In front of the TV, everyone cheered.

  They didn't care if Li Mu stole anything at all, but they felt that Li Mu's wonderful performance was very good.

  Compared to the cheers of the audience in front of the TV, Conan was a little confused, and his eyes were full of doubts.

  He saw it with his own eyes just now, but Li Mu just disappeared.

  Yep, it just disappeared.

  And in front of his eyes, without the use of flash bombs and smoke bombs, Li Mu was a real person again.

  But such a person has disappeared.

  After being in a daze for a moment, Conan hurriedly shouted to Jiro Yoshi Suzuki who was also in a daze: "Uncle Suzuki, be careful with Lupin."

  Suzuki Jiroji also reacted, and quickly looked at the guard beside him.

  "Someone, show me Lupin, don't let him be taken away."


  The surrounding guards reacted and surrounded Lupin in the middle.

  Layer after layer, wrapped tightly.

  Li Mu looked at such a tight blockade, the corners of his mouth rose, his figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he approached the iron cage where Lu Bang was.

  Afterwards, Li Mu threw some drugs and stunned Lu Bang, so as not to be smelled by Lu Bang.

  Lupin also smelled the abnormality in the air, and just about to shout, he fell groggy.

  Li Mu grabbed his right hand, directly picked up the dog cage, and took it away together with the dog cage.

  "Lupin, I accept it."

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1342 Hattori Heiji's provocation (three more)

  The next day, the news that the phantom thief Li Mu pretended to have stole Suzuki Jirokichi's Lupin spread through the newspapers all over the country.

  Especially the fact that Li Mu was driving the Shenwei wheel and stealth, surprised countless people, or in other words, countless magicians.

  After all, these two magicians, even they, can't see this secret.

  Apart from these people, only Kaitou Kid and Suzuki Jirokichi have a headache.

  One was because Li Mu stole his dog Lupin, and the other was because Li Mu stole his mother, both of them were very upset.

  Oh, by the way, and those self-righteous detectives also have some doubts in their hearts, how exactly this is done.

  Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Li Mu. After he stole Lu Bang, he was afraid of trouble, so he returned Lu Bang.

  Maori Detective Agency "Six Nine Seven", Li Mu was sitting on the sofa drinking hot water.

  Everyone was discussing yesterday's magic, and no matter what Conan and Shiliang Zhenchun thought, they couldn't find a suitable explanation.

  Shiliang thought for a long time, then turned to look at Li Mu and said, "By the way, Li Mujun, how about you? Do you have any ideas?"

  Li Mu put down the teacup and turned to look at Shiliang Zhenchun and the others.

  "I guess..." Everyone stared at him.

  "I guess, this may be the magic of the legend."


  Everyone almost fell to the ground, speechless.

  Shiliang Zhenchun wiped his forehead, and then smiled: "It's a pity, it would be nice if Kudo Shinichi was here too, after all, he is Heiji of the Kimono Department and became the two major detectives in the East and West."

  Kudo Shinichi!

  Xiaolan looked surprised, and remembered in her mind that she still had such a childhood sweetheart.

  "By the way, you said, which of the two is more powerful." Shiliang Zhenchun suddenly became interested.

  While speaking, Shi Liang Zhenchun peeked at Conan.

  Conan immediately pricked up his ears and said quickly, "I think the two of them are, of course, Shinichi from the east..."


  The door opened, and Hattori Heiji from outside rushed in, lowered his head, and yelled at Conan, "If you want to say it's powerful, of course, Hattori Heiji in the west is more powerful."

  Conan didn't care about Hattori Heiji at all, and said calmly: "However, I think the Shinichi brother is more powerful."

  While talking, Li Mu's cell phone suddenly rang, and Mao Li Mu hurriedly connected the phone.

  "Hey, I know, that's it."

  Li Mu hung up the phone, looked at Conan and said, "Why don't you two have a try? Now there is a murder case. Whoever solves the case first will be the most powerful detective."

  "Okay, I agree." The two nodded.

  "Then let's go."

  Li Mu stood up and walked outside.

  Not long after, Li Mu brought everyone to a nearby coffee shop.

  Outside the coffee shop, the police just saw Li Mu and put Li Mu and the others in directly.

  Entering the coffee shop, Li Mu looked at He Ye at the door and waved his hand: "He Ye, how is it, has the murder here been solved?"

  "No solution, a tall foreigner with some fluent Mandarin stopped them and said the murderer was among us." He Ye shook his head and said.

  "A tall, fluent foreigner in Mandarin, could it be..."

  Conan immediately thought of something.

  "Yes, that person is me."

  "Agent Cameron." Conan exclaimed.

  "Detective?" Hattori Heiji was also stunned, and said in surprise: "He is a detective, what kind of detective?"

  "Oh, he's an FBI agent who is currently on vacation," Conan explained.

  Li Mu glanced at Cameron and said to He Ye, "He Ye, let's drop by to see this case, maybe we can investigate something."

  "Okay, if Brother Li is here, we can definitely investigate it."

  He Ye looked at Li Mu with a smile on his face, while Hattori Heiji was a little jealous.

  "Li Mu, you are also a detective, why don't we try it together."

  "That's right, big brother Li is also with you, plus a new brother, let's have a good match."

  Conan also looked at Li Mu with a warlike expression on his face.

  Not only Hattori Heiji, but he was also very jealous of Li Mu, so he naturally wanted to have a good comparison with Li Mu.

  Li Mu looked at the two who were provoking him, nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you.. 0"

  He must be very interested in defeating Hattori Heiji in front of Ye Xiaolan and Ye Xiaolan.

  "Okay, I'll go ask Officer Mumu now."

  Conan took the first step forward and came to the side of Police Officer Meguro first, followed by Hattori Heiji.

  At the scene of the murder, Officer Mumu looked at Conan and Hattori Heiji and the others, with black lines all over their heads.

  Wherever you go, you can see these detectives.

  Li Mu seemed to see the troubles of Officer Mumu, and sighed for him: "Really, you can see you detectives everywhere."

  Hattori Heiji and Conan have black faces, isn't Li Mu also a detective?

  Seemingly seeing their doubts, Li Mu tidied up his collar and said, "I'm sorry, I'm an excellent entrepreneur, novelist, and magician now, but I'm not a detective."

  The two glanced at Li Mu, and it seemed that Li Mu was not really a detective.

  "Okay, let's not talk, what are you doing here?"

  Officer Mu Mu interrupted everyone, otherwise, how could he solve the case if the quarrel continued.

  "Oh, we……"

  "They want to compare who is the best detective. There is a case here, so they want to come over and try it out. As for me, I'm the pick up here."

  Li Mu directly sold the two of Conan, and then disconnected everything, as if it had nothing to do with him.

  Conan Hattori Heiji 2.6 looked at Li Mu through gritted teeth and sold them just like that.

  And it seems that Li Mu himself agreed to this.

  "What? The two of you came here for such a boring reason. This is a matter of human life."

  "Yes, I'm really sorry."

  Li Mu looked at the two who nodded and bowed, and suppressed a smile.

  After apologizing, Hattori Heiji asked again: "So Officer Mumu, what happened to the case, is the murderer sure that he committed suicide?"

  Officer Mu Mu gave everyone a deep look. Although they didn't want to say anything, they didn't have the ability to solve the case, so they could only rely on these detectives.

  "That's it, I'll let that person talk to you again." Officer Mumu said.

  The Invincible Love Concubine of the Great Voyage starts from scratch in a different world! .

Chapter 1343 Hattori, you can't (four more)

  "Oh, it's like this, I heard someone say when I was in the bathroom - I know I poisoned him, I'm going to turn myself in, then I hear his moans, come out and look, he's dead. "

  Cameron listened to the words of the police officer Mumu, and Heiji and others narrated.

  "By the way, that person's tone is exactly the same as this person."

  "The tone is the same?" Hattori Heiji was slightly taken aback, and said to himself, "Could this person be from Osaka?"

  "I don't know about Osaka, but it's the tone, and the murderer should be a childhood sweetheart." Cameron continued.

  Li Mu pondered for a moment, the corners of his mouth raised.

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