Listening to the people around him getting further and further away, Tian Suohui's face flushed, and he lowered his head, without saying a word, with thousands of deer rushing around.

  At the same time, Tian Suohui peeked at Li Mu from time to time. Seeing that Li Mu's expression did not change, Tian Suohui breathed a sigh of relief.

  And Li Mu was also a little embarrassed. He had just met, and it was about getting married and having children. He even started to think about the name of the child.

  On the other hand, Tian Suohui's mother saw that Li Mu and Li Mu were particularly embarrassed, so she quickly stood up and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's prepare dinner, Xiaohui, come with me."


  Tian Suohui was called away, and only Li Mu was left to face these enthusiastic villagers.

  But even though there was only Li Mu alone, Li Mu continued to talk nonsense with them, in short, he didn't tell the truth.

  On the other side, after Tiansuohui was pulled away, she came to the kitchen to prepare with her mother.

  While cooking, Tian Suohui's mother suddenly asked, "Xiaohui, how long have you known that person, and how is his character?"

  Although Li Mu looks very charming, there is no shortage of people in this world who look like people but are extremely dirty inside.

  Although Li Mu's character is what she cares most about, she doesn't care much about other things, as long as Tian Suohui likes it.

  "Li Mu, he..." Tian Suohui remembered Li Mu and everything he had with Li Mu, and said softly: "Li Mu is very good, if it wasn't for his help, I might have been eliminated very early, and he often encouraged me ."

  While speaking, Tian Suohui's face was flushed with blush.

  The mother glanced at Tian Suohui and immediately understood that her daughter had already fallen in love with Li Mu, and her love was still very deep.

  "Okay, it's rare that you work hard on your own. Good men are not common. If you don't work hard, she won't be there."

  "Work hard?" Tian Suohui murmured, thinking of Erina Nakiri, and felt that she had no chance of winning.

  In terms of looks, cooking skills, or family conditions, she couldn't compare to Nakiri Erina.

  The mother seemed to see her daughter's thoughts, and said quickly, "What's the matter, are there many people pursuing him? This is normal. Even if it is me, if I am younger, I will pursue him."

  "Mom." Tian Suohui shouted with a blushing face.

  "Okay, let's not talk about it." The mother quickly apologized,

  After speaking, the mother fell silent and continued to cook her own dishes. Tian Suohui saw that her mother did not speak, and did not continue to speak.

  After a while, after the mother finished cooking, she pulled Tian Suohui and said, "Xiaohui, you can't catch up with Li Mu like this, I told you, you want this..."

  After listening to her mother's words, Tian Suohui's face flushed and he hesitated: " this okay? This..."

  "Of course you can, don't worry, as long as you do this, you will be able to catch him." The mother said as a matter of course.

  Although her mother said it was okay, Tian Suohui was still very hesitant and didn't know what to say.

  "Okay, let's not talk, let's cook." Seeing Tian Suohui's hesitation, her mother interrupted her immediately.

  She has decided to help Tian Suohui pursue Li Mu immediately. She believes that with her help, Tian Suohui will definitely succeed.

  In the following time, Tiansuohui and her mother cooked together, and spent a certain amount of time making more than a dozen dishes.

  After finishing, Tian Suohui and her mother each brought a few dishes and came to the table.

  After putting all the meals on the table, my mother took the lead and said, "Li Mu, you should eat more. These are all local dishes, not comparable to those in big cities."

  "It doesn't matter, cooking depends on the cook. An excellent chef, even the local dishes are delicious."

  The people around listened to Li Mu's words, and they were even more fond of Li Mu, thinking that Li Mu was a good person.

  Li Mu didn't say much, just picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

  I have to say, worthy of being Tian Suohui's mother, this dish is completely Tian Suohui's style, and they are all the same warmth.

  After eating for a while, Li Mu suddenly said: "This dish is good, but the style is somewhat similar, Xiaohui, you have to have your own style."

  Cooking this thing is like tennis in The Prince of Tennis. It is not very good to be similar to others. You must have your own style.

  Tian Suohui's mother also became serious after hearing this, and said seriously: ".'Xiaohui, Li Mu is right, your cooking inherited my style, you need to find your own style."

  "Well, I see."

  Hearing what Li Mu and his mother said, Tian Suohui also became serious, and he made up his mind to find his own style and not let Li Mu down.

  Next, Li Mu did not continue to discuss cooking, but discussed other things while eating.

  Although the content made Li Mu a little embarrassed, but Li Mu was also a mature person, and he casually chatted with them.

  In this way, time passed slowly. After eating, Li Mu and Tian Suohui's mother cleaned up the table on the table and helped her wash it up.

  Of course, the plot in the girl's comics didn't happen, and Li Mu didn't mean to take the initiative to attack mature young women.

 (Are you okay) After washing the dishes, Tian Suohui's mother pushed Li Mu and said quickly: "Okay, don't do it, and Xiaohui, why don't you take him to rest soon, the room I mentioned. inside."

  "Well, good." Tian Suohui blushed, hesitated for a while, but said softly, "Li... Li Mu, it's getting late, come with me, I've prepared a room for you."

  "I see, thank you, Xiaohui."

  Although he didn't know what Tian Suohui was thinking, Li Mu didn't break anything and followed directly behind Tian Suohui.

  After walking a few steps, Li Mu and Tian Suohui turned and walked towards the second floor, and came to the door of a room.

  Tian Suohui opened the room, walked in, pointed to a pavement on the ground and said, "Li Mu, you will sleep here tonight, and I will be by your side."

  There are a lot of ps new book Pirate Princess! .

Chapter seven hundred and ninety first calm night (two more)

  "Sleep...sleeping together?"

  Li Mu looked at Tian Suohui in surprise, but Tian Suohui lowered his head and looked at Li Mu in embarrassment, but only vaguely saw Tian Suohui's face turning red.

  "Okay, but where do I take a shower~?"

  Since Tian Suohui took the initiative to ask for it, Li Mu naturally couldn't refuse.

  And Tian Suohui heard Li Mu say this, although she was very shy, but for some reason, she seemed to let out a sigh of relief.

  "The bath is here, I'll take you there."

  Tian Suohui walked ahead and took Li Mu to the outside of a small room.

  Li Mu didn't ask any further, he opened the door and walked in.

  After entering, Li Mu turned on the solar energy, put a lot of hot water, and then lay down in the water and began to rest.

  After taking a long hot bath, Li Mu stood up, changed clothes, and went back to his room.

  Tian Suohui waited until Li Mu finished taking a bath, and then came to the bathroom to take a bath.

  After an unknown amount of time, Tian Suohui also finished washing, then wrapped in a bathrobe, came to Li Mu's room, and walked to Li Mu's side.

  Looking at Li Mu lying on the ground, Tian Suohui hesitated for a while, pulled out a bed next to Li Mu, and began to rest.

  Li Mu also felt Tian Suohui's breath, but he didn't do much. He lay there and rested, as if he didn't know anything.

  Outside, Tian Suohui's mother peeked, and relaxed after the two did nothing.

  Although she let Tian Suohui and Li Mu share a room, her purpose was just to test Li Mu.

  Now that Li Mu didn't do anything, she was relieved of Li Mu.

  However, although she was temporarily relaxed, she did not leave, but continued to stand in place and peek.

  After a long time, Tian Suohui's mother completely relaxed, then felt a little tired, and then left.

  Inside, Li Mu, who was lying there, felt very speechless after Tian Suohui's mother left.

  She could actually come up with this method to test herself, if she hadn't restrained herself, maybe she would have gotten used to it.

  In the next time, Li Mu didn't do anything, just closed his eyes and started to rest.

  The peaceful night passed like this. The next day, when Li Mu woke up, he saw Tian Suohui lying in front of him, the clothes on his body were wrinkled, and the skin inside was exposed.

  Especially the front, squeezed by two arms, looks very plump.

  Li Mu took a double look, then put on his clothes and walked out quickly.

  Not long after going out, Tian Suohui quickly got up, tidied up her clothes, and covered her somewhat graceful body.

  Then Tian Suohui quickly changed his clothes and left his room.

  After Li Mu and Tian Suohui left the room, they happened to meet Tian Suohui's mother who had just come out.

  Seeing Li Mu and Tian Suohui, the mother hurriedly laughed and joked: "How is it, did you rest well last night? If you are tired, you can continue to rest for a while."

  "Mom." Tiansuo Huitong shouted with a blushing face.

  Li Mu said indifferently, "It's okay, I had a good rest yesterday, and I'm still in good spirits today."

  "Okay, then you should go to rest first, and I'll make breakfast for you."

  Tian Suohui's mother didn't say much, and walked towards the kitchen on the side.

  Li Muze and Tian Suohui came to the living room and sat next to the dining table.

  After sitting down, neither Li Mu nor Tian Suohui said a word, and just waited silently.

  I don't know how long it took, Tian Suohui's mother came over and put some vegetables and porridge in front of Li Mu.

  "Okay, you guys eat more, I made a lot today."

  Li Mu didn't say a word, just picked up a spoon and started eating like this. Tian Suohui, who was next to him, was also very tacit, and ate breakfast quietly.

  After eating breakfast, Tian Suohui was pulled aside by her mother and kept talking. Tian Suohui was very shy, and she peeked at Li Mu from time to time.

  Tian Suohui didn't notice that Li Mu heard everything they said, and heard it without a word.

  Listening to Tian Suohui's mother's 'teaching', Li Mu's mouth twitched from time to time, and he couldn't imagine how sharp Tian Suohui's mother was.

· 0 flowers


  Time passed slowly, and Li Mu stayed at Tian Suohui's house for a few days. In the past few days, Tian Suohui was very shy when he saw him.

  Similarly, she is also very hardworking, no matter what Li Mu wants to do, she helps Li Mu to solve it, showing that she is very gentle.

  And Tian Suohui's mother kept teaching Tian Suohui, using the method of pursuing girls to teach Tian Suohui to pursue Li Mu.

  This made Li Mu still a little uncomfortable, because these moves, which were usually used by Li Mu to deal with those girls, were now used by others to deal with him.

  Just like that, after a few days, Li Mu and Tian Suohui packed up their salutes and then prepared to leave.

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