Xiaolan nodded, and there was still a trace of regret in her heart.

  Originally, she was going to let Mouri Kogoro help to reconcile the atmosphere between the two, but now there is no chance.

  But there is no way, whoever asked Li Mu to help, what else can she do... 0

  The innocent Xiaolan still didn't know the secret inside, she simply thought it was Li Mu who helped Fei Yingli.

  Feiyingli also saw Xiaolan's purpose at a glance, and felt a little guilty in her heart, but it was fleeting.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, do you have anything else to do? Let's go have a meal together."

  Xiaolan reacted immediately and said quickly, "Mom, I'm here to help you this time. Why don't we have dinner together and talk while walking."

  "Okay, let's have lunch together."

  I happened to be doing some activity with Li Mu just now, and now I'm a little tired, so I can go to have lunch.

  Otherwise, there is no physical strength to do things.

  Afterwards, Concubine Yingli drove the car, and Li Mu and Xiaolan sat in the rear driver's seat.

  While the car was driving, Li Mu put one hand on Xiaolan's slender thigh.

  Xiaolan blushed instantly, glanced shyly at her mother, and then quickly grabbed Li Mu's hand.

  It's a pity that Xiaolan didn't know that Feiyingli had seen this, but she pretended that she didn't see anything.

  Fei Yingli just glared at Li Mu in the rear mirror, then continued to watch the car leave.

  She has already agreed that Li Mu and Xiaolan are together, so naturally she won't ask more at this time.

  As long as she doesn't go too far, she can ignore it.

  In the car, Xiao Lan grabbed Li Mu's hand and said with a blushing face: "Brother Li, don't do this, if you see it, it will not be 3.0."

  Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan. Today, Xiaolan was wearing very slender stockings and a pair of shorts, which completely showed Xiaolan's beautiful figure.

  Coupled with Xiaolan's shy expression, Li Mu withdrew his hand and moved up from the clothes behind Xiaolan.

  Suddenly, Xiao Lan's body froze.

  Xiao Lan's face instantly turned red, she subconsciously covered her fierce mouth, and glanced at Li Mu with her shy and beautiful eyes.

  Li Mu didn't care about Xiaolan's face at all, he just did what he had to do.


  Xiaolan snorted coldly, and then fell weakly on top of Li Mu.

  Because of Conan, who was in the way, Li Mu did not continue.

  Xiaolan also breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that Li Mu would continue.

  Invincible, the love princess of the great voyage, lives in a different world from scratch! .

Chapter 1323 Encounter with nine prosecutors again (four more)

  Not long after, everyone came to the underground parking lot of a hotel.

  Fei Yingli glanced at Li Mu, and then picked up Conan.

  "Okay, Conan, let's go eat."

  "Well, thank you, Auntie."

  Conan did not doubt either, and happily followed behind Feiyingli.

  When Xiaolan saw that both of them had left, she quickly tied her zodiac sign.

  "Brother Li, you really are. It would be bad if you were discovered just now."

  "It's okay, I wouldn't mind, and no one found out."

  Li Mu pulled Xiaolan's car, got out of the car, and quickly chased after Fei Yingli.

  Halfway through, Xiao Lan gently broke free from Li Mu's hand.

  In the hotel, at a table, Li Mu, Fei Yingli and others had a breakfast and then left.

  In the afternoon, Li Mu was with Fei Yingli as well.

  Because the afternoon was the day when the case in charge of Fei Yingli was in court, Li Mu naturally had to follow him.

  After arriving at the court, Li Mu and Fei Yingli happened to meet an acquaintance who was also an enemy.

  This person is none other than the Madonna Kujo prosecutor among the prosecutors.

  After Prosecutor Kujo came over, he stared directly at Fei Yingri.

  "Lawyer Concubine, I didn't expect that we are enemies again this time, so I don't know if you can maintain an undefeated record."

  "Prosecutor Kujo is worried, but I won't lose."

  Li Mu stood aside and could clearly feel the fighting intent between the two.

  The two stared at each other for a moment, and then the nine prosecutors put their eyes on Li Mu.

  "Mr. Li, I haven't seen you for a long time. It looks like you are helping the concubine lawyer again this time. I wonder if you can win?"

  "Whether I can win or not depends on God. If he is the murderer, there is no evidence to find it. If he is not the murderer, he can naturally defend him 々々."

  To be honest, Li Mu always thought that the nine prosecutors were very likely, and every time he met Fei Yingli, he would lose.

  But whoever told her to sue her opponent every time was not the real murderer, or else she would be finished.

  "Really? But it's not certain who will win."

  Prosecutor Jiutiao gave Li Mu one more look and then left.

  Li Mu and Fei Yingli also entered the court together.

  In the court, Li Mu also accidentally saw a person, Mr. Kobayashi Chengzi.

  Xiaolin Chengzi also noticed Li Mu, and was a little shy subconsciously.

  Li Mu walked to a seat and sat down, waiting for the court time.

  It didn't take long for the judges to arrive one after another and the trial began.

  "First, ask the prosecutor to read it out."

  Prosecutor Kujo immediately stood up and said, "This month, the boss of a large real estate company was killed, and the police caught the suspect Shiro Iwamatsu on the spot, so we applied for robbery and homicide."

  "No, I didn't kill people, I didn't kill people at all."

  Iwamatsu Shiro shouted anxiously.

  "Silence, silence."

  The judge knocked on the wooden hammer, and although Iwamatsu Shiro had the intention to explain, he could only stop.

  "Defense lawyer, do you have anything to say?"

  Concubine Yingri flipped through the dossier and said, "Your Majesty, although Shiro Iwamatsu has the victim's blood on his body, no one can see him murdering, and there is not enough evidence to prove that he murdered."

  Li Mu sat on the side and looked at the two people who were arguing endlessly, and couldn't help but hit a Hache.

  These two people are both well-known lawyers and prosecutors, so naturally they are very powerful, and they basically compete against each other.

  After a while, the judge knocked on the wooden hammer, looked at everyone and said, "Everyone, this is part of the details of this case, please take a look at the jurors."

  The jurors looked at the tablet in front of them.

  Suddenly, Mr. Kobayashi seemed to have found something and hesitated.

  The judge noticed Mr. Xiaolin's situation and said, "Excuse me, juror, what did you see?"

  "I think this painting seems to be hung upside down. Our principal also has this painting."

  After listening, everyone took a careful look, but some people couldn't see anything.

  Although the nine prosecutors could see it, he still said: "This has nothing to do with it. The painting is hung upside down, and it has nothing to do with the case."

  "Yes, it really doesn't matter." The judge also nodded.

  Li Mu's head was full of black lines, and he didn't investigate such doubts. He finally knew why the detection rate was so low.

  It is entirely supported by a few cases, otherwise the world will be full of wrongful convictions.

  Although speechless, Li Mu still winked at Concubine Yingli, and gestured to Teacher Xiaolin again.

  Fei Yingli was puzzled at first, but she still reacted and immediately said to the judge: "¨'Your Majesty, this is not irrelevant.

  Logically speaking, it is impossible for the owner of the painting to hang it upside down, so who is hanging this painting upside down? I think it is necessary to investigate whether there is a safe behind the painting. "

  Prosecutor Jiujo was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Li Mu on the side.

  She also noticed that Fei Yingli was looking at Li Mu just now, and then Li Mu understood, showing how powerful Li Mu's reasoning ability was.

  But she didn't worry too much, she still believed in herself.

  Above, the judge listened to Fei Yingli's words, thought for a moment, and felt that Fei Yingli's words made sense.

  "Then, this matter should also be investigated. If everyone is okay, the court will be temporarily adjourned today."

  Of course, there will be no problem with adjournment, and both Feiyingri and Kujo prosecutors agreed.

  Both of them plan to take advantage of the adjournment to find a few decisive clues, so that they can defeat each other.

  (De Nuo is good) After leaving the courtroom, Prosecutor Jiutiao walked towards Li Mu.

  "Mr. Li, what do you think about this case?"

  "Opinion?" Li Mu touched his chin and muttered to himself, "If you have an opinion, I think it depends on luck."

  "Luck... luck?"

  Prosecutor Kujo widened his eyes with an expression of disbelief.

  When the case is solved depends on luck.

  Li Mu also saw the doubts of Prosecutor Jiutiao and said with a smile: "Yes, if it is the same as before, on the surface it is this murderer, but in fact it is someone else, maybe we can win.

  But if it doesn't, we lose, and that's called luck. "

  After hearing this, Prosecutor Jiujo darkened his face and gave a wry smile.

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