Haibara Ai "Zero Zero Seven"'s breathing became very heavy, as if he had just experienced a long run.

  Just like that, Haibara Ai rested for a while, then slowly sat up straight, and then saw a foot in front of her.

  Hai Yuanai was startled and raised her head quickly.

  After looking up to see Li Mu, Hai Yuanai was relieved despite her doubts.

  "Why are you here? What did you see?"

  Hai Yuanai's voice was somewhat ethereal, not much less than her voice when she was young.

  But her tone was very suitable for her age, unlike when she was a child, she was a little adult.

  "I just came here, and I have seen everything that I should see. For example, now your body, I have seen everything."

  Li Mu looked at Hui Yuanai and couldn't help but look at it a few more times.

  Although she is younger than Miyano Akimi, her body is no less lame and she has grown up perfectly.

  "Transformed... perverted."

  Haiyuan Ai also reacted, and quickly squatted down, curled up, and blocked his body.

  "Okay, don't do this, here is a dress, you can put it on."

  Li Mu picked up a work uniform that he picked up easily and threw it to Hui Yuanai.

  After Hui Yuanai took the work clothes, she looked at Li Mu shyly.

  "You... can you turn around."

  "okay, I get it."

  Li Mu nodded, then turned around and turned his back to Hui Yuanai.

  Haibara Ai stood up slowly, and the sound of fabric rubbing came from her body.

  "Okay, I'm fine."

  Li Mu turned around, looked at Hui Yuanai in front of him, and couldn't help but take another look.

  Although he covered his body, the clothes could not cover his whole body, and his big white legs were all exposed.

  "Okay, we should leave too."

  Li Mu first pulled out a piece of Hui Yuanai's hair and put it under the chimney, then resisted Hui Yuanai and wanted to leave.

  Hui Yuanai's cheeks were suddenly flushed, and he quickly waved Li Mu and said, "Wait, let me go, and also, where is your hand?"

  "Okay, stop arguing, the gin is coming soon, don't you want to leave soon?"

  Li Mu stretched out his hand, patted Hui Yuanai lightly, and then walked outside.

  Hai Yuanai suddenly trembled and stopped resisting.

  Damn, how could this guy do this to me!

  He... how could he... hit me there!

  When she thought that Li Mu was carrying her with one hand on her little pp, still naked, she felt a hint of shyness in her heart.

  But for some reason, Hui Yuanai didn't resist and let Li Mu hold her like this.

  After walking a few steps, Li Mu came to the room he had opened downstairs and threw Hui Yuanai on the bed.

  Haiyuan Ai shook for a while, and the clothes came off~ and fell.

  Good spring~ The light is unobstructed!

  "do not look."

  Huiyuan Aijiao let out a cry, quickly picked up the quilt, covered her body, and cast a glance at Li Mu.

  "I'm going to take a rest, you inform Conan that kid, let him not die, and don't expose me."

  After speaking, Li Mu walked to the bathroom on the side.

  Not long after, when Li Mu came out again, Hai Yuanai had finished calling.

  "Hey, Xiao Ai, can I ask you something?"

  "What... what?"

  Looking at Li Mu's smile, Hai Yuanai suddenly had a very ominous premonition.

  "Actually, it's very simple. I'm with your sister. Who is it? Every night, you move your hands and eat my tofu."

  Li Mu's eyes were fixed on Hui Yuanai, and Hui Yuanai's face was red.

  Damn, he actually knew!

  Hai Yuanai couldn't have imagined that Li Mu actually knew about this matter, and he still brought it up here openly...

  "I...I don't know, I don't know anything."

  Although she did it, how could she admit it herself.

  Li Mu didn't care either, it would be a little strange if Hai Yuanai would admit it.

  "Well, let's not talk about this, let me talk to you about another matter."

  Li Mu suddenly hugged Hui Yuanai and kissed him.

  Hui Yuanai was also stunned. He didn't expect Li Mu to do this, and he didn't resist for a while.

  After a while, Hai Yuanai suddenly reacted and hurriedly pushed Li Mu hard.

  Perhaps because of the increase in size, Hui Yuanai's power also increased, at least it could push Li Mu away.

  "You...what are you doing, is this...is it worthy of my sister to go on like this?"

  Although he may be a little excited, but thinking of Miyano Akemi, Haibara Ai still refused.

  "What's there to care about, anyway, you're already very sorry for your sister, and, if you forget, you'll change back soon, just relax here.

  Also, I know what happens every night, you have doubts about me, and I like you too. "

  As Li Mu said that, he pinched Hui Yuanai's face.

  He knew all about the things that Haibara Ai put his hands around indiscriminately every night.


  Hai Yuanai hesitated a little, thinking that the events of the night were revealed, she was a little shy.

1.1 But when she thinks about her sister, she is a little tangled.

  "It's okay, Xiao Ai, you forgot, but your sister can't satisfy me. Shouldn't your sister help her? There will be more care in the future."

  While speaking, Li Mu grabbed Hui Yuanai's hand and put it in his own.

  If Haiyuan Ai refused, he didn't intend to force it, anyway, he would have a chance in the future.

  Hai Yuanai hesitated.

  She also knew that there were many rich women and if she didn't help her sister, her sister might be bullied in the future.

  And, after all, for some reason, she had Li Mu in her heart.

  "Well, that's it, but you can't tell your sister about it."

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1064 Take down Huiyuan Ai (one more)

  "Don't worry, I won't tell your sister."

  Li Mu naturally couldn't tell Miyano Akemi that it was an idiot.

  After Hui Yuanai got Li Mu's assurance, she closed her eyes and panted heavily.

  "Come on, I might get smaller soon."

  Li Mu didn't hesitate, hugged the recovered Huiyuan Ai, and pressed lightly on his body, and the two started.

  I don't know when, Hai Yuanai had a good impression of Li Mu.

  However, Li Mu knew that the unique ability of his sweet fruit increased his subconscious charm, and after staying for a long time, he had a good impression of him.

  Of course, Li Mu can also impress others with sweet fruits in an instant.

  But what to do the next day, is it possible to continue to 'medicate'?

  In the room, Li Mu and Haiyuan Ai stood side by side, while on the other side, Conan kept looking for Haiyuan Ai.

  Even gin is looking for it.

  Upstairs in the Mihua City Hotel, Jin Jiu was slightly stunned when he saw the whiteness in front of him.

  Originally, I thought that if I found tea-colored hair, I could see Hai Yuanai on the rooftop, but now it seems that he was put together.

  "Forget it, we will meet one day in the future, and then we can solve him in 03, vodka, let's go."

  "Got it, big brother."

  After Gin left, he solved Pisk immediately, and then left the Mihua City Hotel.

  Conan searched for a long time, but still couldn't find Haibara Ai.

  In the end, the fire in the wine cellar was discovered, and there was no other way but to leave the Mihua City Hotel reluctantly.

  In a room, Li Mu and Hai Yuanai were entangled.

  Suddenly, Hai Yuanai's body trembled, she shouted in pain, and then she became smaller.

  Li Mu was stunned when he looked at the smaller Hui Yuanai.

  "Xiao Ai, how did you recover, is there no sign at all?"

  Hai Yuanai was also a little stunned, looked at Li Mu in disbelief, and then looked at his tiny hands.

  Let's look at the current body shape and position of the two. If this is seen, Li Mu will definitely be labeled as a scumbag.

  "I...I don't know either, it's the first time I've recovered, and I don't know why."

  "I see."

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