He Ye's face flushed, and he secretly glanced at Xiaolan next to him, confirming that Xiaolan didn't see it, and heaving a sigh of relief.

  She thought that Xiaolan hadn't seen it, but Xiaolan had seen it, so she stood up quickly, blushing, and didn't dare to look at Li Mu.

  "Brother Li, I'm sorry to go to the bathroom."

  After He Ye watched Xiao Lan leave, he leaned on Li Mu.

  "Li Mu, I remember that Xiaolan seems to like you too, and I agree with you, have you got her?"

  Li Mu was ashamed and wiped his forehead.

  "He Ye, don't you mind if we're together? You won't be jealous?"

  "Of course, but I'm with my dad, but I heard that many rich people have many women. The purpose is to have many children. Instead of sharing it with people you don't know, it's better to share it with you."

  He Ye raised his head and said solemnly.

  Li Mu was speechless, how did He Ye's father actually let his daughter know so many dark sides of society.

  But thinking about it, this seems to be not bad. Li Mu can develop a super-friendly relationship with other people in front of He Ye.

  "¨'Cough cough cough, He Ye, Xiaolan and I are still like this. She can't pass that level, and we just hold hands and kiss every once in a while."

  Of course, Li Mu also did some particularly abhorrent things. Except for the last step, he basically did everything else.

  After hearing this, He Ye touched his chin and thought about it for a while.

  "Well, I'll help you. With my help, you can definitely handle it."

  Before Li Mu could speak, He Ye left.

  Li Mu looked at He Ye who left, nodded with a smile: "He Ye is really nice, this world is really good, is it Yamato Nadeko? It seems to be the advantage of the minority of this nation."

(Good King's) Although I told Ye that I wanted to share it with Xiaolan last time, Li Mu wasn't sure if it took so long.

  But now, Li Mu can be sure that He Ye doesn't mind him being with Xiao Lan anymore.

  "Hey, He Ye, what are you doing, don't do this."

  "If you have anything to worry about, let's go out together."

  The door to the bathroom opened, and He Ye walked out without wearing a coat, only the underwear inside.

  Behind He Ye, Xiao Lan lowered her head shyly, not daring to look directly at Li Mu.

  Li Mu looked at He Ye's figure with great interest. If Xiao Lan was like this, plus herself, she could open a no-cover meeting.

  Thinking about it, Li Mu was a little excited and looked at Xiao Lan with fiery eyes.

  Xiao Lan raised her head inadvertently, looked at Li Mu's fiery gaze, and lowered her head shyly.

  Invincible, the beloved princess of the great voyage, begins life in a different world from scratch! .

Chapter 1293 Finally won Xiaolan (two more)

  He Ye naturally also noticed Li Mu and Xiaolan's small movements, and hurriedly reached out and pushed Xiaolan.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, it's not a big deal, just take it as a vacation on the beach."

  Xiaolan blushed and approached Li Mu shyly.

  As soon as they approached Li Mu, He Ye gently pushed Xiaolan towards Li Mu.

  Li Mu stretched out his hand and hugged Xiaolan into his arms, and then grabbed it, the princess hugged~hug~~ hugged Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan's delicate little face turned red, and her heart jumped involuntarily.

  plop plop...

  It's like ten thousand deer are running non-stop.

  Seeing that Xiaolan didn't resist, Li Mu hugged her tightly, resting her head on his murderous chamber.

  He Ye Ze came over and sat next to Li Mu, grabbing Li Mu's arm with both hands, and resting his head on Li Mu's shoulder.

  The feeling of hugging left and right is very good.

  It's a pity that Conan and Hattori Heiji are not here, otherwise they will be pissed.

  After hugging each other for a moment, Li Mu's inner anger greatly increased, and he stared straight at He Ye on one side.

  He Ye was like a roundworm in Li Mu's stomach, he immediately understood Li Mu's plan, put his hands on Li Mu's neck, and lowered his head.

  When Xiaolan saw the movements of the two people, she immediately understood, her head seemed to explode, and there was nothing but Li Mu and Ye.

  What to do, brother Li's next target is not me.

  Xiaolan vaguely remembered that last time Li Mu was with Yuanzi in front of her, and then he was going to take her down.

  Now Li Mu is in front of her again, is he going to take her down later?

  Is she accepting or resisting? It's so tangled.

  Li Mu can't care about Xiaolan now, he has already decided today to take Xiaolan completely.

  Strive to be able to fly two, three, four and so on.

  After indulging with He Ye for a while, Li Mu let go of He Ye, whose breathing was a little short, and turned to look at Xiao Lan.

  Xiaolan noticed Li Mu's gaze, her heart beat faster, her face flushed like a ripe red apple.

  "Xiao Lan, we have been together for so long, do you understand my intentions?"

  Xiaolan looked at Li Mu's burning gaze, her heart beating became even more violent.

  That scorching heart beating, as if it was about to jump out.

  "Li... Big Brother Li, I..."

  Just as Xiao Lan was about to say something, she saw He Ye looking at her with burning eyes.

  Li Mu also noticed Xiaolan's abnormality, turned his head, and looked at He Ye who was in high spirits.

  Those piercing eyes, with curiosity.

  Li Mu's head was covered with black lines. Xiaolan was very shy from the beginning. You looked at her with such curious eyes, how could she not be shy.

  Fortunately, He Ye still had self-knowledge, and when he saw Li Mu's gaze, he quickly turned his head, not looking at Xiao Lan.

  "Xiao Lan." Li Mu suddenly grabbed Xiao Lan's hand, sat in front of her, and pressed Xiao Lan on the sofa.

  Xiaolan opened her mouth to speak, but Li Mu stretched out his hand to cover her mouth and interrupted: "Xiaolan, you shouldn't be the one here, I remember yours is not today."

  "I..." Xiaolan blushed and was speechless.

  Li Mu put his hand behind Xiaolan, gently pulled Xiaolan's clothes off, and lowered his head.

  Xiaolan didn't refuse, she slowly closed her eyes and waited patiently.

  He Ye in the back also looked at Xiaolan and walked to Xiaolan's side, both hands kept in disorder.

  Xiaolan's handsome little face instantly turned red, and she shyly curled up together.

  For a time, the whole room was full of spring light.

  An hour later, Xiao Lan lay on Li Mu's murderous chest, and Ye Ze was behind Li Mu, hugging Li Mu's body.

  The three of them rested for a while before Xiao Lan woke up slowly, bowing her head shyly.

  She thought about who she would marry. At first she thought she would marry Kudo Shinichi, but then she fell in love with Li Mu.

  In the end, she discovered that she liked Li Mu very much, even if Li Mu had other people, she still liked Li Mu very much in her heart.

  For some reason, she just couldn't let go of Li Mu, and she couldn't let go.

  Not long after, Li Mu also woke up, looked at Xiao Lan who was extremely shy, and gently hugged her into his arms.

· · 0 flowers 0 · · ·

  Now Xiaolan, the angel has also won, this is a big progress in his life.

  The last thing to do is to get everyone else, let's say Ran and Yingri, and get everyone else together.

  Thinking about it, Li Mu was still a little excited.

  Xiaolan also felt Li Mu's awakening, and became even more shy, her body moved slightly, and she curled up together.

  Li Mu felt Xiaolan's change, hugged her gently, and put his little hand on her white back.

  "Xiao Lan, don't worry, I will definitely protect you in the future."

  Xiao Lan was very moved, she bowed her head shyly, leaning on Li Mu's vicious body.

  "Brother Li."

  He Ye who was behind also woke up, slowly got up, and leaned on Li Mu's body.

0 ...... 0

  "Xiao Lan, how is it, isn't it a very special feeling, do you still want it?"

  Xiaolan immediately reacted, and He Ye seemed to be here too. She just had a good time with He Ye and Li Mu.

  Thinking of this, Xiao Lan raised her head, and then saw He Ye Xiaoxi's eyes, her face instantly turned red.

  He Ye looked at the shy Xiaolan and became interested, and put a hand on Xiaolan's body, especially Xiaolan's fierceness.

  "Xiao Lan, you are younger than me here. Do you want Li Mu to make you bigger? Mine is what Li Mu made."

  After finishing speaking, He Ye proudly stood up to his own fierceness. The two gigantic evildoers shook from time to time.

  Xiaolan took a peek subconsciously, and then looked at her fierce body, it seemed that she was really inferior to He Ye.

  Could it really be Li Mu's credit.

  Subconsciously, Xiao Lan looked at Li Mu.

  However, looking at Li Mu's eyes, Xiao Lan's face instantly turned red, and she lowered her head again shyly.

  Li Mu also noticed Xiaolan's eyes and leaned on Xiaolan's ears.

  "Xiao Lan, do you want to get bigger too? I can help you make this place bigger."

  "Ah I……"

  Before Xiao Lan could speak, she felt Li Mu's hand on her body.

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