If he knew that Li Mu and Ye had just kissed upstairs, he would not be angry.

  "He Ye, are you okay?"

  In the distance, Xiaolan saw He Ye and ran over quickly, looking at He Ye with a little worry.

  He Ye looked at Xiaolan, who was worried, and felt a little more touched in his heart.

  "Xiao Lan, don't worry, I'm fine, I really thank Big Brother Li today, otherwise I don't know what to do."

  In the distance, Hattori Heiji heard Kazuha's words, and was very dissatisfied, and grabbed Conan who was coming.

  "Little Guitou, you really are, how useless, let him know my secret code."

  Conan's face darkened after hearing this, and he said dissatisfiedly: "Can you blame me? It's because your secret code is too simple, and they cracked it all at once. What can I do?"

  "It cracked at once." Hattori Heiji's mouth twitched slightly.

  That was the secret code he had been thinking about for a long time, but Li Mu cracked it at once. This did not mean that he was inferior to Li Mu.

  "Damn, next time I must think of a more difficult code so that he will never guess it."

  Conan glanced at the dead fish's eyes and said nothing.

  "Okay, Heye and Xiaolan, let's go eat, I guess Heye and the others are hungry."

  "it is good."

  Li Mu brought everyone to a restaurant, and then found a seat to sit.

  He Ye and Xiaolan hurriedly sat next to Li Mu.

  "Damn, what's so good about this guy."

  Hattori Heiji saw He Ye who was chatting and laughing with Li Mu, and a trace of jealousy rose in his heart.

  "Yeah, it's nothing but handsome."

  Conan also looked at Li Mu jealously, his heart was full of jealousy, wishing to replace Li Mu and talk so happily with Xiaolan.

  Thinking of such a situation, Conan couldn't help but look at his thin body.

  "Hey, He Ye, we'll go see the client later, do you want to go with us?"

  Hattori Heiji looked at He Ye and couldn't help interrupting their conversation.

  "Client?" He Ye also reacted, and suddenly realized: "I remember you saying that, but I want to be with Xiaolan, so I don't have time to go."

  "Then Xiaolan, do you want to go today?"

  Hattori Heiji looked at Ran with a smile on his face.

  Xiaolan didn't even think about it, she looked directly at Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, how about you? Do you want to go with us today?"

  "Me?" Li Mu also noticed the two pairs of fiery eyes, and shook his head directly: "No, I'm going to go shopping on the street today and have a little fun."

  "Really, then I'm not going either." Xiaolan refused without hesitation.

  "Then I won't go today." He Ye also directly rejected.

  "Boy, I have the urge to hit people."

  Hattori Heiji held down Conan's head, his heart was burning with anger, and his hateful eyes stared at Li Mu.

  "I also want to hit people, but you are definitely not his opponent."

  Thinking of Li Mu's stronger combat power than Xiao Lan, Conan couldn't help shivering.

  He didn't want to be beaten by Li Mu into a third-degree cripple.

  And just like that, the lunch was over in no time.

  As soon as it was over, Hattori Heiji pulled Conan and smiled awkwardly: "Everyone, lend me this brat, and I'll be back soon."

  After speaking, Hattori Heiji quickly ran away regardless of Conan's struggles.

  After leaving the restaurant, Conan said with a dark face: "Hey, why are you holding me, I didn't plan to go with you."

  He also planned to follow Li Mu to prevent Li Mu from doing anything to Xiaolan and the others.

  "It doesn't matter, the two of us join forces, and we can solve it soon. Besides, Xiaolan has kissed him anyway, so it's best to hold hands now."

  Hattori Heiji waved his hand with a smile on his face. (adcg)

  Rather than worrying about him alone, let Conan worry with him.

  "Damn, you bastard."

  Conan stared at Hattori Heiji resentfully, but couldn't break free from Hattori Heiji's hand.

  On Li Mu's side, after eating, Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro and said, "Detective Maori, let's go to the movies today and go shopping. You can walk around as you please."

  "Understood, you go, leave me alone."

  Mouri Kogoro waved his hand, and feasted on himself.

  Li Mu didn't say much, and left with Xiaolan.

  Soon, Li Mu came to a movie theater.

  "Wait, why a horror movie?"

  Xiaolan looked at the title of the film and shivered a little, and her delicate face became extremely pale.

  He Ye on the side was also a little scared and pulled Xiao Lan, and her peach-red cheeks instantly turned white.

  Li Mu smiled, resting his head between the two of them, and stretched out his arms to embrace the two of them while they were not paying attention.

  "Don't worry, I will protect you. I have never seen anything in this world."

  Xiaolan and Ye felt Li Mu's embrace, their pretty faces blushed, and their minds immediately forgot the fear just now.

  "Okay, don't talk, let's go."

  Li Mu pulled the two of them's clothes and pulled them directly into the projection room on the side.

  After arriving in the screening room, Li Mu just sat down when Xiaolan and Ye grabbed Li Mu's arm and surrounded Li Mu from left to right.

  Li Mu felt the softness on his arm, and immediately gave up the idea of ​​taking his arm away, and then squeezed.

  I have to say that although the two girls have only just entered the middle school, their figure instantly killed most of the girls in the three-dimensional country.

  The two of Xiaolan didn't notice Li Mu's abnormality, instead, they grabbed Li Mu's arm, wishing to pull Li Mu into their arms.

  After a while, the movie started, Xiaolan and Yela were even tighter, their bodies subconsciously approached Li Mu, and their heads rested on Li Mu's side.

  "It's so scary, Brother Li, or we won't watch it."

  "Yeah, let's go out and change a movie."

  "Change a movie?" Li Mu nodded and said to himself, "The other is a love~love~making film. Are you sure you want to change that adult film?"

  "Ah..." Xiaolan blushed, and white steam was bubbling from her head.

  "Forget it, horror movies are still pretty good."

  "Yeah, I like horror movies the most." He Ye quickly nodded in agreement.

  Although she had already had the gift of Zhou Gong with Li Mu, she was still a little shy.

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1145 Almost found by Hattori (two more)

  That day, Li Mu and Xiaolan watched a movie, or wandered on the street, eating their tofu from time to time.

  Of course, Li Mu ate it secretly and was not found, and He Ye did not publicize it.

  At night, Li Mu bought some vegetables and returned to the Maori Detective Agency.

  After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu sat on the sofa, while Xiao Lan and He Ye went to dinner.

  "Detective Mori, didn't Conan and that kid come back?"

  Li Mu looked around and said curiously.

  "Oh, they said they might be back later, so you don't have to worry about those two brats."

  Mouri Kogoro replied while watching the horse race.

  Li Mu didn't ask any more questions, just sat on the side and closed his eyes.

  Time gradually passed, and it didn't take long for Xiaolan to put "Nine Four Three" on the table with a sweet and delicious meal.

  "Okay, Dad, Big Brother Li has dinner."


  As soon as Xiaolan called him, the Maori detective rushed over quickly.

  Li Mu sat next to Xiao Lan, picked up chopsticks and started eating.

  "Come on, Brother Li, eat more."

  "Yes, Brother Li, you must have worked hard today."

  Both Xiaolan and Li Mu brought vegetables to Li Mu, and soon Li Mu's bowl was full.

  If Hattori and Heiji were here, they would definitely be jealous.

  "Thank you."

  Li Mu was also not polite, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

  After eating, Mouri Kogoro watched TV as always, looking very excited.

  Li Mu sat on the side, silently watching the TV without saying a word.

  Time passed bit by bit, the sky had dimmed, Xiao Lan and the two had already packed up the dishes and took a bath.

  "Dad, Ye Xian and I have rested. You should go to bed earlier."

  Xiaolan took He Ye and entered their room.

  Li Mu looked at He Ye's pajamas, his eyes lit up, and he had a plan to enter the room.

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