Conan's face changed suddenly, and he quickly stretched out his hand and said, "Li... Big Brother Li, it's all my fault, I don't dare anymore, I..."

  Bang bang bang!

  In autumn, the red leaves of the maple trees all over the hillside have different shapes, some are oblong, some are oblate, and some are like five-pointed stars, which look very beautiful.

  Li Mu, Xiaolan and the others were walking in a fiery red maple forest.

  Sonoko was walking, waving the red handkerchief in his hand and chatting happily with Xiaolan.

  On the other side of the crowd, Conan covered his head with a painful expression on his face.

  After chatting for a while, Xiaolan noticed Conan and asked with concern, "Conan, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell?"

  "It's uncomfortable, it's uncomfortable, let me hug him, I can't let him get hurt." Li Mu smiled.

  Conan originally planned to take the opportunity to win Xiaolan's sympathy, but seeing Li Mu's smile, Conan quickly gave up the idea in his heart.

  "No, I have nothing to do. I can go. Sister Xiaolan, don't worry."

  "Yeah, Xiaolan, you don't have to worry about this kid, he's fine."

  Sonoko glanced at Conan and waved the red handkerchief with his little hand.

  Suddenly, a gust of wind came out, Sonoko did not grab the red handkerchief for a while, and the red handkerchief fluttered in the wind.

  "Oh, wait, don't go."

  Sonoko hurried forward, quickly chasing after her red handkerchief.

  Li Mu and others could only follow behind her.

  A few minutes later, the garden stopped under a big tree and looked up at the big tree.

  "My handkerchief accidentally flew up, who of you will get it for me."

  After finishing speaking, Sonoko looked at Conan on the side.

  That's right, just looking at Conan, who made Li Mu the person she likes, how could Yuanzi let Li Mu get it.

  Conan also noticed Yuanzi's eyes, his face changed suddenly, he quickly shook his head and said: "Sister Yuanzi, I can't do it, I'm a child, why don't you let Brother Li go."

  Yuanzi was about to say something, and Xiaolan said, "Why don't you let Big Brother Li go, Conan is a child after all."

  Sure enough, an angel is an angel, even if he is worried about Li Mu, he will not let a child take risks.

  "Okay then, I'll go."

  Li Mu climbed up the tree and stepped on a branch.

  The next second, Li Mu's foot suddenly slipped and fell directly.

  "Brother Li, are you okay?"

· · 0 flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Yuanzi and the others hurried over and looked at Li Mu with concern.

  "It doesn't matter, I have nothing to do, but my leg hurts a bit. It seems that this glorious and arduous task can only be handed over to Conan."

  Conan looked at Li Mu with black lines all over his head, he felt that Li Mu must be pretending, otherwise how could the first branch fall down.

  The more he thought about it, the more correct Conan felt.

  However, everyone's eyes noticed him, and Conan had no choice but to nod: "I see, leave it to me."

  After speaking, Conan reluctantly climbed up the huge maple tree.

  Li Mu looked at Conan below, and stepped on the corner of the red handkerchief with one foot to prevent the handkerchief from being blown away.

  This red handkerchief was seen when it just fell down, but Li Mu didn't say anything, and was going to watch Conan climb a tree.


  Ten minutes later, Sonoko looked at Conan on the tree and complained, "Conan, have you found it, hurry up, that handkerchief is very important to me."

  "Damn, how can this be found."

  Conan complained, then looked up at the maple leaves around him.

  It is really not easy to find a red handkerchief among the red maple leaves.

  Seeing that it was almost time for Conan, Li Mu pointed to the ground and said, "Yuanzi, is this red handkerchief yours?"

  Sonoko lowered his head and looked at the red handkerchief on the ground, with a faint blush on his face.

  "I'm sorry, this seems to be really mine, I'm so sorry, I didn't notice it just now."

  Conan's head is full of black lines, and he has scolded Sonoko many times in his heart, but he can't do anything about it.

  "Hahaha, I'm so sorry, little Conan, for keeping you busy for so long." Sonoko said apologetically.

  Conan put his head in his hands and turned his head in dissatisfaction.

  "Okay, Yuanzi, elementary school students should exercise, otherwise they won't be able to run when they encounter danger in the future." Li Mu touched Conan's head and squeezed it lightly.

  Conan's face changed, and he said with a bitter face: "Brother Li is right, I'm fine."

  "Okay, let's go." Sonoko didn't say anything, and walked forward happily.

  The invincible spirit of eating halberds, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!indivual.

Chapter 1288 Conan the Great Demon King debuts (one more)

  Beneath a maple forest, Yuanzi frowned slightly as he looked at the red handkerchiefs full of trees.

  Xiaolan also said with emotion: "There are so many red handkerchiefs here, what is going on here?"

  "What? Xiaolan, don't you know? This is Fenghong in Winter, the super famous love idol drama last year. I've watched it many times."

  When it comes to maple red in winter, the garden is very excited.

  On the other hand, Li Mu was a little dazed. Basically, he seldom watched this idol romance film. Anyway, he didn't dare to be interested.

  Xiaolan remembered it after hearing it, and said apologetically, "I'm so sorry. When it was broadcast last year, my father was watching Yoko Okino's show, so I didn't see it."

  With a dark face, Sonoko complained, "That uncle still likes Yoko Okino."

  "Did you also come to see the scene of "Four Sanqi" maple red in winter?"

  Suddenly, a voice came, and several people turned their heads to look, and saw a man with a modest figure and a knitted hat.

  Li Mu and the others looked at the man who came, frowning slightly.

  "Could it be that you are the author of Winter Maple Red?" Yuanzi suddenly became excited and looked at the man happily.

  "No no no, I'm not, I'm just a member of the crew." The man waved quickly.

  Sonoko's expression dimmed obviously, and he wasn't as excited as at the beginning.

  The man in the knitted hat didn't care either, but instead said, "By the way, a fan will come over later, can I ask you to help me with something, just say I'll be waiting for him here."

  Yuanzi frowned slightly, but nodded and said, "Okay, I see, if you want to talk, I will help you."

  After speaking, Yuanzi looked at Li Mu again and said, "Xiaolan, let's go, I think it's better."

  Xiaolan naturally couldn't refuse, she nodded and left with Yuanzi.

  After returning to the hotel again, Yuanzi seemed to be in a bad mood. Looking at the rich and delicious meal, he had no appetite.

  "What's the matter, Yuanzi, aren't you eating? Are you still struggling with the red handkerchief?" Li Mu said.

  Sonoko blushed slightly and bowed his head shyly.

  But after struggling for a moment, Sonoko showed a firm look.

  "I've decided, I must go now, Xiaolan, let's go together."

  "This..." Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, looked at the firm garden, and nodded her head: "Well, let's go now."

  Both Xiaolan left, so how could Li Mu and Conan not go, so they had to follow behind them.

  After coming to the maple forest again, Li Mu and Conan followed.

  After a long time, Li Mu suddenly looked at the book on the ground, frowned slightly, and reached out and picked up the book.

  Taking a careful look, Li Mu frowned slightly, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Alas, Conan the Great Demon King is here again."

  Li Mu could clearly smell the blood on the book. Obviously, there was blood on the book, and it was still very fresh.

  Conan didn't notice that much, just looked at Li Mu with a black line all over his head.

  What Conan the Devil, he is that kind of person.

  Li Mu didn't say much, turned his head to look not far away, and ran over quickly.

  "Hey, Big Brother Li, where are you going?"

  Yuanzi looked at Li Mu in confusion.

  However, although they were puzzled, several people followed behind Conan.

  After a few minutes, Li Mu stopped and looked at the corpse on the ground.

  This body is not someone else's, it is the man in the knitted hat that Li Mu knew before he came.

  "Li Mu, what's the matter, are you okay?"

  As soon as Sonoko and the others came over, they saw the body of the man in the knitted hat.

  "It's him? How did he die here?"

  Everyone was stunned.

  "Okay, don't worry about it anymore, let's call the police. This kind of thing is handed over to the police. Other things have nothing to do with me."

  Sonoko thought about it too, and without hesitation, picked up the phone.

  Secretly, many people hid behind Li Mu and secretly looked at Li Mu.

  Li Mu had already felt these people, but he didn't care.

  With his strength, standing still and letting these people fight, they can't do anything to Li Mu.

  More than ten minutes later, the police rushed over, led by Officer Nakamura.

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