Xiaolan's head is full of black lines, and she really wants to leave this shameful father.

  At this time, instead of greeting other people nearby, Mouri Kogoro went to Yoko Okino, which was too embarrassing.

  "Dad, can you not do this, there are so many people here, it's too embarrassing for you."

  Maori Kogoro glanced around. Most of the people nearby he had seen on TV were indeed famous people.

  "It's true that they are all celebrities, such as big bosses in the financial and economic circles, famous politicians, deputy directors of the Metropolitan Police Department. I rarely saw them before."

  "But what does this have to do with me, my purpose is Miss Yoko."

  After speaking, Mouri Kogoro left excitedly.

  In the back, although Xiaolan was speechless, she was also afraid that Maori Kogoro would be too embarrassed, so she had to follow behind him and watch him carefully.

  When he came to the resting place, Maori Kogoro searched from room to room.

  It didn't take long for Mouri Kogoro to find Yoko Okino's house number.

  "Miss Yoko, Miss Yoko, I'm Kogoro Mori, can I open the door?"

  In the room, Yoko Okino heard a knock on the door outside, her face changed slightly, and she was a little anxious.

  "Li... Li Mu, hurry up, someone is coming, it would be bad if they were discovered."

  "Okay, don't worry, nothing will happen." Li Mu said to himself.

  Button Button... Button Button...

  The door of the lounge rang again, and Li Mu and Yoko Okino were already healed.

  "Okay, Yoko, go open the door."

  Yoko Okino couldn't care less about her body, so she hurriedly walked outside the door and opened the door.

  Li 440 Mu sat beside the dresser and pretended that nothing happened.

  Outside, Kogoro Mouri looked at Yoko Okino who was guarding the door, his eyes glowing with golden light, and he was excited.

  "Miss Yoko, it's great, I didn't expect to see you here."

  Yoko Okino also smiled and said with a smile: "Yes, Detective Mori, you are here too, do you want to come in and sit down?"

  "Of course, Miss Yoko."

  Mouri Kogoro ran in excitedly, and then saw Li Mu.

  "Li Mu, why are you here? What are you doing here?"

  "Oh, nothing, just happened to meet, just come and have a look."

  Li Mu said something casually, but didn't tell the truth, otherwise Maori Kogoro would definitely go crazy.

  Fortunately, Kogoro Mouri didn't think much about it, and didn't even doubt the truth of Li Mu's words. Instead, he happily chatted with Yoko Okino.

  Similarly, Xiaolan didn't know what Li Mu did just now, so she happily came to Li Mu's side and talked to Li Mu.

  Conan was the only one standing beside him, not knowing what to say. Neither Li Mu nor Mouri Kogoro would give him a chance to interrupt.

  Helpless, Conan had to leave here alone and find the people of the Youth Detective Team.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1352 The virtual game cocoon begins (one more)

  Mouri Kogoro and Okino Yoko talked for a while, and finally left.

  Li Mu also followed behind Kogoro Mouri, and before leaving, he patted Yoko Okino's fat ~ greasy warped pig with his right hand.

  Yoko Okino's face turned slightly red, and after everyone left, she quickly picked up the tissue on the side and wiped it.

  After arriving in the lobby, the cocoon game had already started, and Li Mu didn't hesitate to pick up his badge to authenticate.

  Behind Li Mu, Conan and the young detectives all came with badges.

  Li Mu turned his head and looked at the excited Conan and the others, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

  "Hey, little devil, shouldn't you be tricked by some idiots?"

  "That's not it, we exchanged the precious golden version of Masked Superman."

  "Yes, that's it."

  Li Mu glanced at the little devils, and didn't say anything, he turned to look at Conan on the side.

  "Conan, what about you? Don't you want to play? Also, what happened just now?"

  Li Mu still remembered that he seemed to have seen Officer Mumu just now. He was not qualified to come according to his identity.

  Now it seems that something should have happened. For example, a certain death pupil is here, and a murder happened here.

  Conan also noticed Li Mu's strange eyes, full of black lines.

  I'm not a Reaper schoolboy, I'm not a Reaper schoolboy.

  After shouting a few times in his heart, Conan said weakly, "There was a murder downstairs, and an engineer died."

  After hearing this, Li Mu didn't ask any further questions and left directly.

  A murder or something has nothing to do with him, and now he just needs to go and play games.

  Conan looked at Li Mu who had no interest, complained in his heart, and left speechlessly.

  On the other side, Xiao Lan looked at Li Mu who went in, and wanted to play games, but she didn't have a game badge.

  The garden next to him saw Xiaolan's thoughts, and generously handed her badge to Xiaolan.

  "Xiao Lan, go ahead, it just so happens that I don't like playing games either."


  "It's nothing, don't worry, don't worry about me, it just so happens that I don't like games either."

  Sonoko handed the game badge to Xiaolan and left directly.

  Xiaolan hesitated for a while, and finally came to the inspection port with the game badge.

  Outside a cocoon, Li Mu looked at the cocoon in front of him, touched it with his right hand, and felt the electromagnetic waves inside.

  Although it is powerful enough to destroy a person's brain, it is an ordinary person, and it is of little use to himself.

  After confirming that there was no danger, Li Mu lay in the cocoon with peace of mind, waiting for the game to start.

  Before long, everyone was lying in a cocoon.

  At the same time, in a certain control room, a person's complexion suddenly changed.

  "President Sindora, it's not good, the system is out of control, and Noah's Ark controls the game system?"

  "Excuse me, give me a seat."

  Dr. Li hurriedly walked to the side of a computer and kept typing a lot of codes in an attempt to regain control of the computer system.

  Unfortunately, no matter how powerful Dr. A Li is, it is impossible to compare with an artificial intelligence.

  "Sorry, it seems that the game system has been controlled by Noah's Ark, and we have no choice."

  Later, both the police and President Sindora's expressions changed.

  Once Noah's Ark gets out of control, all the people in the game are over, and these people are all the sons of military, political, and business leaders.

  At this moment, in the game, Li Mu, Xiaolan and others all appeared in a dark world.

  "Everyone, my name is Noah's Ark, and I will lead you to play this game.

  But this is not an ordinary game, but a game at the cost of everyone's life. Once everyone loses, I will solve you. "

  As soon as the voice fell, the expressions of everyone in the game and the parents outside the game changed.

  "Damn, what a joke, I'll take my son out now."

  The two men were even more desperate and came directly to the game cocoon, trying to release their son.

  "Ah ah ah..."

  Suddenly, an electric current enveloped the cocoon and hit the two men who were trying to interrupt the game.

  The two men screamed, then fell to the ground and fainted weakly.

  "Everyone, this is just a small punishment. If anyone else disturbs the game, I will definitely increase the punishment."

  For a time, countless people who were about to move stopped, for fear that they would also be hit, and they might die by then.

  "Damn, this bastard." Kogoro Mori ran to a microphone and said angrily: "¨'You broken computer, when the game is over, I will send you to a large garbage collection yard."

  In this regard, Noah's Ark directly ignored it.

  It's not an entity, how could Kogoro Maori send it to the garbage disposal.

  During the game, some children became worried and even burst into tears.

  After all, they are just some children, how could they possibly accept this information.

  Among these people, I am afraid that it is Li Mu, and those very arrogant second-generation officials and rich second-generation people who are not worried.

  "Xiao Lan, Xiao Ai, don't worry. With my help, you can definitely win and leave safely."

  Anyway, Li Mu could live, so he didn't worry about anything.

  With this current, Li Mu closed his eyes and could use it as a current massage, which might be very comfortable.

  Xiaolan and Huiyuan were overjoyed after hearing this, and a warm feeling came to their hearts, and their hearts were not so hurt (to Zhao Zhao) anymore.

  Li Mu looked at the smiling Hai Yuanai, and subconsciously reached out and pinched her cheek.

  "Xiao Ai, it seems that this game is still very real, and it still feels very good to pinch it."

  Hui Yuan's sad face instantly turned red, and he subconsciously patted Li Mu's hand.

  "Don't touch my face, I'll be angry."

  Beside him, Conan's mouth twitched.

  What time is this, Li Mu is still in the mood to flirt with Hai Yuanai here, what is the situation.

  Xiaolan also laughed, the burden in her heart was suddenly gone, and she looked very happy.

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