She had just treated her obesity, Shokuhou Cao Qi was about to eat a big meal, but unfortunately the long crowd made her lose her appetite. …

  After thinking about it, Shokuhou Caoqi suddenly took out a remote control and pointed at these crowds, ready to control them directly.

  Li Mu's face was speechless, and he quickly grabbed her and said, "Okay, Shokuhou, leave it to me, I can take care of them."

  "Okay, I'll leave it to you."

  Shokuhou Caoqi also wanted to see Li Mu's abilities, and immediately put away the remote control in his hand, staring at Li Mu with his star-like eyes.

  Li Mu didn't hesitate, came to the crowd, waved his hand and said, "Everyone, can you give me Li Mu a face and let me buy things first, okay?"

  While speaking, Li Mu suddenly exuded a charming charm and hit everyone directly.

  "who are you……"

  A man saw Li Mu's face with a look of jealousy. Just as he was about to say something, he retracted his words and said with a peach blossom face: "Okay, okay, you buy it first."

  After speaking, the surrounding crowd all stepped aside, leaving a path for Li Mu.

  Li Mu hurriedly turned his head and waved his hand: "Okay, now they're all out of the way, hurry up and buy what you want."

  Shokuhou Caoqi also reacted, glanced at the people around him, and said to himself: "This ability is similar to mine, but it should not be the ability to control the mind, but..."

  After a moment's pause 4.2, Shokuhou Caoqi suddenly looked at Li Mu with a blushing face, and said to himself, "But Li Mu is really handsome, I have never seen such a handsome person in my life."

  After speaking, Shokuhou Caoqi looked at Li Mu with sparkling eyes, with a hint of peach blossom in his eyes.

  Li Mu glanced at Shokuhou Caoqi with a blushing face, and patted her on the shoulder involuntarily and said, "Okay, Shokuhou Caoqi, pay attention, these people have left, and you should go buy it too."

  "It's you? So you're here?"

  Suddenly a roar came, and upon hearing this somewhat familiar voice, Li Mu secretly said that it was not good, because this voice was exactly the voice of Misaka Mikoto.

  That kind of thing just happened yesterday, and it happened today, he guessed that he was going to have bad luck.

  PS new book for a reward!Ask for flowers!Ask for collection!Ask for a great review! .

Chapter [-] Queen and Princess (five more)

  Hearing Misaka Mikoto's angry voice, Li Mu slowly turned around and looked at Misaka Mikoto who was discharging non-stop behind him, with a smile on his face.

  "It turned out to be you. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you here."

  "Long time no see, didn't I just see you yesterday? Don't pretend you don't know anything."

  Misaka Mikoto let out a coquettish cry, with a blush on her face.

  Thinking of being seen by Li Mu last night, Misaka Mikoto felt very shy, and her heart was full of anger at the same time.

  Shokuhou Caoqi on the side looked at the two arguing, and couldn't help but come over and asked curiously, "Li Mu, what's going on? Do you know each other?"

  As soon as the words fell, Misaka Mikoto also noticed Shokuhou Caoqi next to her, her face changed slightly, and then said, "It's you, what's the matter, you're here too, don't you come out very rarely?"

  "Rarely doesn't mean it doesn't come out, what's the matter, do you have any problems?" Shokuhou Cao Qi also looked at Misaka Mikoto strangely, with a trace of unhappiness in his eyes.

  One is the queen of Tokiwa 13, and the other is the princess of Tokiwa. The two are natural enemies and often quarrel.

  It's just that in the later Kamijou Touma incident, the relationship between the two was further deteriorated due to jealousy, and Shokuhou Misaka often asked Misaka Mikoto for trouble.

  Now it seems that the contradiction between the two is still very deep.

  After the two faced each other for a while, Misaka Mikoto looked at Li Mu, and then looked at Shokuhou, like a group of lovers.

  Misaka Mikoto immediately understood and mocked with disdain: "So that's the case, is this guy your boyfriend? It seems that with such a boyfriend, your vision is really bad."

  Shokuhou Cao Qi was about to say something when he suddenly remembered something and asked curiously, "Li Mu, what is your relationship with her, and how did you meet her?"

  "Oh, that's it." Li Mu looked at Shokuhou and explained, "Yesterday, we were..."

  Before Li Mu could say anything, Misaka Mikoto suddenly blushed and said, "Don't say it, don't say it, if you say it, I won't let you go."

  After she finished speaking, a huge electric current erupted from Misaka Mikoto's body, and she looked at Li Mu sharply, but there was a hint of shyness in the corner of her eyes.

  This look, Li Mu understood again, meaning that as long as Li Mu spoke out, she would never let her go.

  However, the more Misaka Mikoto refused to speak, the more interested Shokuhou Caoqi became, he pulled Li Mu's arm and said, "Li Mu, hurry up, hurry up, tell me what happened to you and her, or whether it was You have her handle."

  "Don't say it!"

  Misaka Mikoto ran over immediately, grabbed Li Mu's arm with one hand, and opened her mouth to warn.

  Li Mu glanced at the fierce Misaka Mikoto, raised the corners of his mouth, looked up at the sky and said, "Is this? Misaka Mikoto, if you want to do something to me, I can only tell you about it."


  Misaka Mikoto looked at the triumphant Li Mu, and remembered that she had been looked down upon, so she could only clench her fists, and the originally small beast swayed up and down.

  After a while, Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, gritted her teeth and said, "Very good, you are fine, this time, I will let you go, subconsciously, I will never let you go."

  After speaking, Misaka Mikoto glared at Li Mu, turned around and left angrily.

  But just a few steps away, Misaka Mikoto glared at Li Mu again, gave a warning, and then left directly.

  After Misaka Mikoto left, Shokuhou Cao became interested, grabbed Li Mu's arm, shook it on his own vicious chest, and said with great interest, "Li Mu, hurry up, tell me what happened to Misaka Mikoto, yes. There's nothing scandalous about it."

  Li Mu looked at Shokuhou who was interested, and after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, I promised her, I won't say it if I don't say it, let's forget it."

  "Okay then." Shokuhou Cao prayed that Li Mu didn't intend to say anything, and he was also regretful, but he didn't continue to ask, and went to the front to buy food.

  Secretly, Misaka Mikoto was relieved when she saw Shokuhou Caoqi's expression of regret, patted the flattened murderous chamber, glared at Li Mu again, and then left directly.

  After Misaka Mikoto left, Shokuhou Cao Qi bought some food, came to Li Mu's side, and handed a delicious food to Li Mu.

  "Okay, Li Mu, I bought this, you can eat some too."

  "Okay." Looking at Shokuhou's expectations, Li Mu didn't refuse, he picked up the food and started eating.

  After taking a bite, Shokuhou Caoqi leaned on Li Mu and asked with shining eyes, "Li Mu, how is it, is this delicious?"


  "Yes." Thinking of the food Li Mu made, Shokuhou Caoqi nodded and said, "Compared to the food you made, this is really nothing, but it's still pretty good."

  After finishing speaking, Shokuhou Caoqi also picked up the food and ate it in small bites. It was very elegant.

  After eating, Shokuhou Caoqi patted his abdomen and said happily: "It's so delicious, this is very good, I want to eat that one."

  Looking at an ice cream not far away, Shokuhou 353 Caoqi immediately became interested, walked over quickly, bought a few ice creams and started eating.

  Li Mu walked over slowly and looked at Shokuhou who was very happy, but Li Mu did not disturb her Yaxing.

  After a while, Shokuhou Caoqi finished eating an ice cream and handed the ice cream in his hand to Li Mu.

  "Hey, Li Mu, eat some too."

  "Okay, thank you."

  Li Mu took the ice cream and just took a few bites when he was pulled to the other side by Shokuhou Caoqi, who kept buying food and eating himself.

  After a long time, Shokuhou Caoqi took Li Mu to eat all the food on the stall, and then took Li Mu and left.


  Time passed slowly, and at night, Shokuhou Caoqi patted his stomach and said happily, "Great, I haven't eaten like this for a long time."

  On this day, Shokuhou Caoqi ate a lot, but she did not gain weight, which made her very happy and made her eat a lot of food.

  "Okay, that's it for today, let's go back."

  After speaking, Shokuhou Caoqi pulled Li Mu and walked slowly towards Tokiwadai Middle School.

  PS new book for a reward!Ask for flowers!Ask for collection!Ask for a great review! .

Chapter [-] Seeing the Light (One More)

  When Li Mu and Shokuhou Caoqi returned to the dormitory, the sky had become very dim, the moon had risen in the sky, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the ground.

  After returning to the dormitory, Shokuhou Misaki wiped his slightly warm forehead and walked into the bathroom on the side.

  "Li Mu, go do your own thing, I'll take a shower and talk later."

  "it is good."

  Li Mu nodded, then sat in the living room, turned on the TV and started watching.

  I have to say, as expected of a certain country, there are a lot of animations on TV, all of which are very good. Compared with the catalogue of forbidden books, it is not too much.

  After watching for a long time, the door of the bathroom opened again, Shokuhou Misaki was wrapped in a white yukata, and wiped the wet blonde hair with his right hand, dripping water droplets from time to time, lying on the white yukata.

  The yukata suddenly became wet, and at the same time it became extremely transparent, and the uneven curve inside was revealed, giving people a feeling of wet ~ body temptation ~.

  Li Mu couldn't help but glanced at Shokuhou Caoqi, who saw Shokuhou Caoqi with a blush on his face.

  After watching it for a while, Li Mu also realized that he had lost his temper, and quickly stood up and said, "By the way, I'll take a shower too, and then go to bed earlier."

  After speaking, Li Mu left immediately.

  After Li Mu left, Shokuhou Caoqi patted his beating heart, looking shy and pleasant.

  After a while, when Li Mu came out again, Shokuhou Caoqi was no longer there, but rested in his room.

  Li Mu didn't care either, and went straight back to his room to rest.


  Time passed quickly. The next day, after Li Mu woke up, he wiped his sleepy eyes and walked slowly into the bathroom on the side.

  As soon as he entered the bathroom, Li Mu saw a beautiful figure standing there.

  Qianying stood there, squatted down slightly, put her hands beside her legs, and held a black lace~sine~nei, but she didn't pull it up, and the scenery inside was unobstructed.

  Li Mu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Shokuhou Caoqi a few more times.

  Shokuhou Caoqi himself also reacted, remembering that Li Mu seemed to be at her house, and immediately blushed slightly, and said with a blushing face, "Li Mu, okay, can we go out now?"

  While speaking, Shokuhou Caoqi's tone had a hint of coquettish anger, but Li Mu couldn't hear a hint of anger.

  "Oh, sorry, I forgot."

  Li Mu hurried out and closed the door.

  After walking out, Li Mu didn't think too much, just sat on the side and began to rest.

  After a while, Shokuhou Caoqi came out and came to Li Mu's side, then sat down and said softly, "Li Mu, I'm fine, if you want to use it, hurry up."

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