Suddenly, Asuna stretched out her pure white hand, blocked Li Mu's hand with her pink hand, and said softly, "Li Mu, we will be together from now on."

  Asuna, who has experienced it once, even if it is a game, she knows that it is very painful, but even if it is painful, her heart is still full of expectations for the future.

  Li Mu didn't stop, and nodded lightly.

  Lisbeth, who was working as an agent outside, heard the voice, and immediately understood, her face was slightly red, and she couldn't help but cursed in her heart.

  However, although she was shy, Lisbeth blushed slightly when she thought of the mysterious things that only appeared in comics, but she still couldn't help walking over, opened the door and looked at it secretly.

  Through the crack of the door, Lisbeth saw the silhouettes of Li Mu and Asuna. Lisbeth saw white steam on her face, her whole brain was chaotic, and she didn't know what to think.

  After a long time, Li Mu looked at Asuna, who was a little tired, and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead.

  Asuna also felt physically exhausted, and slowly closed her eyes and began to rest.

  After waiting outside for a while, Lisbeth glanced at the two people resting inside, hesitated for a moment, then opened the door, glanced at Li Mu, and sneaked in.

  After entering the room, Lisbeth tremblingly came to Li Mu's side, then remembered what Asuna had done just now, lowered her head, and approached Li Mu secretly.

  Li Mu also felt Lisbeth's movements, looked at her, reached out and tapped her head gently.

  Lisbeth was overjoyed, and hurriedly sat beside Li Mu, leaning on Li Mu's body.

  Li Mu gently hugged her and whispered, "You did this tonight, won't you regret it later? I can't give you all of me alone."

  "It doesn't matter, I only need you to occupy a part of you, I don't need to occupy the whole of you." Lisbeth lowered her head and said with a serious face.


  In the room, Li Mu and Lisbeth embraced each other, surrounded by a white light wrapping them together.

  If Arturia was here and saw Li Mu doing this kind of thing with her Avalon, she would probably be annoyed and take a curry stick and give Li Mu a map shot directly.

  A moment later, Lisbeth was lying in Li Mu's arms, holding Li Mu 123 with both hands, with a happy smile on her face.

  After resting for a while, Lisbeth endured the pain and stood up and said softly, "Li Mu, I'm leaving, can we meet again in the future?"

  Li Mu also sat up, hugged her, and said tenderly: "Don't worry, Asuna is very gentle, I will tell her, you wait for me for a few days."


  Lisbeth nodded, picked up the clothes with a little blood on one side, limped out, and quickly walked towards her room.

  After returning to her room, Lisbeth suddenly realized that this was also Asuna's room, and hurriedly hid her blood-stained coat before laying on the side to rest.

  After a night like this, Li Mu, Asuna and the others were resting, and Lisbeth also slept sweetly.

  Until the next day, when the sky was dawn, Asuna woke up, and then secretly came to her room, looked at Lisbeth who was still sleeping, breathed a sigh of relief, and then rested.

  Asuna didn't notice that when she just lay down to rest, Lisbeth secretly opened her eyes, then closed her eyes and continued to rest.

  In this way, it was not until the next day that Li Mu woke up.

  There are a lot of ps new book Pirate Princess! .

Chapter [-] Kendo Hall (one more)

  The next day, when Asuna woke up, she felt the pain in her body and did not get up, but continued to rest on the bed.

  And Lisbeth was naturally in pain, and of course she refused to get up. She pretended to be very tired and also lay down and rested.

  Neither of them wanted to get up, so Li Mu had to cook by himself and bring it to the two of them's room.

  After Asuna and the two girls finished their meal, Li Mu tidied up the tableware and said, "Okay, let's take a rest today, I'll go shopping by myself."

  After watching Li Mu leave, although the two also wanted to go shopping, considering their current health, they naturally couldn't continue to follow Li Mu.

  After Li Mu left, he suddenly saw a girl with blond hair running quickly from his front.

  Looking at this girl, Li Mu suddenly felt a familiar feeling, as if he had seen it somewhere.

  But after a while, Li Mu suddenly remembered that this seemed to be Kiritani Suguha, Kazuto Kiritani's younger sister, but she was crying for some unknown reason.

  After listening to her thoughts carefully, Li Mu immediately understood that it seemed that Kirito had angered Suguha Kiritani, so he was angry.

  Although he didn't understand why the two brothers and sisters who were supposed to be reconciled suddenly quarreled, Li Mu didn't care and quickly followed Suguha Kiritani.

  After a while, Li Mu came to the front of a relatively large kendo hall.

  Looking at the kendo hall in front of him, Li Mu also remembered that Kirito's family seemed to be a family of samurai, and the main thing was kendo.

  After thinking about it for a while, Li Mu suddenly thought of a good idea, and hurriedly walked into this Kendo hall.

  Just after entering the kendo hall, someone walked over and said with a smile: "Little brother, you are here to participate in our kendo hall, let me tell you, our kendo hall is one of the best in the country, and our young lady also won the national competition. The top eight, as long as you join..."

  "This friend, I'm here to kick the gym." Seeing that this man was still chattering, Li Mu couldn't help interrupting him.

  "What, so you're here to play in the gym, you're not early..."

  The man hadn't reacted yet, and continued talking. He didn't react until halfway through, and shouted in surprise, "What, you're here to kick the gym."

  The loud voice instantly spread throughout the entire Kendo Hall, and everyone stopped and looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

  They saw a lot of people coming to the gym, but most of them were beaten, so over time, no one came.

  Now that Li Mu came over, they subconsciously thought that Li Mu was nothing but grandstanding and would be defeated in the end.

  Li Mu also didn't care about the whispers of the people around him, he took a step forward and looked at everyone and shouted: "I was once called the world's greatest swordsman, and I saw you guys playing at home today, so I'm going to let you know something. That's the way of swordsmanship."

  "Arrogant, just because you are also worthy of being called the world's greatest swordsman."

  "Yes, any one of us can beat you."

  "Boy, hurry up and apologize, or we'll blow you up with a sword."

  The people around were irritated by Li Mu's wild words, thinking that they were one of the best... No, they haven't met a swordsman who dares to call himself the world's number one.

  And they didn't know that Li Mu was indeed the number one in the world. In the One Piece world, there was no swordsman stronger than him.

  Li Mu glanced at Suguha Tonggu, then looked at the old man in the main seat, and said with a smile, "Sir, I've been so provocative. Even if you don't come in person, you should send someone to come over."

  This old man is the contemporary head of the Tonggu family.

  The old man stared at Li Mu, and then said seriously, "Suzuki, play with this little guy and let him know that our Tonggu family's swordsmanship is amazing."

  "Understood, master." The man known as Suzuki jumped out quickly, and then said unhappily: "Boy, I am the first disciple of the Tonggu family's swordsmanship. Today, I will show you how powerful the Tonggu family's swordsmanship is."

  Li Mu looked at the strong man in front of him, and then ran to the side without hesitation.

  "Boy, what's wrong with you, are you afraid to run away?" Suzuki said proudly.

  "Idiot, I don't have a weapon. Could it be that you let me use my fists to compete with you in swordsmanship?"

  Hearing Li Mu's sarcasm, Suzuki's face flushed.

  Especially when he heard the laughter around him, he felt that he was very embarrassed. At the same time, he also resented Li Mu very much, and he made up his mind to teach Li Mu a lesson.

  And Li Mu slowly came to the side, looked at the bamboo sword not far away, took one casually, and then came to the competition arena.

  Suzuki glanced at Li Mu, who didn't have any moves, and teased, "Boy, don't you want armor? Aren't you afraid of being hurt by me?"

  Li Mu turned his head and ignored Suzuki without saying a word, making Suzuki look like a fool.

  "." Damn, boy, don't regret it. "

  Suzuki gritted his teeth angrily, picked up the bamboo sword in his hand, and rushed towards Li Mu quickly.

  After getting close to Li Mu, Suzuki raised his bamboo sword and hit Li Mu's face with force.

  When Suzuki was about to attack Li Mu, Li Mu waved his right hand, and the bamboo sword in his hand hit Suzuki's wrist.

  Immediately, a cyan mark appeared on Suzuki's wrist. At the same time, Suzuki's right hand could not help loosening, and the bamboo sword fell directly to the ground.

  The next moment, Li Mu put the bamboo sword on Suzuki's neck and smiled slightly: "Boy, you lost, I won."

  Suzuki's face flushed red when he saw that he was killed in a single blow. He turned around and left without saying a word.

  Fortunately, he still had a protective gear on his head, otherwise the audience would have seen his shy face.

  Li Mu retracted his weapon, raised his head to look around, stretched out his bamboo sword, and turned around and said, "It's not that I'm talking nonsense, I want to say that everyone here is scum in the field of kendo."

  "Bastard, I can't take it anymore, this guy is so annoying."

  "Brothers, don't stop me, I must kill him."

  "Go, no one will hold you."

  "Okay, here I am... oops, my stomach hurts, I'm so tired."

  Outside the ring, when everyone was arguing, Suguha Kiritani, who was watching the battle from above, looked at the arrogant Li Mu, his eyebrows wrinkled.

  Li Mu also noticed Tonggu Suguha's gaze, turned his head, gave her a smug look, then turned his head and stopped looking at her.

  Tongya Suguha felt Li Mu's contempt, and anger rose in his heart, and he jumped out without hesitation.

  There are a lot of ps new book Pirate Princess! .

Chapter [-] This is the swordsman (two more)

  "I'll accompany you to compete in swordsmanship."

  With a coquettish shout, Tonggu Suguha came directly in front of Li Mu, holding a bamboo knife with the tip facing Li Mu.

  "It's great, it's Senior Sister, she can definitely win."

  "That's right, I believe that the eldest sister can definitely teach that arrogant guy a lesson."

  When the surrounding apprentices saw Suguha Kiritani come on stage, they waved their hands excitedly and shouted happily.

  Even the old man on the stage gave Kiritani Suguha one more look, and then looked at Li Mu again, with curiosity in his eyes, whether it was today's greatness, or Kiritani Suguha's greatness.

  When Li Mu saw Suguha Kiritani appear, he immediately regained his spirits, stood up straight, and teased with a smile: "Okay, Suguha Kiritani, right? I heard that you are very powerful, so let's try it."

  "You'll know how good I am."

  Tonggu Suguha glared at Li Mu, then quickly charged at Li Mu with the bamboo knife in his hand.

  After getting close to Li Mu, Suguha Kiritani raised his hand and slashed hard at Li Mu's right hand.

  Li Mu didn't fight back either. With a slight flash, he easily avoided Tonggu Suguha's attack. At the same time, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Tonggu Suguha's bamboo sword.

  "Little Leaf, your swordsmanship is good, but unfortunately, this can only be ordinary swordsmanship, it's nothing at all."

  "Shut up, don't call me Little Leaf."

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