Shui Wulianai's body trembled slightly, and her heart was thumping.

  However, Shui Wu Liannai did not show it, instead it was like nothing happened.

  Li Mu smiled and sat next to Shui Wulianai, talking to himself.

  "Miss Mizuno Rina, today, I met a person at Mouri Kogoro's house. His name is Bentang Yingyou. He looks very similar to you. Do you know each other? After all, your name is Bentang Yinghai."

  Shui Wu Liannai was still very nervous, but she didn't wake up, she still pretended to be lethargic.

  Li Mule, this guy is clearly challenging his patience.

  But think about it, this guy was pinched by the doctor, but a person who has nothing at all would not be so easily seduced by Li Mu.

  "Okay, since you don't speak, then forget it. It seems that I need to catch him before you wake up, but it's very interesting. Use your brother's blood to wake you up."

  Li Mu turned around and wanted to leave.

  Shui Wulianai couldn't continue to pretend any more, opened his eyes and said, "This gentleman, there is no need to continue like this, you can come over."

  She also knew that since Li Mu already knew that Bentang Yingyou was related to her, he must know the position of Bentang Yingyou.

  In order to protect her younger brother, Mizuna Rina had to wake up.

  Li Mule was relieved, turned around slowly, came to Shui Wulianai's side, looked at Shui Wulianai who was still pitiful, and couldn't help but put his hand on her face.

  "What's the matter, Miss Shui Wu Liannai, won't you continue to sleep?"

  Shui Wulianai turned her head and took it away from Li Mu's hand.

  "Tell me, what's the matter with you? Where are you from? FBI, or an organization?"

  Although Shui Wu Liannai didn't know where Li Mu was from, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

  Because it is impossible for ordinary people to know so much, at least Bendo Yingyou and her name Bendo Yinghai are impossible for ordinary people to know.

  So she guessed that Li Mu was not an ordinary person.

  Now she only hopes that Li Mu is not a member of the black organization, as long as he is not a member of the organization, she doesn't need to worry about her brother.

  Li Mu naturally also saw that Shui Wulianai's thoughts appeared in 417, the corners of his mouth rose, and his face had a fierce look.

  "I forgot to introduce myself, Kiel, my code name is Bourbon, and in the organization, I can be regarded as a murderer who does all kinds of evil."

  Bourbon said that he did not take the blame, and he was also a good man, an undercover police officer.

  When Mizuna Rinai heard the word Bourbon, her pupils shrank, and infinite fear filled her eyes.

  Although she didn't know Bourbon, she had heard of Bourbon, a very powerful person in the organization, no less threatening than Gin.

  Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Bourbon is the person who organizes, and she is known by the person who organizes important things.

  Li Mu looked at Shui Wulianai, who had infinite fear in his eyes, and put a hand on her face, sliding it gently.

  "Miss Mizuno Liannai, what's the matter, are you afraid? Are you worried?"

  Shui Wu Liannai also recovered, resisting the panic and said: "Do you have any purpose? What do you want to know, what is the purpose of arresting me?"

  Li Mu didn't say a word, tidied up his clothes, turned and left the room.

  "I'm sorry, I'm kidding you, just rest here."

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1278 Love Belmod (three more)

  Shui Wulianai looked at Li Mu with a bewildered expression, not knowing what Li Mu's purpose was.

  Do everything possible to wake her up, without saying the purpose, just joking with her, which makes her unable to figure it out.

  It's a pity that Li Mu didn't say anything to her and left.

  But after a while, Shui Wu Liannai reacted and quickly asked, "Where's Yingyou? What happened to him? How is he now?"

  Li Mu closed the door and said with a smile, "He's fine now, but you'll be quiet in the future. If something happens here, he'll definitely have an accident."

  Shui Wu Liannai understood, and stopped shouting, lying quietly on the sofa, closed her eyes and rested.

  "Li Mu, is she okay? How is she now?"

  Li Mu Shen Beast touched Miyano Akemi's long hair and pulled her into his arms.

  "Don't worry, she'll be fine. It's you, so be careful in the future. She's a member of that organization and is valuable to me."

  Speaking of that organization, Miyano Akimi's eyes showed a trace of resentment, followed by fear.

  Obviously, this organization put too much pressure on Miyano Akemi, and even if she left there, she was still afraid.

  "Don't worry, it's okay, you are here, don't go out casually, remember to change your face when you go out, there will be no problem with these 993 things."

  In order to prevent problems, Li Mu specially taught Miyano Akemi to disguise, and he also strengthened the defense here.

  Miyano Akemi felt the warmth in Li Mu's arms, and the fear in her heart gradually disappeared, but instead it was replaced by warmth.


  After indulging with Miyano Akemi, Li Mu got dressed and left Miyano Akemi's house.

  Driving on the street, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Mu.

  Li Mu's eyes lit up, he immediately turned the steering wheel, turned a corner, and followed behind a car.

  Half an hour later, after the car stopped, Li Mu also stopped, hid the car, and sneaked into an apartment.

  After entering the apartment, Li Mu glanced at the apartment, touched his chin and joked, "As expected of a world-famous star, this place is luxurious, I'll go take a look."

  The person Li Mu followed was none other than the world-famous superstar Sharon Wynyard. By the way, she also has a name, Belmod.

  He also didn't think (caaa) that he and Belmod really had a fate and met again on the mainland.

  After taking the lead in solving the monitoring equipment, Li Mu came to the outside of Belmod's room and secretly opened the door.

  After entering the room, Li Mu heard the sound of water flowing in the bathroom, and did not enter to disturb, Fan Er sat on the sofa beside him.

  Not long after, Belmod came out wrapped in a white towel, bowed his head and wiped his hair, and walked to the sofa.

  After approaching the sofa, Belmod didn't notice Li Mu either, and sat directly next to Li Mu.

  As soon as he sat down, Belmod's butt touched Li Mu's foot.

  Belmod was startled, stood up quickly, quickly ran to the side, and looked at Li Mu vigilantly.

  Li Mu also noticed Belmod's gaze, reached out and waved, with a charming smile on his face.

  "Hi Belmod, here I am, have you missed me lately?"

  After Belmod noticed Li Mu, he first breathed a sigh of relief, and then there was dissatisfaction in his eyes.

  "Why are you here? How did you get in."

  "Oh, nothing, I happened to meet you on the street, and then came in. In addition, I opened the door with my hands, all at once." Li Mu smiled.

  Belmod choked and looked at Li Mu with a resentful expression.

  Last time Li Mu also said that he saw her on the street, and now he sees her on the street. Do you think she is an idiot?

  Also, is the lock in her house so easy?Next time, she must change a few locks inside the house to see how Li Mu still gets in.

  Li Mu looked at Belmod, who was still in a state of silence, and patted his side.

  "Come on, Belmod, don't hurry up and sit here, why did I help you and save you, do you need this?"

  Belmod was almost not mad at Li Mu. He did save her, but how did he help her? Why didn't she know.

  Li Mu also saw Belmode's thoughts and smiled: "Don't forget, that person called Tuyumen, but I killed you, or I will be distressed if you go into a car accident on purpose, and if What to do in the event of an accident.”

  "It was you? You killed him?" Belmod looked at Li Mu in disbelief.

  To know what happened last time, Jinjiu has been investigating for a long time, but nothing has been investigated.

  Even she herself has been investigating for a long time, but still found nothing, she did not expect this to be done by Li Mu.

  Belmod stared at Li Mu carefully, and said suspiciously: "You said you did it? So you really installed that bug?"

  She still remembers the bug under Shui Wulianai's shoes. At first, she thought it was Conan who did it, but now it looks like Li Mu did it.

  "No, that has nothing to do with me. It was seen by the kid, but I reinstalled one and eavesdropped on your plan. Then I heard that you were going to participate, and I deliberately helped you solve him."

  Belmode felt a sudden warmth in her heart. After so many years, apart from Xiao Lan, Li Mu was probably the only one who made her feel warm.

  "Hmph, I didn't ask you for help again, it's you who is self-indulgent."

  Sure enough, Belmod is also very arrogant. This is the first time Li Mu has discovered that she also has the arrogant attribute.

  Li Mu stepped forward slowly, stretched out his arms around Belmod and pulled her into his arms.

  Belmod's face suddenly turned red, and he pushed Li Mu shyly.

  "You... what are you doing, hurry... hurry up and let me go, or I'll be angry."

  After finishing speaking, Belmod's small hand kept slapping Li Mu, but his strength was too small to push Li Mu away.

  "Okay, don't resist, Belmod, I will definitely take good care of you."

  Li Mu took a shelter and directly suppressed Belmod's delicate body.

  Belmod's body staggered to the ground, and the white towel on his body fell off.

  " don't mess around."

  Belmod slapped and bitten again, but couldn't push Li Mu away.

  Soon, the two were completely entangled.

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1279 The cat given to Feiyingli (four more)

  The next day, Li Mu and Belmod hugged each other until the sun shone on them, and they gradually woke up.

  After Belmod woke up, feeling the warmth around him, he couldn't help but open his eyes.

  I saw Li Mu was hugging her tightly.

  Belmod's face instantly turned red, and shyly pushed Li Mu away.

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