Li Mu next to him was also very speechless. It was the first time he had seen such a neurotic girl, like an aunt.

  Although... Auntie does not have such a beautiful face and hot body as her.

  "Okay, let's go back, you live with us today."

  Li Mu looked at the girl who was still talking and hurriedly interrupted her.

  "Oh I see."

  There are a lot of ps new book Pirate Princess! .

Chapter [-] I've seen it all (two more)

  In the dormitory, after Orsola came in, he directly looked around with a smile on his face.

  "Is this where I live today? It's really nice? But I have a question? Isn't this a girls' school, how did you get here?"

  Li Mu sat on the sofa beside him and explained, "I'm the only male student here, and the owner here has agreed, so naturally I can live here."

  "I see." Orsola nodded without asking more.

  After a while, Orsola suddenly thought of something, and quickly said, "By the way, as a guest, why don't I let me cook for you, and I'll prepare it right away."

  After finishing speaking, Orsola walked directly into the kitchen without waiting for Li Mu and others to speak.

  Li Mu thought for a while, it seemed that Orsola's cooking skills were good, so he did not refuse, and sat on the sofa and began to wait.

  After a long time, Li Mu suddenly smelled a fragrant scent, he couldn't help but sniff it, and then nodded.

  Li Mu, who has excellent cooking skills, can naturally smell the taste of Orsola's food. It is very good. Although it is a little worse than him, it is also very good.

  Li Mu thought it was excellent, not to mention the others, the whole person was attracted to 973 by the tangy fragrance.

  Needless to say, Index left the TV immediately, rushed to the dining table, and sat there waiting.

  After a while, Orsola came out with some dishes: "Everyone, have dinner, this is the food I specially prepared, you will definitely like it."

  This time, except for Li Mu who walked over in a hurry, the others became anxious, sat down quickly, and began to gulp.

  Although the chefs are different, as usual, everyone else felt very delicious and ate them in big mouthfuls, completely ignoring their own image.

  After eating, Li Mu continued to sit down and rest, while Kanzaki Kaori and the others went about their own business.

  While Li Mu was watching TV, Kanzaki Kaori was taking a shower in the bathtub, while Orsola took some change of clothes and walked into the bathroom.

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Suddenly a scream came, Li Mu's pupils shrank, then quickly stood up and rushed into the bathroom.

  Just as he opened the door, Li Mu raised his hand, and when he was about to attack, he saw a figure (ajbc) standing in front of him.

  This figure is not an enemy in Li Mu's imagination, but Kanzaki Kaori.

  But at this moment, Kanzaki Kaori had just finished taking a bath, and at the same time, it seemed that he was wearing his inner clothes. He bent down, one leg was bent, and Li Mu could be seen from above and below.

  Kanzaki Kaori was also stunned. She had just finished taking a shower and didn't know what happened to Orsola when she suddenly shouted, which made her stunned.

  Then Li Mu actually rushed in like this and saw her whole body, yes, there was nothing left, completely seen by Li Mu.


  Kanzaki Kaori glared at Li Mu, just stood up, stepped on the water on the ground, slipped and fell directly into Li Mu's arms.

  At the same time, Li Mu's hand was on the ground, and Kanzaki Kaori's whole body was directly pressed on him.

  Li Mu subconsciously pinched it, and then felt a burst of softness. Li Mu immediately understood what he had caught, and subconsciously pinched it a few more times.


  Kanzaki Kaori immediately reacted, blushing, and quickly stood up, scolding the seven days and seven knives on the side, and slashed at Li Mu.

  It's just that she just used the most common slash, and other than that, nothing worked.

  Obviously, Kanzaki Kaori's mind is still very clear, but he is very shy and doesn't know what to say, so he can only vent with force.

  Li Mu looked at the seven days and seven knives rushing in front of him, his expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly avoided it. At the same time, he grabbed Kanzaki Kaori and pulled it hard.

  Kanzaki Kaori immediately fell into Li Mu's arms, and at the same time Li Mu's hand moved down slightly and placed it on Kanzaki Kaori's fleshy upturned tun.

  "I'm sorry, I thought something happened to you, I'm really sorry."

  After speaking, Li Mu ran out quickly, and when he left, Li Mu's right hand squeezed hard.

  "This bastard."

  Kanzaki Kaori felt the small movements on Li Mu's body, and his face flushed immediately, his right hand subconsciously touched the place where he was pinched, and his mind was full of Li Mu's figure.

  "What a shame." Kanzaki Kaori muttered to himself, covering his blushing head with both hands, not knowing what he was thinking.

  On the other hand, Orsola, who had been seeing it all the time, tapped the bathtub lightly and whispered, "This... Kanzaki Kaori, I'm going to take a bath, can you go out for a while?"


  It was only at this time that Kanzaki Kaori realized that her shy expression just now was all seen by Osora. Besides, she was also seen by Li Mu.

  Orsola also noticed Kanzaki Kaori's expression, and immediately understood, he quickly waved his hand and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't see anything just now, Li Mu didn't look at you, he didn't touch you, let alone. Didn't pinch you."


  Kanzaki Kaori looked at Orsola speechlessly. She didn't see anything. She was ready to say that she saw everything, and she saw it clearly.

  After a long while, Kanzaki Kaori suddenly reacted, quickly put on his clothes, and walked out quickly.

  After walking out, Kanzaki Huozhijiu saw Li Mu sitting there calmly watching TV, and hesitated for a while, but she still didn't have a conversation with Li Mu, and ran upstairs on her own.

  After Kanzaki Kaori left, Li Mu raised his head and glanced at her back, then took it out and whispered softly, "This figure is still pretty good, it should be convex, it should be warped, she really deserves to be a two-dimensional goddess. ."

  Fortunately, Kanzaki Kaori didn't hear these words, otherwise she would definitely draw out the knife and quickly wave it at Li Mu, cutting Li Mu into pieces.

  After a while, Orsola also came out, came to Li Mu's side, and said quickly, "I'm sorry, Mr. Li Mu, I'm really sorry today, but don't worry, I won't tell you what happened to her."

  Li Mu glanced at Orsola speechlessly. She had already made people think about what she said, so she might as well just say it directly.

  Orsola also seemed to notice that he was wrong, stuck out his tongue, then quickly pulled into the bathrobe and walked upstairs quickly.

  There are a lot of ps new book Pirate Princess! .

Chapter [-]: The shy Kanzaki Kaori (three more)

  Since Li Mu looked at Kanzaki Kaori last time, Kanzaki Kaori has been embarrassed to look at Li Mu. Every time he sees Li Mu, she is like a little girl, very cute and not as serious as before.

  On this day, after Li Mu got up, he came out of Shokuhou Caoqi's room and happened to meet Kanzaki Kaori.

  Kanzaki Kaori saw Li Mu and immediately understood what Li Mu and Shokuhou Caoqi had done, with a blush on his face.


  Just as Li Mu was about to speak, Kanzaki Kaori took a step forward, lowered his head, and ran quickly into the distance, faintly seeing the pink on Kanzaki Kaori's face.

  "This girl, I can't see that there is such a little woman side."

  Kanzaki Kaori looked at Li Mu before, although she was shy, but she wasn't like now, like a delicate little girl.

"Three One Zero"

  After taking a look at Kanzaki Kaori, Li Mu also left, and then went about their own business.

  Academy City has a lot of vacations, and he often takes a few days off after a few days, so Li Mu has nothing to do these days, just playing at home and going to Misaka Mikoto to steal fish from time to time.

  While Li Mu was watching TV, Orsola, who was staying temporarily, wore a tights and walked outside. Behind her, she followed Kanzaki Kaori to protect her.

  "Where are you going? Is there anything?"

  Kanzaki Kaori blushed after hearing this, but he still turned around, blushed, and said softly, "Let's go out to buy clothes. Orsola doesn't have any clothes, so I need to take her to buy them."

  "Yes." Li Mu also remembered that Orsola seemed to be wearing Kanzaki Kaori's clothes, and they fit very well, but Kanzaki Kaori only had a few pieces, not enough for two people.

  "Well, let me go with you. After all, there are always people following us recently, maybe those who track Osola."

  After speaking, Li Mu stood up, changed his clothes, and came to Kanzaki Kaori's side.

  Kanzaki Kaori didn't refuse either, but just distanced himself from Li Mu and looked at Li Mu with an embarrassed look, looking very shy.

  Li Mu didn't care either, he followed behind Osola and walked outside.

  After a while, Orsola left Tokiwadai Middle School and came to a street, looked at the clothing stores on both sides of the street, and then walked towards a clothing store.

  Arriving at the door of the clothing store, Orsola stopped, looked at Li Mu and said, "Li Mu, we go in to buy clothes, are you sure you want to enter with me?"

  Li Mu looked up and saw that the clothing store was colorful, and there were all kinds of underwear everywhere, and many of the styles were very good.

  "Kanzaki Kaori? How's it going? Would you like me to accompany you in and take a look?"

  "Okay." Kanzaki Kaori replied subconsciously.

  But after speaking, Kanzaki Kaori also reacted, and he said something wrong, but it is not easy to change, so he quickly pulled Osola and said: "Okay, let's go in quickly, don't waste time."

  Li Mu shook his head, smiled slightly, and followed behind Orsola.

  After Orsola went in, he directly picked up a black bra, placed it in front of Kanzaki Kaori, and made a rough stroke.

  "How is it? This is not bad, right? Why don't you buy this? I think it suits you very well."

  Kanzaki Kaori's face flushed, and he quickly took the bra aside, glanced at Li Mu, and said shyly, "Don't do this, I'll buy it myself."

  Orsola also noticed the abnormality of Kanzaki Kaori, and couldn't help but peek at Li Mu, then immediately understood, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

  "Li Mu, what do you think of this? Is it suitable? Why don't we just buy this?"

  Kanzaki Kaori was also stunned. She didn't expect Orsola to ask Li Mu this question, but for some reason, she didn't refuse, and suddenly there was a hint of expectation in her heart.

  Li Mu listened to the hearts of the two, and immediately smiled: "This is not very clear, why don't you let her try it? As long as it is suitable, I can buy it."

  This is very domineering, like going to a jewelry store and asking for a package.

  Kanzaki Kaori was also a little overjoyed after hearing this, and at the same time had some urges, but he was too embarrassed to try it, and the whole person stood there, not moving.

  Orsola immediately understood, and hurriedly pulled Kazaki Kaori and walked towards the fitting room on the side.  …

  "Okay, let's try it out. It's impossible to buy clothes without trying them on."

  Kanzaki Kaori did not refuse either, and let Osola pull into the fitting room on the side, and then Osola changed her clothes.

  After a while, Orsola changed her clothes and hurriedly opened the door a little, stuck her head out, and beckoned, "Li Mu, come over here."

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