"Dead ghost, what did you move with your hands just now, what should I say if you are found."

  Concubine Yingli slapped Li Mu's vicious chest and acted coquettishly.

  "How to explain it, just explain it like this."

  Li Mu put down Fei Yingli and started fighting with Fei Yingli in the room.

  After playing around for a while, Li Mu took a rest and left.

  After Kogoro Mori left, he went directly back to his detective office.

  Just after entering the Mouri Detective Agency, Kogoro Mouri saw Hattori Heiji and Ye standing in the living room.

  "You are here too, it's really bothering you."

  Maori Kogoro said hello, then sat at the desk, picked up the beer, and drank happily.

  In the distance, Hattori looked at Kogoro Maori who was happy, and said with a dark face: "Little devil, this is what you said about being cuckolded. Would you be so happy to be cuckolded?"

  Conan was also embarrassed for a while, and said with some uncertainty: "This, maybe he likes this feeling, yes, that's it."

  Hattori Heiji looked at Conan with contempt, and didn't believe Conan anymore.

  Some people like to be cuckolded, he doesn't believe it.

  Conan also knew that Hattori Heiji didn't believe it, looked at Mouri Kogoro suspiciously, and thought quickly in his mind.

  "Could it be that this was just a misunderstanding?"

  While Conan was thinking, the door of the Maori Detective Agency was opened, and Li Mu walked in slowly.

  "Yo, Li Mu, you're here."

  Mouri Kogoro waved his hand happily, very happy.

  At the beginning, he also suspected that Li Mu was carrying him behind his back and messing with Fei Yingli.

  But confirming that he made a mistake, he was naturally embarrassed and could only use a smile to cover up his guilty conscience.

  If he knew that Li Mu really had an affair with Concubine Yingli, he would probably have drawn a knife to face each other.

  "It doesn't matter if it's true?"

  Conan looked at Mouri Kogoro, who had a very close relationship, touched his chin, and thought carefully.

  "Long time no see, Kazuya, and Hattori classmates, why are you here today?" Li Mu greeted.

  He Ye saw the long-lost Li Mu, although he really wanted to throw himself into Li Mu's arms, he still restrained his desire.

  "Brother Li, long time no see."

  Li Mu also noticed the meaning of spring in He Ye's eyes, the corners of his mouth rose, and he said with a smile, "He Ye, will you come to see Xiao Lan too?"

  "Yeah, I'm Xiaolan's good friend, so naturally I'm very worried about Xiaolan."

  After speaking, He Ye looked at Xiao Lan with a sad expression.

  At this moment, Xiao Lan lowered her head and looked very nervous.

  Li Mu walked slowly to Xiaolan's side, pointed at Xiaolan, and said to Ye: "Xiaolan, you are the best friends, do you still have any impression?"

  He Ye also looked at Xiao Lan nervously.

  Xiaolan looked at Li Mu, and then at He Ye, with a light smile on her face.

  "Although I don't remember, I can feel that you are all my good friends."

  Even if there is no memory, she can still feel who treats her better.

  "Xiao Lan, don't worry, no matter what, I'm your good friend."

  Women are the most emotional.

  Xiaolan's words made Heye particularly moved, and excitedly rushed to Xiaolan's side.  …

  Xiaolan smiled and chatted happily with He Ye.

  Li Mu stood beside him, looking at the two people talking, without saying a word, he waited patiently.

  As for Conan and Hattori Heiji, they looked at Li Mu resentfully, and the jealousy in their hearts increased greatly.

  "Xiao Lan, do you know who he is?"

  During the conversation, He Ye lightly patted Xiaolan and pointed to Li Mu who was on the side.

  Xiaolan followed He Ye's hand and saw that Li Mu was looking directly at her.

  For some reason, every time she saw Li Mu, Xiaolan's heart was thumping and she was very nervous.

  "He... Who is he?" Xiao Lan asked softly.

  "Come on, I'll tell you." He Ye approached Xiaolan gently and said softly, "Xiaolan, have you forgotten? His name is Li Mu, he is the person you like, you have already confessed, and are currently secretly dating. among."

  "Make... Make friends."

  Xiaolan's face flushed red, and white steam kept bubbling from her head.

  She didn't notice that there was a faint smile in the corner of He Ye's eyes.

  When Li Mu heard He Ye's words, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, but he didn't refute, and there was still some expectation in his heart.

  If Xiaolan didn't recover her memory and thought he was her boyfriend, I wonder if it would be better.

  Of course, Li Mu was just thinking about it.

  "Hey, little devil, you said that the two women were talking about 4.3."

  "I don't know, it's definitely not a good thing."

  Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at the expressions of Kazuha and Xiaolan, and their eyes were full of anger.

  Every time they saw Xiao Lan and He Ye peeking at Li Mu, they were very upset.

  "By the way, Xiao Lan, we should go to see Dr. Kazuto now. He told you to check it up today."

  Mouri Kogoro suddenly thought of something and commanded.

  "Doctor Kazuto?" Li Mu's eyes lit up, the corners of his mouth rose, and he said quickly, "Detective Maori, do you know a doctor? I think we need to change a doctor."

  "Change the doctor?" Kogoro Mouri was stunned and asked, "Doctor Kazuto is very good, why do you want to change the doctor?"

  The Invincible Fairy Tail, the Love Concubine of the Great Voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1166 The Wolf of the Tram (three shifts)

  Li Mu looked at Maori Kogoro speechlessly, not knowing what to say for a while.

  Even though he is such a stupid person, he can still find out Fei Yingli's abnormality. How big of a nerve this is.

  "Detective Maori, the murderer has not been found. In theory, he is also suspected. Are you sure you want to send Xiaolan to him?"

  "This... it seems to be." Mouri Kogoro also reacted, touched his chin and said, "That's right, I really can't send Xiao Lan there, I'll find another doctor."

  There are not many excellent doctors in this world, and he naturally knows a few of Kogoro Maori.

  "Then uncle, go to the doctor, I will take Xiaolan out to relax, maybe I will remember everything."

  He Ye grabbed Xiaolan's hand, then grabbed Li Mu's hand, and quickly ran outside.

  "Wait, I'm going too."

  When Hattori Heiji saw He Ye grabbing Li Mu, his face became darker, and he ran forward without hesitation.

  Conan covered his mouth and snickered.

  After several people left the Maori Detective Agency, they walked in the direction of the Shinkansen.

  "You're here, it's good, I'll play with you."

  Li Mu felt the people following behind him, sneered, and muttered inwardly.

  A killing intent emerged, but it was fleeting.

  Not long after, Li Mu and the others came to the Shinkansen and waited intently for the arrival of the Shinkansen.

  "Come on, let's go up."

  When He Ye saw the Shinkansen coming, he reached out and grabbed Xiao Lan, and wanted to go forward.

  Behind Xiaolan, a dirty hand of sin is also slowly approaching.

  Li Mu glanced at him, then took a step forward, directly blocking the evil hand.

  The hand of sin obviously paused, but then pushed hard and pressed it on Li Mu's back.

  Feeling the power behind him, Li Mu felt disdain in his heart, but he still pretended not to stand firm and hugged Xiaolan.

  "Li... Big Brother Li, what's wrong ¨〃?"

  Xiaolan looked at Li Mu who was hugging her, subconsciously she didn't resist, but lowered her head with a charming look.

  "Hey, what are you doing, let go of Sister Xiaolan."

  Conan became jealous and shouted quickly.

  This time, it was Hattori Heiji's turn to snicker.

  He was very jealous when he and Ye caught Li Mu just now, and now he is also jealous of Conan, and he feels balanced.

  "It's nothing, but I feel someone pushing me from behind, I don't know who it is."

  Li Mu reluctantly let go of Xiaolan and looked at the back seriously.

  "Someone pushed you? Could it be the murderer?" Conan also looked at the crowd with a solemn expression.

  Although he was jealous of Li Mu, he also believed that Li Mu would not lie at this time.

  "Forget it, let's go to the tram."

  He Ye also glanced around, pulled Xiao Lan and walked into the tram.

  Li Mu naturally followed Xiao Lan and entered the tram together.

  After entering the crowded tram, He Ye and Xiaolan were in a corner, and Li Mu stood in front of them.

  Hattori Heiji and the others turned their backs to Li Mu.

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