When He Ye was about to say something, Li Mu interrupted: "Okay, He Ye, it's okay, I'll talk about it."

  After speaking, Li Mu looked at Yuanshan Yinshilang.

  "As He Ye said, before today, we didn't know each other at all, let alone murder."

  Yuanshan Yinshilang stared at Li Mu closely, and after a long time, he turned his attention.

  He was just asking, he didn't really doubt Li Mu, but the necessary investigation was still necessary.

  "So, the suspects are the service staff who delivered the tea, the supporting actress who served the tea, and the heroine who delivered the tea."

  "It's not me, I really didn't kill people."

  "I didn't kill anyone, I just served tea."

  The three of them panicked and quickly defended themselves.

  Except for Li Mu, no one noticed a faint smile on the corner of Head Nakamura's mouth.

  "Okay, don't talk about it anymore, let someone check to see if there is any residue of poison on your body."

  After more than ten minutes, the police checked it, but found nothing, let alone poison.

  For a time, Yuanshan Yinshirou also had a headache.

  After all, in this kind of case, the suspect has been found, but there is no evidence, let alone the murderer.

  It's a pity that he doesn't know, this suspect is just what he thinks, and the real murderer is not in it (ccda).

  Beside him, He Ye kept paying attention to Li Mu, and when he saw Li Mu's smile, he was overjoyed.

  "Brother Li, do you already know who the murderer is? Can you tell me?"

  As soon as the voice fell, it instantly attracted the attention of many people.

  In particular, Yuanshan Yinshilang glanced at Li Mu with sharp eyes.

  "You know the murderer?"

  Head Nakamura felt a little nervous in his heart and suddenly became nervous.

  Li Mu didn't hesitate, took a step forward, and said directly: "If I guess correctly, the murderer did not poison the stage, but directly above the stage with a thin thread."

  "Thin lines?" Yuanshan Yinshilang was not stupid, and immediately figured out everything.

  "It turns out that, using thin lines to poison, in this way, you can hide from people's eyes and ears, and you can also avoid the vision of the dead on the dim stage, so the search range has to be expanded."

  "No need, I already know who the murderer is." Li Mu turned his head to look at Captain Nakamura, pointed at her and said, "There is only one truth, the murderer is you, right?"

  Head Nakamura trembled, lowered his head, but did not speak, just grabbed his right hand.

  Li Mu didn't care, he stepped forward and said, "Captain Nakamura, you used the thin wire to poison Mr. Yamashita, but when you recovered the thin wire, it got stuck accidentally, so you pulled hard, maybe it was God's will, you He actually cut his hand."

  Yuanshan Yinshilang looked down, and happened to see a bright red bloodstain in the hands of Captain Nakamura.

  "Captain Nakamura, do you have anything else to say?"

  Captain Nakamura suddenly laughed and knelt on the ground.

  "I really convinced you guys, it's so powerful, but I'm also unlucky enough. The plan that was perfect and foolproof actually went wrong."

  If he hadn't cut his hand, Head Nakamura wouldn't admit it.

  But the hand was cut, and the poisoned thin line had not been dealt with, so the evidence was left, and there was no need for her to hide it.

  Sure enough, it didn't take long for the police to find the rope used by Captain Nakamura for poisoning, which was stained with her blood.

  "Great, Brother Li, you solved the case again." He Ye jumped up happily.

  She didn't notice that Toyama Ginjiro had been paying attention to her.

  Yuanshan Yinshilang looked at He Ye Ke, and then set his eyes on Li Mu again.

  "This guy has solved the case so quickly. I'm afraid he can't do it even in Heiji, but he and Ye don't understand. I need to pay attention."

  He also knew about his relationship with Ye and Li Mu, but he didn't say anything, just made up his mind.

  Although Li Mu had his back to Yuanshan Yinshilang, he could sense that behind him, there was a burning gaze looking at him.

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1242 He Ye, don't make it big!Stomach (three more)

  "By the way, are you free today? Why don't you come to my house, my family happens to be fans of Maori detective and Mr. Li."

  Toyama Ginjiro said suddenly.

  "Fan? Dad, when did you become their fan, why didn't I know?" He Ye said directly.

  Yuanshan Yinshilang froze and looked at everyone awkwardly.

  It was good to say, but it was actually demolished by his own daughter.

  But no matter how embarrassed, Yuanshan Yinshilang still said: "Of course I won't tell you, but we are indeed fans, how is it, are you free?"

  "Is this?" Mauri Kogoro touched the back of his head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Officer Yuanshan, I may not have time."

  "It doesn't matter, then Mr. Li, how about you?"

  While speaking, "[-]" Yuanshan Yinshilang's tone was stiff.

  Li Mu understood that Yuanshan Yinshilang's purpose was actually him, and it was estimated that Yuanshan Yinshilang could see his relationship with He Ye.

  Without hesitation, Li Mu agreed directly.

  ... .......

  At night, Li Mu and Maori detective and Xiaolan separated. Under the leadership of Heye, Li Mu came to Heye's house.

  When he arrived at Heye's house, Li Mu found that Heye's mother was cooking dinner.

  Although He Ye's mother is older, like Fei Yingli and others, she is very beautiful and takes good care of her.

  "You're here, Li Mu, take a seat first, I'll cook first."

  He Ye's mother smiled and looked so beautiful.

  Li Mu didn't refuse, sitting in the living room and waiting.

  At night, in the living room of the He Ye family, besides Li Mu, there was the He Ye family, and there was no one else at all.

  Not even Hattori Heiji was invited.

  In the living room, everyone was eating, while Yuanshan Yinshi Lang was eating while staring at Li Mu.

  That tone, that expression could not wait to eat Li Mu.

  Li Mu was eating his meal calmly, without saying a word, ignoring Yuanshan Yinshilang.

  Yuanshan Yinshilang was also very upset. Not only did Li Mu ignore him, that's all, but more importantly, Li Mu actually ate his daughter.

  The cabbage that he had raised all his life was liked by Li Mu.

  Thinking of this, Toyama Ginshiro gritted his teeth, thinking with creaky teeth.

  Li Mu, you wait for me.

  On the contrary, He Ye's mother liked Li Mu very much and kept asking questions from here to there.

  This scene, Li Mu seems to have experienced it somewhere.

  Suddenly, Li Mu remembered that last time at Miwako's house, Miwako's mother questioned her like this.

  In other words, He Ye's mother has accepted herself.

  Suddenly, Yuanshan Yinshi Lang said, "By the way, Li Mu, when did you and He Ye know each other? Don't you know that He Heping and He are good friends?"

  Well, here comes the person looking for something.

  But Li Mu hadn't spoken yet, and He Ye blushed, and shyly pulled Li Mu's arm,

  "Dad, what nonsense are you talking about, I have nothing to do with Li Mu, and so does Hattori. We are just childhood sweethearts, not boyfriend and girlfriend, so don't talk about being so close."

  He Ye's mother covered her mouth and snickered.

  He Ye pulled Li Mu, and the fierce bore touched Li Mu's arm, and he said it didn't matter.

  And if it is explained like this, even a fool can see the truth from the false.

  Yuanshan Yinshilang was also almost furious, staring at Li Mu in dissatisfaction, wishing to strangle Li Mu to death immediately.

  Li Mu calmly pulled He Ye's arm and said softly, "Uncle, auntie, don't worry, I will take good care of He Ye."

  There is something in these words, Li Mu has expressed his relationship with He Ye, and came to test He Ye's parents.

  He Ye didn't refute, just bowed his head shyly.

  Not speaking is equivalent to speaking, and Ye's expression is equivalent to admitting her relationship with Li Mu.

  Yuanshan Yinshilang suddenly stood up and said dissatisfiedly: "Can you take care of He Ye? What do you use to take care of He Ye, you..."

  Suddenly, Toyama Yinshiro was stunned.

  He found that Li Mu was very powerful. He was very proficient in every aspect. He had money, ability, and background. He was much stronger than Hattori Heiji.

  "Okay, Yin Shilang, don't talk about it, I think Li Mu is still very good, and it seems too late for you to say it now." He Ye's mother said. 0

  To be honest, she still likes Li Mu very much. He is a talented person with a dignified appearance. She thinks Li Mu is much stronger than Hattori Heiji.

  At least, Li Mu loves He Ye very much, while Hattori Heiji is very crazy about the case.

  Seeing this, Yuanshan Yinshilang didn't say anything, just ate his dinner depressed.

  There is no way, who made his daughter have been arched, maybe one day with a 'cumbersome'.

  A dinner just passed, but it was very successful for Li Mu, at least Li Mu has been approved by his mother Ye.

  In the middle of the night, Li Mu secretly came out of his room and walked outside He Ye's room.

  The room was not locked, Li Mu opened the door very easily, then closed the door and came to He Ye's side.

  He Ye had already sensed Li Mu's figure, and his face was slightly red. Although he was shy, he got up and hugged Li Mu gently.

  "Brother Li, love me."

  Without hesitation, Li Mu directly pressed He Ye's body, the wood shook violently, and He Ye's voice was also heard.

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