a blush on his face.

  Feeling the gaze of the four lines, Li Mu turned his head and looked at the four lines who peeked at him, showing a warm smile on his face.

  Seeing Li Mu looking at him, Si Xian Nai quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at Li Mu.

  Si Xian Nai's face, who lowered his head, became even redder, flushing like a ripe apple, making people want to pick it.

  "Sixiannai, what's the matter, do you want to massage me too?"

  "Ah...I...this...that..." Si Xinai screamed in shock, then covered her blushing face and squatted in the hot spring, hesitating and saying nothing. come out.

  Si Xinai on the side said: "Si Xinai, don't worry, just say what you want to say, I believe Li Mu will accept you."

  "How do I know what to say?" Si Elements whispered softly, if it wasn't for Li Mu's good ears, I'm afraid he wouldn't know what she said.

  But even though he heard it, Li Mu still said: "Si Xiannai, what did you just say, do you want to massage me too?"

  "That's right, that's what Si Xinai said, and she also wants to massage you." Si Xinai answered first.


  Li Mu nodded and said, "Okay, Sisunai, please help me rub my head. I have had a headache at school recently."

  "I...I see." Si Xiannai looked at Li Mu's 'sincere' gaze, and couldn't bear to refuse, then nodded slightly, and then walked out of the hot spring pool.

  After walking out, Si Xian Nai slowly approached Li Mu, then stretched out the only free hand and gently pressed it on Li Mu's head.

  Li Mu just glanced at the four elements, then closed his eyes and started to rest.

  After all, Si Xing Nai is still so young, and this mediocre figure is not very attractive, but Si Xing Nai's hair, eyes, and face are all very good.

  Time passed slowly, and Tohka watched the two of them from the side, becoming more and more anxious.

  In the end, Tohka couldn't help standing up and said dissatisfiedly, "Li Mu, when will you be ready? It's been so long, it's my turn."

  "Okay, then Tohka, come on."

  Li Mu spoke, and even though Yuanichi Origami was reluctant to part with it, she could only stand up and walked to one side. When she left, she glared at Tohka. …

  And Tohka didn't care, and glared at Tobiichi Origami as well.

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