As soon as she sat upright, Erica realized that she was sitting in a wrong position. Underneath her, Erica felt a fiery cadd squeezing her, and it also squeezed a special place.


  Erica blushed and hurriedly threw Li Mu out, then pulled the quilt and shouted in surprise, "Bastard, you rascal."

  Li Mu was also woken up by Erika, looking at Erika's seductive actions, he quickly explained: "I didn't do anything yesterday, and it was the witch Luculazia who locked us together, don't you? wrong."

  "Hmph, fortunately you didn't do anything, otherwise I wouldn't just teach you a lesson, I'd screw your neck off."

  Li Mu touched his neck subconsciously, and then smiled: "Erica, in fact, you won't do this, because what is our relationship, are you willing?"

  "What? I don't dare?" Erica jumped into a rage, hurried over, grabbed Li Mu's head, and pulled it hard behind her.

  Because the force was too great, the quilt that had covered Miaoman's body fell directly, and at the same time, the bodies of the two of them retreated backwards at the same time.


  The two collapsed on the bed, Erica was lying on the bottom, Li Mu was lying on top, and Li Mu's back was pressing Erica.

  Feeling the softness on his back, Li Mu couldn't help but want to shout 'beautiful' in his heart.

  And Erica also reacted, her face blushed immediately, she quickly pushed Li Mu away, and said with a blushing face, "Hurry up and turn around, I want to get dressed."

  "I see."

  Li Mu nodded, then took a step forward and turned his back to Erica.

  "Don't peek." Erica warned, then quickly picked up her clothes and put them on.

  After a while, after getting dressed, Erica looked at Li Mu's back with a smile on her face, and then kicked Li Mu hard.

  Li Mu sensed Erica's attack, turned around quickly, grabbed Alice's feet, and smiled: "Erica, what's wrong, why did you hit me, can you give me an explanation."

  "Hmph, since you looked at my body, then I naturally have to teach you a lesson."

  Erica snorted coldly, retracted her feet, and continued to kick Li Mu.

  "Hehehe..." Li Mu smiled slightly, then took out a camera and said, "You know what? I took pictures of you yesterday, do you want to take a look?"

  "What? It was filmed?" Erica's face changed suddenly, she wanted to bend, and quickly shouted: "You rascal, scum, scum, I didn't expect you to do such a thing."

  After speaking, Erica's eyes were slightly red, and there was a trace of tears in her eyes, and there was a possibility of crying at any time.

  Li Mu also knew that Erica might have misunderstood, and quickly explained: "Don't make a mistake, this is a picture of you being drunk, and you didn't take pictures of things that shouldn't be taken."

  After speaking, Li Mu quickly put it up.

  Erica immediately realized that she had misunderstood Li Mu, and at the same time looked at the picture on the camera, her face couldn't help turning red.

  Seeing that she was drunk and took the bronze mirror as Li Mu, Erica hurriedly stepped forward and rushed forward: "Hurry up, give it back to me, or don't blame me for being rude."

  "Hahaha, I won't give it. If you have the seeds, come and grab it. I'll give it to you if you grab it." Li Mu smiled and ran quickly towards not far away.

  "Damn, stop for me." Erica hurriedly rushed to Li Mu and grabbed Li Mu's hand, pushed Li Mu to one side, and said fiercely, "I'll bite you if you don't give it to me."

  "You bite, whatever you want, I won't care."

  Seeing the cheeky Li Mu, Erica blushed immediately, then grabbed Li Mu's hand, opened her mouth and bit her.

  "I'll go, you really bite."

  Li Mu quickly pulled Erika away, looked at his hand, and reluctantly handed the camera to Erica.

  "Okay, here it is, don't be angry anymore."

  Erica took the camera and quickly destroyed all the videos in it. Then Erica stood up and left arrogantly.

  Li Mu shook his head and followed behind.

  PS Great Voyage: The Journey to Blame the Dragon Ball Roll begins! .

The five hundred and seventieth chapters of the god of disobedience debut (three more)

  Li Mu and Erica had just gone out and had a breakfast, and then the sky in Sardinia suddenly changed, and then it rained heavily.

  Erica looked at the heavy rain in the sky, her face changed slightly, and she muttered to herself: "It hardly rains in Sardinia. Now that it is raining so much, the god of disobedience must have appeared."

  "God of disobedience?" Kusanagi Godou, who had not left, asked curiously, "I heard you say it yesterday. What is the god of disobedience? Why haven't I heard of it."

  "You'd better wait here for a while, I'll go take a look, I'll come back and talk about anything."

  Erica didn't answer Kusakago Godou, jumped down quickly, and then flashed a red light on her body.

  The next moment, Erica was wearing a battle suit and walked quickly into the distance.

  "Wait, I'm here to help you with Three Five Zeros." Li Mu quickly jumped out and followed Erica.

  "I..." Just as Godou was about to say something, Luculazia said first, "Hey, boy, you should stay, that's not something you can deal with, you just drag them down in the past, and For your grandfather's sake, I don't want you to die."

  After hearing this, Kusanagi Godou hesitated for a while, and looked at the heavy rain outside, but in the end he didn't go out.

  On the other side, after Erica left, she looked at Li Mu beside her and said worriedly, "Li Mu, you should stay, it's too dangerous outside."

  "Do you care about me?" Li Mu looked at Erica with a smile on his face.

  "Who... who cares about you, it's none of my business if you die." Erica blushed and shouted dutifully.

  Li Mu could also see what Erica was thinking, but he didn't make it clear, for fear that Erica would become angry.

  The two walked for a while, and suddenly, a huge figure appeared in front of Erica and walked quickly into the distance.

  "Wait." Erica hurriedly stopped her figure and shouted loudly, "You are the god Mekal worshipped by the Phoenicians on this land, right?"

  "Hahaha, I didn't expect that there are people who know me in this land. That's right, I am the legendary God of Storms, the strongest God in this land." Mekal laughed.

  Seeing that Mekal speaks so well, Erica hurriedly said, "Then, Lord Mekal, can I ask you not to fight here?"

  "This can't be done, little girl, I'm fighting with other gods here, how can I back down."

  Mekal shook his head, then ignored Erica and walked into the distance.

  After walking for a while, Erica looked at Mekal who was leaving, and suddenly became anxious, and hurriedly walked towards the front.

  "Wait, Erica, let me help you."

  Li Mu stopped Erica, released the Shenwei Wheel, then pulled Erica to sit on it, and walked quickly towards the front.

  "This... what is this?" Erica asked curiously as she touched the wheel of Shenwei.

  "This is the Kamui Wheel."

  "Shenwei Wheel?" Erica was startled and said quickly, "Is this a gift to the God King Zeus? Why are you here?"

  Obviously, Erica still knows a lot about history, especially the history in myths and legends.

  "It's nothing, this is given to me by the Conqueror King Iskandar, the spoils of war he once conquered that continent."

  "King of Conqueror?" Erica looked at Li Mu, and then asked solemnly, "Li Mu, who are you? Why are you so unusual."

  "Who?" Li Mu muttered to himself, then smiled, "I'm your boyfriend, why did you forget?"


  Just as Erica was about to get angry, Li Mu said quickly, "What do you say, I am a heroic spirit. The so-called heroic spirit is someone who protects the existence of human beings, and the purpose is to solve the god of disobedience."

  "Really?" Erica looked at Li Mu with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

  Li Mu didn't say much, what he said was right, and the purpose was the god of disobedience. Heroic spirits must protect the existence of the earth and human beings.

  All in all, Li Mu didn't lie.

  In the end, Erica didn't continue questioning, and sat on the wheel of Shenwei, staring at the figure not far away with a trace of solemnity in her eyes.

  rumbling rumbling...

  In the sky, the rainstorm fell from time to time, and from time to time there were thunderbolts falling down, making an amazing thunder.

  Next to Li Mu, a figure suddenly flew over, and a phoenix sound was heard.

  Hearing this voice, Erika's face changed slightly, and she said solemnly: "This is the incarnation of the god phoenix."

  Li Mu didn't speak, driving the Shenwei wheel quickly approaching the battle situation ahead.

  In the distance, a thunder suddenly sounded, illuminating the entire sky.

  In the distance, Mekal stood with a huge weapon, and in front of him, there was a small boy, the two looked at each other.

  The two of them, one is the god of storms, the god of the sea, the god of the sun, and the god of life in charge of harvest and waste.

  The other is the ancient Persian military god, who serves the incarnation of the sun god and is also known as the guardian of light. They are all gods of disobedience.

  "Mekal, it looks like you haven't recovered from the injury I left you last time." Welleslaner said first.

  "Hahaha..." Mekal laughed loudly: "I didn't expect to meet you again, this time, I will definitely not lose."

  While speaking, the two began to prepare, and they wanted to attack each other.

  Erica's face changed slightly, looking at the two people in the sky, she quickly took out the weapon in her hand and turned it into a red shield. With a strong wave, a magic circle suddenly appeared beside the two of them 4.1.

  "Respected God, can you please wait a moment and give up this battle for the sake of this place."

  "It's you, little girl." Mekal looked at Erica, shook his head and said, "Give it up, human, this place has become a place where gods fight and cannot be changed."

  "God, please be merciful." Erica said anxiously, holding the shield.

  "Witch, your courage to resist the gods is worthy of respect, but you should give up. God will not change his determination."

  After finishing speaking, Welleslaner waved his hand, and a lot of thunder and lightning appeared in the sky, and they slashed straight at Erica.

  Erica hurriedly avoided the attack while looking at the gods in the sky desperately.

  The Dragon Ball Scroll of the Great Voyage's Blame Journey begins! .

Chapter five hundred and seventy-six battle against the god of disobedience (four more)

  rumbling rumbling...

  A streak of blue lightning suddenly rushed out and quickly attacked Erica.

  After Erica hurriedly dodged the first few attacks, a blue electric light struck quickly, wrapping Erica from all sides.

  Just when Erica was about to be hit, Li Mu rushed out quickly, hugged Erica's body from behind, and then opened his right hand.

  Suddenly, Avalon turned into pieces and surrounded Li Mu, blocking all the thunder and lightning from the outside.

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