That expression, as if catching rape.

  "Okay, then I'll drive."

  Li Mu drove the car and left quickly.


  An hour later, Li Mu parked his car in the parking lot near the Twin Towers and walked downstairs to the Twin Towers.

  "Uncle Maori, Sister Xiaolan."

  Suddenly, a familiar voice reached Li Mu's ears, Li Mu's face changed slightly, and he had a very bad feeling in his heart.

  Turning his head to look, Li Mu saw Conan and his teenage detective team.

  Seeing these people, Li Mu's mood suddenly deteriorated.

  These little devils know how to sway around all day long and like to disturb themselves, so Li Mu doesn't have a problem with them.

  Conan ignored Li Mu's displeasure, and hurried over, directly in front of Xiaolan.

  "Sister Xiaolan, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

  "Oh, it's like this. Brother Li and Dad have both received an invitation from the developer of this building, so let's come and have a look first." Xiaolan knew everything.

  Conan's expression changed, and he took a peek at Li Mu.

  If he guessed correctly, Li Mu must be planning to bring Xiaolan and the two over secretly.

  In fact, Li Mu did intend to carry Conan on his back and bring Xiaolan with him, but now it seems that it is impossible.

  "Oh, well, let's go up, don't make Miss Tokiwa wait too long."

  Li Mu sighed and walked towards the elevator with a dark face.

  He planned to not bring Conan, but Conan came anyway, and brought a few little devils in the way, which made him a little troubled.

  Everyone laughed and talked and followed Li Mu up the stairs.

  After reaching the 75th floor, Li Mu happened to meet Ms. Tokiwa Meixu.

  "Mr. Li, I didn't expect you to come and ask for a profit. I'm really sorry for disturbing you."

  Tokiwa Mitsu bowed slightly.

  "Where, it's nothing, you don't care."

  Li Mu waved his hand, and then introduced everyone to Ms. Tokiwa.

  Everyone also said hello.

  "By the way, is this a well-known writer? I really can't see that a guy who looks like a human is actually a well-known writer."

  Suddenly, a middle-aged man who was a little bald and drunk staggered to Li Mu and pointed at Li Mu.. 0

  Li Mu frowned slightly.

  A guy who didn't know who it was, actually reached out and pointed at himself.

  The most important thing is that he actually said what kind of person he was.

  "Mr. Ogi, I'm so sorry, Mr. Li, he is..."

  Just as Miss Tokiwa was about to say something, Li Mu reached out and interrupted him, then grabbed Senator Ogi by the collar.

  "Damn old man, you're just a city councilman. Even if you're a congressman, I want you to be down if you want. In this world, especially in a capitalist society, I can spend money on you."

  After speaking, Li Mu gently pushed Senator Damu.

  Senator Ogi stumbled and fell directly to the ground.

  Li Mujing didn't even look at him, turned around and walked to the game console on the side.

  "He... Miss Tokiwa, is he your guest? It's so rude, you hurry up and kick him out." Senator Ogi shouted dissatisfied.

  He was a member of parliament, and he was so threatened by Li Mu in front of so many people.

  Tokiwa Mio's expression also changed. If nothing else, Li Mu was definitely not something she could offend.

  And Li Mu's words are indeed correct. In this capitalist society, money can indeed solve most problems.

  With Li Mu's capital, not only 2.8 Congressman Damu can be solved, but she can also be solved.

  Tokiwa Mio thought for a while, and secretly said something in Senator Ogi's ear.

  Congressman Damu's expression changed suddenly, he looked at Li Mu in disbelief, his face was extremely gloomy, but he didn't say anything.

  "I see, but can I stay here tonight?"

  Tokiwa Meixu intentionally refused, but seeing Senator Ogi's gloomy face, he had no choice but to agree.

  Li Mu also ignored Congressman Damu, turned around and walked to the machine on the other side, looking at it carefully.

  Such a high-tech thing, like a game console, reminded Li Mu of the world of Sword Art Online.

  On the other hand, the juvenile detective team also came over, excitedly touching left and right, very happy for a while.

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1263 The Immortal Li Mu (Fourth)

  "By the way, do you want to come and try this machine. This is a machine that can show you what you will look like in the next ten years, or else have a look." Mr. Yuan said.

  "Really? Okay, let's try it now."

  The young detective team was a little excited, then ran over and sat directly on it.

  Not long after, a photo came out of the machine.

  Li Mu walked over to take a look, two ugly monsters, and one of them was a particularly fat figure with a particularly small face.

  I have to say that Mitsuhiko and Yuantai are no longer saved, and their looks have lowered the normal level of human beings.

  On the other hand, Ayumi's photos are still very good, they look a little cute, and their appearance is also very high. She will be responsible for her appearance in the future.

  "How is it? I've seen someone like you before." Sonoko hid behind and laughed secretly.

  Yuan Tai glanced at Sonoko dissatisfied, but there was a touch of sadness in his heart.

  "By the way, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, let's try it too, and see if we are so handsome in the future."

  Li Mu took Xiaolan Yuanzi and went there together, and after a while, a few photos came out.

  "Is this my picture?"

  With a sad face, Sonoko squatted on the side, in a very bad mood.

  Li Mu took a look in the past. If he didn't take good care of it, according to the photos, he was indeed an auntie.

  However, this world is generally well maintained, Fei Yingli and others are all like a little girl, very beautiful.

  Xiaolan on one side is very beautiful, and Concubine Yingli was carved out of the same mold.

  Li Mu can even imagine that if he manages Xiaolan and Feiyingli in the future, will he be able to have a mother-daughter sister.

  Mother and daughter, and sisters.

  "By the way, Brother Li, where's your photo? Can you show it to me?"

  "Hey, here it is for you."

  Perhaps because of Li Mu's immortality, the self ten years later is almost the same as the self ten years ago.

  Xiaolan took the photo and was stunned.

  "Brother Li, this photo is no different from yours at all. Could it be that he just took your photo directly ¨"."

  Yes, this photo is basically taken directly by the camera.

  "Where, maybe I'm the legendary god of youth." Li Mu touched his cheek and said.

  Being worshipped by so many people should feel very good.

  On the other hand, Yuanzi looked at the photo of Li Mu's age, his face full of depression, and his heart was even more unhappy.


  After waiting for a long time at the twin tower skyscrapers, Li Mu drove Xiaolan and his group home.

  When they arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu did not leave, but followed Xiaolan.

  Conan looked at Li Mu, who was following up, and complained in his heart. He was very upset, but he couldn't drive Li Mu away.

  On the second floor, Li Mu found a place to sit down.

  However, Li Mu didn't stay here for a long time, he just stayed for a while, chatted with Xiaolan and others for a while, and then Li Mu left.


  The next day, before Li Mu woke up, the phone rang.

  "Hey, I see, that's it, bye."

  On one side, Fei Yingli, who was lying in Li Mu's arms, rubbed her eyes and looked at Li Mu vaguely.

  "Li Mu, what's the matter, is there something? It's so early in the morning."

  "It's nothing, Yingri, take a rest, I'm going to the police station, and Officer Mumu has caused me trouble again."

  Li Mu got dressed, and then tapped Fei Yingli's cheek.


  The Metropolitan Police Department, when Li Mu arrived, Mouri Kogoro and others had just arrived, along with Dr. A Li and the Death Detective Team.

  In a conference room, Li Mu and his party were sitting, and Officer Mu Mu had been waiting here for a long time.

  "I'm so sorry, everyone, I have to trouble you to come here so early."

  "It's nothing, Officer Mumu, this is what I should do." Kogoro Mauri flattered.

  Although Li Mu was upset, he didn't say anything.

  "Okay, everyone, this is a case that happened this morning. You should know the deceased."

  Officer Mumu took out a photo. It was not the other person in the photo, but the Senator Omu, who had a conflict with Li Mu yesterday.

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