Li Mu also noticed Miwako's gaze, and nodded without hesitation: "Okay, Officer Mumu, it is every citizen's responsibility to be able to help the police, and I agree."

  Suddenly, countless people despised Li Mu.

  I complained about the trouble just now, but now I say it so righteously.

  "Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Li. By the way, Chief Officer, Mr. Li is an excellent detective and a good friend of the police. Please cooperate more." Officer Mumu said.

  The chief police officer walked out slowly and said politely, "Mr. Li, I will trouble you today."

  "No, I should have troubled you 673."

  Li Mu politely greeted the chief police officer, and then left together with Miwako.

  In the underground parking lot, Miwako excitedly waved her hand: "Li Mu, here, come here."

  Walking to the red car, Li Mu opened the passenger's door.

  Just as I opened the door, something suddenly rushed out.

  Li Mu hurriedly stretched out his hand, grabbed the thing that came out, and looked carefully, and found that this thing was a toy snake.

  "Hahaha, Li Mu, are you scared?" Miwako laughed proudly.

  "Of course I'm scared, okay, let's go."

  Li Mu didn't say anything and got into the car.

  Although Miwako thought Li Mu was a little strange, she didn't think much about it and drove away.

  On the crowded road, Li Mu looked at the serious Miwako, slowly stretched out his hand, and placed it on Miwako's slender thigh.

  "You...what are you doing? This is on the street, you can't just mess around, you'll be discovered." Miwako said with a blushing face.

  "So, Miwako, weren't you (bbeh) happy when you scared me just now? Why are you scared now, do you want to surrender?"

  Li Mu's head rested on Miwako's head and blew lightly on Miwako's ear.

  One hand moved up and down, pulling the stockings on Miwako's big tui.

  Miwako's handsome cheeks were extremely flushed, the hand holding the steering wheel trembled, and the pair of tui pressed together even more.

  "Li Mu, hurry up and let go. I'm still driving. If something happens, it won't be very good."

  "Okay, I can take my hand back, but... can you apologize to me? After all, you just scared my fragile heart."

  Li Mu covered his heart with one hand, looking very painful.

  Miwako's head was full of black lines. She didn't know that Li Mu was lying to her, deceiving her weak heart.

  But Miwako had no choice but to nod her head and said, "Okay, I'll make it up to you. I'll take a break in a few days. Can I invite you to eat then?"

  If she didn't 'surrender' again, Li Mu's hand might have been placed in an inviolable place.

  "okay, I get it."

  Li Mu squeezed hard, and then withdrew his hand.

  Miwako's face turned slightly red, Mei Mu glared at Li Mu, and then continued to drive.


  Ten minutes later, Li Mu and the others arrived at the crime scene and carefully checked for a while.

  But even though Li Mu was very powerful, Li Mu couldn't find any useful clues, not even the news of the murderer.

  The only gain is to know that the deceased is too dragged, offends many people, and is the type that is cut by everyone.

  "Okay, Miwako, let's investigate these people, and we'll know when the time comes."

  Li Mu left the crime scene with Mi Kazuko and others, and was about to leave.

  "Sergeant Sato, Officer Takagi."

  Suddenly, Li Mu trembled, this familiar voice reminded Li Mu of many people, they were the Detective Corps of the God of Death.

  Turning around, Li Mu looked at the smiling Conan and the others, covered his head, and had a headache on his face.

  No wonder people will die, Conan is not far away, and his death magnetic field has affected more people.

  Conan didn't care about Li Mu and asked directly, "Officer Sato, was the victim killed after seven in the morning?"

  "How did you know?" Officer Takagi asked in surprise.

  "It's very simple. This morning, just after the heavy rain stopped, we saw a man in a black raincoat running out of breath near here. He should be the murderer."

  Li Mu immediately figured it out, touched his chin and said, "So it was, it just rained at that time, his raincoat should not be wet, and he ran out of breath again, indicating that he didn't rest when it rained, it is indeed doubtful. "

  "By the way, Miwako, show them the photos of the suspects, maybe they have seen it."

  Li Mu didn't suspect them either. Others might be fake, but a few death detective teams might have seen it.

  who made them the god of death.

  "Okay, I'll show them right now."

  Miwako took out the photo and placed it in front of several people.

  Ayumi looked at it seriously, pointed to a photo and said, "It's him, what I saw today is him?"

  The victim's girlfriend walked over to take a look and said in surprise, "It's him, he's also an employee of our company, and he has a conflict with my boyfriend?"

  "Then where does he live, do you know?" Li Mu said.

  "Is this? I remember that he doesn't have a house for the time being. He should be sitting at a friend's house nearby. It doesn't seem too far from here."

  "Then let's go now." The chief police officer ordered.

  Li Mu and his party followed the long police officer, and behind them, followed by a few little ghosts.

  However, as eyewitnesses, they should indeed be allowed to follow behind.

  Although everyone did not know the suspect's address, but after police investigation, they quickly found the suspect's temporary address.

  Button button ...

  "Who, what's the matter?"

  "Hello, I'm Officer Sato from the Metropolitan Police Department. Where are you at seven this morning?"

  "Police?" The suspect Kato was stunned, a little nervous in his heart.

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1245 Chiba, Kato (two more)

  "Around seven-thirty in the morning?" Kato stroked his chin and thought, and then confirmed, "If I remember correctly, my friends and I were watching TV here at that time."

  "Watching TV? Your friend? True or false? Is there any proof?" asked the chief police officer.

  "This one……"

  "Kato, what are you doing, didn't I tell you? If it's a sales pitch, just drive him away."

  In the room, a person walked in again. This person was none other than the police officer Chiba of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  Officer Sato was also stunned, and looked at Officer Chiba in surprise.

  "Officer Chiba? Is that you?"

  Officer Chiba was also stunned.

  "Officer Sato, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

  "Oh, it's like this, this morning..."Six Seven Three""

  Officer Sato explained, and Officer Chiba understood after listening.

  "I see, but it can't be Kato. We were watching TV at seven o'clock this morning. He couldn't have gone out to kill."

  Li Mu looked at Kato seriously, the corners of his mouth raised.

  As long as he saw the murderer, Li Mu could sense his heart, and naturally he could find the murderer.

  "Officer Chiba, do you mind if we go in and take a look?"


  Officer Chiba gave up a neutral position and let Li Mu and the others walk in.

  As soon as he entered the room, Li Mu passed the shoe cabinet, looked at the shoes in the shoe cabinet, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  Just came in and found a suspicious point, which is really lucky.

  Taking advantage of the lack of attention, Li Mu said to the chief police officer, "Officer chief, please, investigate the relationship between the deceased and the Chiba family, and see if you can find the murder weapon or something."

  The chief police officer also noticed this, nodded and said, "Okay, I happen to have this plan too."

  After entering the living room, Miwako looked around at the layout and sighed.

  "Officer Chiba, your house is so messy, don't you usually clean it up?"

  "Hey hey, I'm so sorry, I don't have much time after all." Police Officer Chiba apologized.

  Li Mu also walked in and looked at the layout of the entire room.

  I have to say that Officer Chiba is really sloppy, and this room is really messy.

  After entering the room, Li Mu picked up the newspaper next to him and said to Officer Chiba, "Officer Chiba, what show are you watching today?"

  "This?" Officer Chiba came over, picked up the newspaper and glanced at it.

  "That's it, I watched the Goodnight Live at [-] o'clock on Nikki TV this morning, so it's impossible for Kato to kill someone."

  "Really?" Li Mu raised his mouth slightly, pointed to the side of the newspaper and said, "Then there seems to be a cable TV station's Good Morning scene at around nine o'clock at seven o'clock. In this case, you can come back in more than an hour."

  "Yes, in this case, he can indeed kill." Officer Sato said excitedly.

  "No...Impossible. We watched the video for a long time in the afternoon. Until you came here, we only had less than [-] minutes to separate. At this time, it is impossible to kill people."

  Officer Chiba shook his head and vetoed.

  Officer Sato also had a headache and looked at Li Mu helplessly.

  Fortunately, Li Mu lived up to his trust and said directly: "Thirty minutes, that's enough time, enough time for him to record the VCR on the cable TV, and only four minutes of recording Yoko Okino's cooking is enough."

  Conan's eyes lit up and he immediately figured it out.

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