Wei Zhuang's face became solemn, his right hand slowly picked up the shark tooth, his expression was solemn, and his heart became tense.

  "It's useless, Wei Zhuang, you are not my opponent at all, this is the gap between us."

  Li Mu sneered, took out the long sword in his right hand, and glanced at Wei Zhuang sharply.

  On the other hand, Concubine Yan saw that Li Mu was about to start, she waved her hands lightly, and a golden three-legged golden crow suddenly rushed out towards Wei Zhuang.

  Wei Zhuang frowned slightly, and with a wave of his right hand, he took the lead in blocking Concubine Yan's Soul Xilongyou.

  "Ben Lei Sword Technique 々ˇ."

  Li Mu suddenly shouted loudly, his aura burst out and swept over Wei Zhuang.

  At the same time, a large amount of lightning suddenly appeared on the long sword in Li Mu's hand, roaring from time to time.

  The thunder and lightning flickered faintly, and suddenly there was a loud noise, and Li Mu rushed out.

  Wei Zhuang only felt a flash in his eyes, and then a large amount of thunder light rushed towards him and hit him.

  The next moment, Wei Zhuang suddenly felt a sense of danger nearby, his face changed suddenly, and the shark tooth in his hand stabbed hard toward the front.

  Looking at Wei Zhuang's sudden attack, Li Mu stretched out his left hand, covered with powerful internal force, and enveloped his arm.

  Afterwards, Li Mu suddenly swung forcefully, and with his left hand, he slapped Wei Zhuang's shark teeth aside, and swung the long sword vigorously in his hand.


  With a wave of the sword in his hand, he stabbed Wei Zhuang in the abdomen.

  Wei Zhuang's face was aching, and his body trembled slightly.

  Li Mu didn't give Wei Zhuang a chance to resist, he raised his foot and kicked Wei Zhuang's abdomen hard.


  After Wei Zhuang was kicked, he rolled on the ground and hit a big tree not far away, knocking the tree down.

  A net rushed out immediately, and the long sword in his hand was placed on Wei Zhuang's neck.

  "Okay, I've solved one, let me solve you next."

  Li Mu sneered, clenched the long sword in his right hand, and set his eyes on Gai Nie who was on the side.

  Among these people, Wei Zhuang and Gai Nie are the most powerful. As long as these two people are dealt with, the rest will be more convenient.

  Gai Nie also saw Li Mu's gaze, his face changed suddenly, and he quickly became vigilant. While resisting the attack of the crowd, he looked at Li Mu vigilantly.

  "It's up to me, Ben Lei swordsmanship."

  Li Mu rushed out again, quickly came to Gai Nie's back, and slashed at Gai Nie's back.

  Gai Nie's expression was calm, he waved his right hand easily, the wooden sword blocked the attack of the person in front of him, and then quickly turned around and swung the long sword towards Li Mu.


  Li Mu attacked quickly, the long sword hit Gai Nie's wooden sword, cut off Gai Nie's weapon, and continued to chop down.

  When Gai Nie saw Li Mu's attack, his expression changed slightly, and he quickly took a step back.

  The nearby nets rushed out together, approached Gai Nie in the blink of an eye, and attacked together from Gai Nie's back in an attempt to solve Gai Nie.

  Genie turned around without hesitation, hit a snare with one hand, solved the snare, and snatched the snare's weapon,

  ".'Genie, you don't know my power at all, this is the power of the realm of heaven and man."

  Li Mu's eyes narrowed, and a sharp sword intent rushed out, and the long sword in his hand suddenly swung out, stabbing Ga Nie in the abdomen together.

  Gai Nie suddenly felt the pain in his abdomen, but he still endured the pain, and then he swung his long sword in an attempt to deliver a fatal blow to Li Mu.

  "Hundred-step flying sword?"

  Li Mu frowned slightly, the long sword in his hand slashed forward, slashed on the flying sword, and easily knocked the Hundred-Step Flying Sword into the air.

  "Sure enough... did it fail?"

  Gai Nie was not disappointed, after all, he also knew the gap between him and Li Mu, so he was not too disappointed.

  Li Mu glanced at Gai Nie, then raised his foot and kicked Gai Nie's body hard.

  The next moment, the long sword in Li Mu's hand swung out, pressed it on Gai Nie's body, and pressed Gai Nie's body with his other hand.

  "Gai Nie, it seems that your choice is wrong. The empire will not be destroyed. Just because of that guy Jing Ke, you actually betrayed the empire."

  In the distance, he opened several nets, picked up the iron hook, went straight through Ga Nie's pipa bone, and held Ga Nie down.

  "Jing Ke?" The expressions of the Mo family suddenly changed, and they looked at Gai Nie subconsciously.

  They had never known why Gai Nie betrayed the empire, and now hearing this explosive news, everyone's faces were very ugly.

  In particular, Gao Jianli thought that Gai Nie was the reason, but he didn't expect that it was because of his good friend Jing Ke.

  Just when everyone was surprised, Luo Wang, Concubine Yan and the others attacked even more fiercely. They overwhelmed the Mo family and the others for a while, and it was possible to solve the Mo family at any time.

  The Mo family was also at a disadvantage.

  The invincible Holy Grail War begins! .

Chapter [-] Duanmu Rong surrenders (four more)

  clang clang...

  Not long after the battle between Li Mu and the Mo family, the Mo family fell to the ground one after another.

  Soon, the Mo family were defeated by Li Mu.

  After dealing with the Mo family members, Meng Tian also came with a large number of soldiers, and surrounded the Mo family members in the middle.

  "Master Xiangguo, are you okay?"

  As soon as Meng Tian rushed over, he looked at Li Mu worriedly.

  Although he is a general, most generals still have a good impression of Li Mu, so Meng Tian is very concerned about Li Mu.

  Seeing that Li Mu was all right, Meng Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Okay, General Meng Tian, ​​don't worry anymore, arrest all these Mo clan rebels and put them on death row."

  "Yes, Lord Xiangguo."

  As soon as Meng Tian waved his hand, the nearby Qin army rushed over and bound the Mo family tightly, for fear that these people would escape.

  Seeing this, Li Mu suddenly thought of something, and said quickly, "By the way, give them my medicine. After taking my medicine, they will definitely lose their power, and it will be fine if they are rescued."

  He clearly remembered that in the middle of the bright moon of the Qin Dynasty, Qin State was always suppressed by the Mo family as if his IQ was lowered.

  Rather than being rescued in the future, Li Mu might as well abolish them first, as it would be nothing to save them.

  "I see, Lord Xiangguo."

  Meng Tian walked to Li Mu's side, picked up the medicine and left.

  After returning to Songhai City, Li Mu specially escorted the Mo family and passed the prefect's mansion.

  Just after passing the Prefect's Mansion, Duanmu Rong, who was standing in a courtyard, heard the muttering of nearby soldiers.

  "Have you heard? People from the Mo family have been caught."

  "Yeah, I heard that all the leaders of the Mo family have been captured, and there is only one giant of the Mo family left."

  Duanmurong's face changed suddenly, and she quickly left the room and walked outside.

  These soldiers also received Li Mu's order and did not stop Duanmu Rong, but allowed Duanmu Rong to leave the room.

  After leaving the room, Duanmu Rong went straight to the lobby, and then saw the Mo family being escorted into the back hall.

  Duanmurong's face changed slightly, and she wanted to approach Gao Jianli and others.

  "Rong'er, okay, I'll talk about this later, it's not convenient to talk about it now."

  Duanmurong glanced at Li Mu, hesitated for a moment, took back her hand, and did not speak.

  After returning to the room, Duanmu Rong sat there alone, silent, not knowing what to think.

  After a while, Li Mu came to the room and sat directly beside Duanmu Rong.

  When Duanmu Rong saw Li Mu coming, she quickly said, "Li Mu, you promise me that you will release the Mo family, and you will definitely help?"

  Li Mu looked at the anxious Duanmu Rong, calmly took a drink, and then looked at Duanmu Rong indifferently.

  "I just got the news that His Majesty will execute the Mo clan rebels, and everyone will be executed."

  Duanmurong's body trembled after hearing this, and there was a trace of tears in her eyes.

  After a long time, Duanmu Rong reacted and said anxiously, "Li Mu, you can definitely do it. I believe you can save them. As long as you save them, I will definitely agree to any request you have."

  Looking at Duanmu Rong who was crying, Li Mu couldn't help reaching out and hugged Duanmu Rong's body.


  Duanmu Rong cried non-stop, and soon wet Li Mu's clothes.

  Only now did Li Mu realize that Duanmurong was actually just a little girl. She also had her own limits and would cry and mourn.

  Let Duanmu Rong cry, Li Mu hugged her and said righteously: "Don't worry, although I can't let them go, I can still protect them. You have to be considerate of me, after all, they are rebels."

  Li Mu's words seem to have paid a huge price. Only Li Mu knows that the price is not big at all.

  But Duanmurong didn't know, she just thought that Li Mu had helped her a lot, and said gratefully: "Thank...Thank you, if...if I didn't have you, I...I don't even know...what to do."

  "It's okay, don't worry, I'll be fine."

  Li Mu patted Duanmu Rong and said happily.

  "Yeah." Duanmu Rong nodded lightly, then leaned into Li Mu's arms and started to cry.

  I don't know how long it took, Duanmu Rong's voice became smaller and smaller, and gradually entered the dreamland.

· 0 for flowers · · · · ·

  Li Mu looked at Duanmu Rong, who was resting in his arms, and slowly picked her up and placed her on the other side of the bed.

  Although the movement was very light, Duanmu Rong was awakened instantly, and her crying red eyes looked at Li Mu.

  "I'm so sorry, I disturbed you just now. Take a good rest. For you, I can protect them and prevent them from having an accident." Li Mu said apologetically.

  "um. Thank you."

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