"But, Li Mu he..."

  "Auntie, since it's your request, how could I refuse, I decided to postpone the company meeting tonight and stay here to accompany you." Li Muyi said righteously.

  Miwako's head is full of black lines, Li Mu has a company meeting, why doesn't she know.

  But since she had already said this, she was naturally embarrassed to continue chasing Li Mu away.

  "Okay, Miwako, let's not talk about it, let's go eat."

  Sato Shinobi ordered, Miwako had to obey and sat at the dining table with Li Mu one after the other.

  "Come on, Miwako, eat more. I bought this specially for your body."

  Li Mu always felt that something was wrong when he heard it. Why did these words sound so strange, and he always felt that something important was revealed.

  Miwako didn't think of it for a while, so she didn't say anything and ate happily.

  Sato Shinobu paid attention to Miwako, and asked secretly, "Miwako, how are you, are you still in pain, but it doesn't matter, is it the first time? It will always hurt, and it will take a long time to heal. "

  These words were okay at first, but later, Li Mu understood.

  Sato Shinobu must have thought that Miwako was with her yesterday and was already broken.

  Although this was not the case, Miwako was still very shy, and her white face was full of blushes.

  "Mom, what are you talking about, we didn't do that dirty thing last night, yes, that's how it is."

  Sato Shinobu immediately saw Miwako's lie.

  She has taken care of Miwako all her life, plus Miwako is so shy, everyone can see whether this is true or not.

  "Okay, Miwako, I won't say it anymore, you better make up your body."

  Miwako blushed slightly, but did not refuse.

  Sato Shinobu picked up another bowl and handed the contents to Li Mu.

  "Come on, Li Mu here is the big kidney I bought. If you eat a little, you should also replenish your body."

  Li Mu: "..."

  Please, what kind of person is he, a man who can make seven nights in that respect, does he need to use a big waist to make up his body?

  Not to mention one beauty and child, and a few more, Li Mu also has the ability to knock her down.

  However, Li Mu still ate it. Who let Sato Shinobu personally choose it for him.

  And... nourishing the body is also a good choice.

  After dinner, Sato Shinobu smiled and said, "Li Mu, come with me, I'll take you to your room tonight."

  Li Mu stood up and followed Sato Shinobi.

  Miwako looked at Sato Shinobi's direction, feeling a little familiar in her heart, and quickly followed behind Sato Shinobu.

  Not long after, Sato Shinobu stood outside a room and said, "Li Mu, this is Miwako's room. Are you staying here tonight?"

  "This... is not good?"

  Although he had already eaten Miwako, Li Mu was still very modest.

  Miwako choked and said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, this is my room, can you let other people live? Besides, where am I staying tonight?"

  "You can go with Li Mu." Sato Shinobu said as a matter of course.


  Miwako exclaimed and looked at Sato Shinobi with an incredible look on her face...  

  Sending his daughter into the 'fire pit', is there such a person in this world?

  "By the way, Miwako, come here." Sato Shinobu pulled Miwako to his side, leaning on her ears.

  "Miwako, let me tell you one thing, you can use this posture when you have sex with Li Mu at night, it will make him happy, and it will also help you get pregnant, you know?"

  Miwako's face flushed red, and she looked at Sato Shinobi angrily.

  Li Mu was also happy, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

  If he just drank the water, he would definitely spray them on their faces.

  How much Sato Shinobu wanted Miwako to get married and have children, yet he taught her daughter like this.

  But thinking about it carefully, this seems to be not bad. For Li Mu, it is a very good suggestion.

  Li Mu subconsciously touched his chin and thought.

  "Okay, Miwako, you go to rest, I'll leave it here."

  Sato Shinobu pushed Miwako and Li Mu directly into the room and closed the door.

  "Miwako, remember not to use a condom~zi, that thing is not very good, and I haven't felt it yet."

  "Mom, what are you talking about, don't talk nonsense."

  Before Miwako could finish speaking, Sato Shinobu had already left.

  Li Mu thought about Sato Shinobi's words carefully, and felt that what she said was very reasonable. Even if the thing was super ~ 1.9 thin, it would stop Li Mu's feeling.

  "Okay, Miwako, take a break."

  Miwako was about to say something, and her body flew up, subconsciously reaching out and wrapping her arms around the back of Li Mu's neck.

  "Li... Li Mu, don't do this, my mother is still at home."

  Naturally, Li Mu would not listen to Miwako's words and put Miwako on the tatami on the ground.

  For a while, Miwako's weak voice kept coming from the room.

  Outside the room, Shinobu Sato leaned on the door, overheard Miwako's call, nodded his head subconsciously, and his face was full of smiles.

  "Miwako, Mom, I'm here for your own good. You're so old, it's time to get married and have children."

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1249 Has Xizi's Plan (two more)

  the next day.

  Li Mu was expelled by Miwako's anger.

  After leaving Meihezi's house, Li Mu returned to his own home.


  In a villa in Tokyo, Yukiko pondered while reading the newspaper.

  "Li Mu is also true. He hasn't come for such a long time. It must be with that coquettish woman, Fei Yingli."

  Although Li Mu went to Yuxizi every now and then, Yuxizi was still not satisfied and hoped that Li Mu could go to her.

  But Li Mu has so many women, how could he only be here with Youxizi.

  And Yuxizi just thought that Li Mu spent a certain amount of time with Concubine Yingri and Sonoko, and didn't know there were others.

  "Wait, I have to find a way to get Yingri, otherwise what will I do in the future, I can't hide every day."

  Yukiko touched her chin and thought seriously.

  The more she thought about it, the more Yukiko felt that she should do this so that Feiyingri could accept her.

  "Yes, I'm going to my birthday soon. I have to let them celebrate it for me. Then...hehe..."

  Fortunately, no one else saw Yukiko's smile, otherwise they would definitely think that Yukiko had a bad idea.

  On the other side, Li Mu was about to rest when he suddenly heard a call from Youxizi and quickly connected.

  "I know, I will do it, you wait."

  Li Mu hung up the phone, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Youxizi, you are so kind to me, I will never let you down."

  Li Mu was a little excited when he thought of Youxizi's plan. If it could be successful, he would be able to fly Youxizi and Concubine Yingli together in the future.

  After thinking about it, Li Mu happily rested on the quilt.

  This day happened to be Yuxizi's birthday, but Li Mu did not go to Yuxizi's house, but came to Feiyingli's office.

  When he arrived at Feiyingli's office, Li Mu sent Li Shanlu away, and then came to Feiyingli's office.

  "Eri, did you miss me ¨"?"

  Fei Yingli was seriously sorting out the documents at the moment, when Li Mu hugged him like this, and held down his mi~mi, he was taken aback.

  "Li Mu, you really are, you almost scared me to death, who did I think it was?"

  "Of course it's me, or who do you think it is?"

  Li Mu hugged Feiyingli tightly, pulled her to him, and rubbed Feiyingli with his body.

  Feeling the numbness of her body, Fei Yingli's body twisted and moved slightly, her cheeks were flushed red, and she lowered her head shyly.

  "Li Mu, don't do this, Miss Li Shan is still outside, it's not good to be seen by her."

  "Don't worry, she was sent away by me, it's impossible to know."

  To be honest, I am afraid that Miss Li Shan already knew about the relationship between Li Mu and Fei Yingli.

  After all, Li Mu was in the office many times, and he didn't hide it. It was hard for her to know.

  But Li Mu didn't say it either, otherwise Fei Yingli would be extremely shy.

  After hearing what Li Mu said, Fei Yingli no longer had any worries. She put her little hand on Li Mu's body and rubbed Li Mu with her body as well.

  Li Mu hugged Fei Yingli tightly, put one hand into Fei Yingli's clothes, and pulled it gently.

  Parents, a pure white little Nei ~ Nei appeared in Li Mu's hands.

  Fortunately, this is a belt type, otherwise Li Mu would not be able to pull it out.

  ding dong... ding dong...

  Suddenly, the door of Fei's law firm opened, Fei Yingli hurriedly pushed Li Mu away, and sorted out her clothes at the same time.

  "Li Mu, go open the door."

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