"Okay, Conan, tell me who you just said is a beast."

  "No, I didn't say anything."

  Conan raised his head and said righteously.

  Illya glanced at Conan and left immediately.

  "Student Huiyuan, you must help me, after all, we share the same affliction."

  Conan and Haibara gave an order and ran away quickly.

  On the other hand, on Li Mu's side, looking at the shy-eyed (adce) Xiaolan, he didn't think much, just nodded in agreement.

  "Well, since that's the case, then I promise you."

  There may be a kiss scene with Xiaolan, how could Li Mu refuse.

  If possible, Li Mu would like to have a few special dramas.

  "That's great, Brother Li, thank you."

  For some reason, Xiao Lan suddenly felt a happy feeling in her heart.

  This feeling cannot go away.

  Gradually, Xiaolan's snow-white face became more peach red, looking like a peach red face, very beautiful.

  Li Mu couldn't help but take a few more glances.

  If it weren't for the light bulb of Kogoro Maori, Li Mu would definitely make a few jokes.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, Maori Detective, I'll go back first. I'll come and get the script in a few days."

  Li Mu put down the coffee cup, said hello and left.

  Walking on the inaccessible street, Li Mu thought while walking.

  Suddenly, Hui Yuanai appeared beside Li Mu.

  "Hey, I'm very happy today, is it acting with Xiaolan? There seems to be a kiss scene, right?"

  "What's the matter, are you jealous? Eat my vinegar."

  Li Mu squeezed Hui Yuanai's face, and then picked her up.

  Perhaps because of her young age, Hai Yuanai's body was very light, and Li Mu didn't feel any weight.

  Hai Yuan's face was also red, and he always thought of the last time in his mind, with a faint blush on his face.

  Damn, what's going on, what's wrong with my heart.

  Haibara Ai stretched out her hand and put it in her heart.

  My heart was thumping, and the frequency was very fast.

  "What's the matter, Xiao Ai, do you have anything to do with me today? You haven't grown up today, so you can't be like that."

  "White... idiot, who wants to be like you."

  Haiyuan cried out with a blushing face, but there was a trace of expectation in her heart.

  "I'm here to tell you that Conan wants me and him to grow bigger, and then take your protagonist position."

  That's it!

  Li Mu finally understood that Hai Yuanai came to tip him off.

  But thinking that Conan still had such a plan, Li Mu's eyes flashed, and a treacherous expression appeared on his face.

  "Xiao Ai, go and get him a laxative, give it to him that day, and treat him well."

  If you dare to compete with him, that is to steal his job, and you have to take care of him no matter what.

  Although he is not an actor, his role is very important.

  "I know, I promise you."

  Haiyuan Ai nodded, thinking of bullying Conan in his heart.

  After all, Li Mu was also hers, so how could Conan bully Li Mu?

  So, she was ready to teach Conan a lesson.

  "Okay, it's really a good boy, I'll give you a reward in the future."

  Hai Yuanai's face suddenly turned red, white smoke rose from his head, and his brain became groggy.

  "I... I still have something to do, so I'll leave first."

  Hui Yuanai shyly pushed Li Mu away and ran away quickly.

  Li Mu glanced at Hui Yuanai's back, the corners of his mouth rose, but he did not leave her behind.

  "Hey, tonight, whose sign should be flipped."

  Li Mu felt the troubles of ancient emperors at this moment, and did not know which concubine he should go to.

  He also has a few women here, so he needs to think about it.

  After thinking for a while, Li Mu first thought of Yuanzi.

  "Yes, choose the garden tonight, and you can continue to plan the next step."

  The so-called next step is to ask Yuanzi to agree to Li Mu and find another person.

  Otherwise, Xiaolan's heart will not be able to pass the last level at all, and her favorability will definitely not be able to come up.

  This is everyone's perseverance. It's not something that can be done with the little charm. At least it's not so easy for Xiaolan to do it.

  At night, Li Mu came to Yuanzi's house and stayed together until late.

  That night, Li Mu's body kept moving, looking very irritable and unable to sleep.

  Yuanzi was also awakened by Li Mu, and said confusedly: "Li Mu, what's wrong, why can't you fall asleep."

  "Yuanzi, it's nothing, I just feel a little..."

  Yuanzi blushed after hearing this, but didn't say anything.

  Li Mu didn't say much after he finished speaking, pretending to close his eyes and rest.

  And Yuanzi secretly paid attention to Li Mu's expression, thinking about something in his heart.

  It wasn't until a long time later that Sonoko gritted his teeth, with a hint of firmness in his eyes.

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1069 The School Celebration Begins Yuanzi's Mind (two more)

  After a long time, the garden came out again.

  goo goo goo...

  I only heard the sound of Sonoko swallowing, and then I saw Sonoko's bitter face, a look of pain on his face.

  "Li Mu, what kind of taste is this, why is it so bitter."

  Li Mu also smiled and scratched her Qiong nose.

  "Sonoko, I didn't tell you, who told you to swallow it, you can spit it out."

  "Hmph, do you think I think so? That's too much, I couldn't bear it, I swallowed it all."

  Sonoko snorted coldly, tossed her tea-colored hair, and wiped the edge of the corner of her mouth with one hand.

  There is still a little bit of white water stains.

  "Okay, let's not talk about you."

  Li Mu smiled, hugged Yuanzi, and pulled her into his arms.

  Yuanzi was stunned for a moment, her face flushed, and she said shyly, "Li. "Seven-one-zero"... Li Mu, how is this possible? Could it be that you are not satisfied yet! Are you satisfied?"

  Now Sonoko is not only falling apart, but also has some sore throats, so she can't do it again.

  "It's alright, Sonoko, rest, I may be practicing martial arts, just hold back. Don't worry, I won't find a woman behind your back."

  Li Mu patted Yuanzi's head, sounding grand.

  As for not looking for others, who is Tomoko Suzuki!

  Sonoko closed his eyes and fell silent, tangled in his mind.

  I don't know how long it took, Yuanzi muttered to himself: "Otherwise, find another girlfriend for Li Mu, that's all, otherwise it will be bad for your health if you endure too long."

  As soon as this idea appeared, it was out of control.

  She also knew that if she endured too long, an accident would happen one day, so it would be better to let Li Mu relax and nothing would happen.

  "Who to look for? Be sure to find someone you know, who has a decent personality and can't cause big trouble."

  Sonoko murmured to himself, tangled in his heart.

  After the night passed, Li Mu naturally slept very comfortably, Yuanzi also thought about it for a long time, and then gradually entered the dream.

  In the next few days, Li Mu would come over every once in a while, and then pretended not to relax, which made Yuanzi more firm in his thoughts.


  A few days later, at the Didan school celebration, after Li Mu got dressed, he waited patiently.

  Next to Li Mu, a doctor came over and asked curiously, "Are you Li Mu? I've heard them talk about you a long time ago, and you're really handsome."

  Li Mu looked at the doctor who came over and his eyes flashed.

  This doctor is obviously disguised, and it is very likely that it is Belmod in the original book.

  No, under Li Mu's perception, this person is Belmod, there is absolutely nothing wrong.

  "Oh, I'm just playing with the children. They invited me, and I have no way to refuse."

  Li Mu said politely, completely forgetting who was particularly excited.

  Especially when you want to play with Xiaolan.

  On the other hand, when Li Mu was talking with the 'new doctor', Conan was also secretly meeting with Haibara Ai.

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