
  Gin's eyes flickered, and he immediately felt around, then touched a shoe, and found something under the shoe.

  "It turned out to be the little mouse, and it looks like he has finally appeared." Jin Jiu sneered and said in a dark voice, "Okay, since the task has been solved, let's deal with another matter - let's do it."

  On the other side, Conan was shocked and said quickly, "Mr. Judy, stop quickly."

  The driver stopped immediately.

  "What's the matter, what happened?" Teacher Judy also asked nervously.

  Conan looked panic and pretended to be calm: "The bug I installed was found, and there are my fingerprints on it."

  Teacher Judy was also surprised and worried.

  "Then let's go to the Maori Detective Agency now to prevent anything from happening."

  Now Teacher Judy doesn't care who killed Tsuchimikado and rescued Kiel, she only thinks about saving Kogoro Maori.

  On the other side, after Li Mu settled Shui Wu Riannai, he drove to the Maori Detective Agency.

  He clearly remembered that Conan's bug was still installed on Mizuna Rena's shoes.

  If they are discovered, the others will be fine, but Kogoro Mouri and Ran will be in trouble.

  So he has to rush over to tide over the difficulties for Maori Kogoro.

  After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu felt a fierce momentum before he was ready.

  Li Mu turned his head to look and saw a figure in the distance.

  Akai Shuichi, known as the silver bullet that can penetrate the black organization.

  After confirming Akai Shuichi's identity, Li Mu also relaxed, with him, at least this time, nothing will happen.

  However, Li Mu still needs to make sure to make sure that he is foolproof and prevent any accidents.

  In the building in the distance, Akai Shuichi noticed Li Mu's gaze and was startled.

  "It's incredible that there are such terrifying people in this world."

  Although that gaze was only for a moment, he was sure that Li Mu was definitely not an ordinary person.

  However, he still has tasks, but he has no time to investigate Li Mu.

  After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu chatted with Maori Kogoro for a while, then sat on the sofa and waited patiently.

  Not long after, Gin also arrived, and in a building not far away, he picked up a sniper rifle and faced Kogoro Mouri.

  The poor Mouri Kogoro didn't know that a gun was pointed at him, and if he knew, he would have been scared to death.

  When Gin arrived at the building, he wanted to shoot and kill Kogoro Mori.

  "Wait, we don't seem to have any evidence yet, so it's not good to kill him like this?" Belmod said.

  Gin's face became extremely gloomy, turned around, and glanced at Belmod with sharp eyes.

  "Why, you seem to be very opinionated. Could it be that you have a special relationship with Kogoro Mouri?"

  "Yes, so what?"

  Belmod smiled, with a smile in his eyes, not at all afraid.

  Gin stared at Belmod for a moment, then took out the bug in his hand.

  "It doesn't matter, as long as you kill him, and then investigate the one in your hand, you will know who it is at this time, and who made it have that guy's fingerprints on it."

  As soon as the voice fell, a bullet rushed out, hitting the bug in Jin Jiu's hand in the blink of an eye, destroying the bug.

  Gin was stunned for a moment, then reacted, and quickly picked up Chianti's sniper rifle and looked at the building in the distance.

  I saw Shuuichi Akai smiling on the building in the distance, and this smile made Jin Jiu feel chills.

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Akai Shuichi.

  Gin had just finished speaking when a bullet rushed out, hitting Gin's shoulder directly and piercing his ribs.

  "Cough cough... let's go, get out of here quickly."

  Jin Jiu coughed, endured the pain, and quickly left the place.

  "But, big brother, that Mori Kogoro..."

  "Don't worry about him, that guy should just be used by Shuichi Akai, we'll leave here now."

  Although Jinjiu is arrogant, he also knows that this place is likely to be ambushed now, so naturally he will not stay here foolishly.

  Vodka didn't say anything after hearing what Gin said, and hurriedly followed behind Gin and left.

  Jinjiu and a group of people rushed to come, and rushed to go.


  "It's amazing, it's done so quickly, and I don't need to do it yet."

  Li Mu sighed with emotion, but did not stay for long.

  Since Gin and the others have retreated, there is no need for them to stay.

  After leaving the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu passed a building and just turned around when someone walked over.

  Seeing this person, Li Mu just glanced at him and ignored it.

  This person is none other than Shuichi Akai who just finished his mission.

  Akai Shuichi naturally noticed Li Mu, stopped involuntarily, and turned to look at Li Mu's back.

  After watching it carefully for a long time, Akai Hideyin raised the corner of his mouth, turned around and left.

  Li Mu also turned around at this time, looked at Shuichi Akai, and sneered.

  "Silver bullet, so what."

  The poor Akai Shuichi may not know yet that his girlfriend has changed her name and will be a member of the Li family in the future.

  After leaving the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu returned to Miyano Akemi's home again.

  Miyano Akemi looked happy when she saw Li Mu's figure, and hurried up.

  "Li Mu, are you okay?"

  "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll go see that guy first."

  Perhaps because of the serious injury to the brain, Shui Wulianai was still not awake, and the brain was still in a deep sleep.

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!Of.

Chapter 1274 The arrival of Yingyou in the hall (three shifts)

  In the next few days, Li Mu often came to Miyano Akemi to observe things related to Mizuno Rina.

  However, Shui Wulianai has turned into a vegetative state, and he has not woken up for a few days. Obviously, the injury is not particularly serious, but he has not woken up yet.

  If Li Mu hadn't known that this guy pretended to be asleep again, he would have thought she was still sleeping.

  On this day, Li Mu came here again and sat next to Shui Wulianai.

  As expected, he had undergone rigorous training, and he remained motionless for a few days, as if he was pretending to be dead, and there was no movement at all.

  Li Mu looked at Shui Wulianai who was pretending to be sleeping, his eyes rolled around, and then he pulled off Shui Wulianai's clothes.

  "Anyway, she hasn't woken up, why don't you try this beautiful host, let's talk about it first."

  Shui Wu Liannai's heart trembled, but Que still did not move, as if he hadn't heard clearly.

  However, Lin Fei could easily hear Shui Wulianai's violently trembling heartbeat.

  Although this little girl pretended to be sleeping, she was still very entangled in this matter, not knowing whether she should obey Li Mu.

  Time gradually passed, Li Mu had already pulled down the only 20 clothes on Shui Wulianai's body, leaving only one trillion ~ trillion.

  In the end, Li Mu was just seductive, and after taking a little advantage, Li Mu did not continue to do it.

  "Cut, I didn't wake up. Forget it, when I have time next time, I will put you on you, and it's still a hundred times."

  If there were no other people here, Li Mu would definitely go straight to this woman without saying a word.

  But since Akemi Miyano was outside, Li Mu had to take care of her and couldn't just mess around.

  After leaving the room, Li Mu walked towards Miyano Akemi who was cooking dinner, reached out and hugged her gently.

  "Mingmei, you have worked hard during this time, and I will definitely take good care of you in the future."

  Miyano Akimi's heart warmed, and she reached out and grabbed Li Mu's, then tilted her head back.

  "This is what I should do, after all, I am your woman now."

  I have to say, Miyano Akemi is worthy of being a good wife and a good mother. Like Xiaolan, she is very gentle.

  The two embraced for a moment, Li Mu tapped Miyano Akimi's face, then let go of Miyano Akimi and sat on the side to rest.

  After sitting down and resting for a while, Li Mu had a lunch at Miyano Akimi's place, and then he and Miyano Akimi warmed up for a while before leaving here.

  After leaving, Li Mu looked up at the sky and muttered to himself, "Where should I go now? Xiaolan, Yingri, Yuxizi, alas, it's so annoying, where are you going?"

  Li Mu now finds that it is not very good to have too many women, at least sometimes he doesn't know where to go.

  If others knew about Li Mu's troubles, they would definitely be put to death, such as burning at the stake.

  After pondering for a moment, Li Mu finally decided to go to Xiaolan. After all, only Xiaolan is still in the final stage of the strategy.

  No matter what, Li Mu had to work hard to take down Xiao Lan as soon as possible.

  After arriving at the Maori Detective Agency, Li Mu just opened the door, as if he bumped into something.


  Behind the gate, a figure exclaimed, then thumped, and fell directly to the ground.

  Li Mu hurriedly looked over and saw a man kneeling on the ground.

  After the man got up, he hurriedly tidied up his clothes and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I shouldn't be standing behind the door, I'm really sorry, please."

  Li Mu's head was full of black lines, it was obviously his fault, how could this guy apologize for his life?

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