Chapter 1152 Concubine Yingli's Invitation (One More)

  The next day, when Li Mu got up, he looked at the snow-white Yukiko in his arms, and pressed it down again.

  You Xizi reacted immediately, blushing, and gently pressed Li Mu's arm.

  "Li Mu, I'm going to rest, don't disturb me."

  "No, I'm going to continue."


  After a while, Li Mu packed up and left Youxizi's villa.

  After leaving, Li Mu drove his car on the street.

  "Yingri?" Li Mu suddenly saw a concubine's law firm, hurriedly turned a car, and came to an underground parking lot.

  Then Li Mu went directly to the concubine law firm.

  At this moment, Fei Yingli had already gone to work, and when Li Mu came over, he happened to see Lishan Green.

  Kuriyama's green eyes lit up, but he didn't say anything.

  "Miss Lishan is early." Li Mu greeted and entered Fei Yingli's office.

  Fei Yingli also noticed Li Mu, her cheeks were slightly red, and she said shyly: "Li Mu, why are you here, is there anything wrong?"

  "What's the matter, can't I come?"

  The corner of Li Mu's mouth rose, his right hand wrapped around Fei Yingli's waist, and he gently hugged Fei Yingli.

  "Of course not, it's just that I still have guests today, so I'm afraid it can't be like that."

  Concubine Yingli leaned on Li Mu's cheek with a trace of regret on her face.

  Li Mu's mouth twitched after hearing this, and his right hand pinched Concubine Yingri's face.

  "Eri, you really are, am I such a person? I came here just to see you."

  Feiyingli covered her mouth and snickered, but said nothing.

  "Okay, come on, I'll help you handle the case."

  Li Mu picked up Fei Yingli, then sat on the chair and put Fei Yingli on top of him.

  Fei Yingli blushed and said shyly: "Li Mu, how can you help me, how can I still work."

  "Really, can't you watch this file? As for me, I can make you a chair."

  Li Mu put his hands in disorder, babbling in a serious manner.

  Although Feiyingli was shy, she didn't say anything, just blushed and continued to look at her documents.

  As time passed, Li Mu's hand went from top to bottom, and finally stopped directly where it shouldn't.

  Fei Yingli's body trembled slightly, and then she was paralyzed on Li Mu's body, her head resting on Li Mu's body, and her breathing became heavy.

  jingle bell... jingle bell...

  Suddenly, the phone rang, and Fei Yingli was startled, and quickly picked up the phone.

  "Hey... huh, who are you? Is there something wrong?"

  "Oh, it's you, Xiaolan, what's the matter?"

  After Fei Yingli heard Xiao Lan's voice, she immediately reacted, sat up straight, and then patted Li Mu's hand.

  The corners of Li Mu's mouth rose, and he pressed his right hand hard.


  Fei Yingli felt touched and couldn't help exclaiming.

  On the other side, Xiao Lan heard Fei Yingli's exclamation and asked anxiously, "Mom, what's wrong, did something happen?"

  "No...nothing, just my file fell off, you go ahead, I'm listening."

  Concubine Yingli quickly explained and glared at Li Mu at the same time.

  Li Mu ignored Fei Yingli and did what he had to do.

  After a long time, Fei Yingli hung up the phone and tapped Li Mu on the shoulder.

  "Li Mu, you really are. Just don't move around casually. I was almost discovered by Xiaolan."

  "So what, she can't see it anyway, so she can guess what, by the way, what did she call you for, and does she want to create a chance for you to get back together?"

  "That's not the case, it's that guy from Kogoro Mauri." Fei Yingli shook her head, and said with a tone of hatred for not being iron-clad: "That guy owes more than eight million yuan, and the case has not been resolved, Xiaolan just asked me for help. "

  After finishing speaking, Feiying realized something and said quickly: "By the way, don't care, I just help Xiaolan, and it has nothing to do with that guy Maori Xiaogoro."

  Seeing Fei Yingri's slightly anxious expression, Li Mu reached out and touched Fei Yingri's nose.

  "Okay, Yingri, I don't mind, you don't need to explain, because I trust you."

  After speaking, Li Mu's hand became restless again.

  After a long time, Fei Yingli pushed Li Mu away and said with a blushing face, "Okay, Li Mu, I still need to help Xiaolan, so don't do this."

  "Okay, I'll leave first, I'll go too when the time comes, you wait for me."

  Li Mu picked up a piece of tissue, wiped the water stains on his hands, tapped Fei Yingli's face again, and left immediately.

  Fei Yingli looked at Li Mu's actions, glared at her shyly, then took out a piece of tissue paper, and wiped the water stains on the ground as well.

  Not long after Li Mu left, Yukiko came to Feiyingli's office.

  ".'Eri, I'm here, how are you?"

  "Youxizi, are you here?"

  Fei Yingri looked at Yukiko who suddenly appeared, and was slightly taken aback.

  Then Fei Yingli reacted immediately and hurriedly threw the tissue in her hand into the trash can on the side.

  After Yuxizi came in, he sniffed and said puzzled: "Yingri, by the way, is there something in your place, why does it taste so strange?"

  Feiyingli blushed and said quickly, "It's nothing, by the way, do you have anything to do with me?"

  "Ah, by the way, I remembered. I've been very bored recently, so I came to hang out with you. It seems like we haven't gone out for a long time, right?"

  "I'm afraid it won't work. Xiaolan asked me to do something today. I can't leave with you." Fei Yingli said apologetically.

  "Xiao Lan." Youxizi was stunned for a moment, then winked and said, "I see, it's your troublesome husband, is he in any trouble again?"

  "Yeah, something happened to him again, it's like this, he..."

  Concubine Yingri reluctantly told the story of Mouri Kogoro.

  Youxizi was stunned after hearing this, and exclaimed: "What, he has already spent eight million, and he can spend too much."

  "Yeah, so I have to go and help now, or what if something goes wrong."

  Fei Yingli was also helpless, and immediately picked up the document and packed her backpack.

  "By the way, I'll go with you. I also want to see how you solved the case. Let's have dinner together then."

  Yukiko raised her small hand with excitement on her face, as if she was very happy.

  Concubine Yingli was also helpless, but she did not refuse and let Yuxizi follow her.

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1153 Princess and Queen (two more)

  Maori Detective Office, Li Mu arrived here for the first time, then came to the second floor, and saw Maori Kogoro lying on the sofa, muttering non-stop.

  It's a pity, no matter how much he murmurs now, he can't go back to the past, and Feiyingli can't be his.

  "Brother Li, you are here."

  When Xiaolan saw Li Mu, she was very happy.

  However, compared to Xiaolan, Conan on the side was not so welcoming, and wished Li Mu would leave immediately.

  "Yeah, I'm here to see you guys, but Detective Maori he's fine- huh?"

  Speaking of Maori Kogoro, Xiaolan lowered her head shyly with a touch of red on her face.

  "Don't worry, Dad, he's fine."

  Seeing that Xiaolan didn't say anything, Li Mu didn't ask any more questions, just sat aside and waited.

  Not long after, Fei Yingri and Yukiko also rushed over.

  Seeing Yukiko, everyone present was stunned.

  Not only Li Mu himself, but also Conan and Xiaolan were stunned.

  "Shinichi's mother?" Xiaolan muttered to herself.

  "Hi, Xiaolan." Yukiko waved her hand and said hello, then looked at Conan with a complicated expression.

  She came this far because of Conan, and now she feels that she is a little sorry for Conan.

  But that thought was fleeting.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, what's wrong with this guy?"

  Concubine Yingri ran to Mouri Kogoro's side and glanced at the drunk Kogoro Mouri with a look of disgust.

  "Ah, Mom, Dad, he keeps calling you and asking you to help him." Xiao Lan was also in a hurry and explained quickly.

  "Yeah, did he really shout like that?"

  Yukiko became interested, walked to Mouri Kogoro's side, and listened carefully to Mouri Kogoro's words.

  "I can't eat it, I really can't eat it, Miss Yoko."

  Yukiko: "..."

  Feiyingli: "..."

  Conan and Xiaolan: "..."

  If it is possible to kill, Xiaolan really wants to slice Maori Kogoro.

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