As for why 18 was not together, Li Mu said that he was not that stupid.

  Not long after, Xiao Lan also came back.

  Then everyone waited patiently in the cabin, until they were about to arrive at the airport, everyone was a little anxious.

  After all, they are about to land, and they still don't know how capable Mr. Xinzhuang, the phantom thief Kidd, is.

  The plane fell slowly, and just as it was about to land, a thunderstorm hit the plane.

  The plane suddenly flew into space and hit the tower.

  Fortunately, Kaitou Kidd's ability was outstanding, and he didn't hit it directly, but just passed by and fell.


  The plane vibrated violently, and Li Mu quickly reached out and grabbed Fei Yingli, pulling her into his arms.

  Feiyingli immediately felt warm and was very grateful.

  After a while, the plane flew into the sky again, Li Mu put down Fei Yingli and walked into the captain's room.

  "You two, how is it, is it alright now?"

  Kaito Kid's brows were slightly wrinkled, and his expression was a little ugly.

  "The situation is very bad, my arm is injured, and the airport is on fire, it will take a certain amount of time to put out the fire and clear the runway."

  Li Mu frowned slightly. If he had known this earlier, he would have tried to stop the thunder and lightning, and this would not have happened.

  After a moment of contemplation, Li Mu suddenly saw the scale on the fuel tank, and his pupils shrank.

  If he was not mistaken, it is estimated that there is not much fuel, and it is only half an hour away.

  Li Mu had no choice, he could only watch the person running down below, and twitched his fingers lightly.

  Fortunately, Li Mu had the ability, otherwise they could only survive in danger according to the original book.

  But Li Mu would not use such a stupid method.

  Li Mu waved his hand gently, and a heavy rain suddenly fell in the sky.

  With such a heavy rain, it only takes a few minutes to put out all the flames.

  At the same time, Li Mu blew a strong wind, which blew away all the obstacles on the ground, including the flames.

  "Damn, is this the hell?"

  Kaitou Kid looked at the obstacles in the sky and couldn't help cursing.

  Conan was also stunned, his eyes widened with disbelief.

  This situation is not scientific.

  The next second, an even more incredible scene appeared.

  I saw heavy rain, the hurricane all disappeared, and the bright moonlight in the sky illuminated everything around.

  Li Mu didn't explain this, and looked at the pitch black below.

  Although the moonlight is a little bright, it is not enough for the plane to land, and a lot of light is necessary.

  "Hey, Kaito Kidd, you go down and notify those people, and ask them to turn on all the lights and park near a runway."

  "What? Phantom Thief Kidd?" Phantom Thief Kidd pretended to be puzzled, showing a confused expression.

  "Okay, don't pretend, stewardess, you let everyone else sit in the front and stay away from the door. The thief Kidd will set off quickly. Now the fuel tank will take more than [-] minutes at most."

  As soon as the words fell, everyone subconsciously looked at the fuel tank.

  "Damn, that bad old man."

  The phantom thief Kidd scolded, and then said directly: "You wait, I'll be faster, I should be able to arrive."

  After that, Kaito Kidd left the captain's room, jumped off the plane, and flew to the tower in the distance.

  About ten minutes later, the thief Kidd came to the control room and directly informed the tower person in charge of the situation of the plane.

  The person in charge of the tower did not dare to neglect, and immediately said: "Everyone, follow the instructions of the thief Kidd, turn on all the car lights, shine on one runway, and all the other lights come over."

  In a few minutes, a bright runway appeared in Li Mu's sight.

  Thanks to the hurricane held by Li Mu, all the unsightly things on the runway disappeared, and there was only one runway.

  Li Mu sat in the driver's seat, looked at Conan and said, "Little devil, don't get in the way, or I'll throw you away."

  Conan glanced at Li Mu, but did not speak. Anyway, he looked at the ground nervously, for fear that something would happen when he landed.

  Li Mu glanced at the plane. Fortunately, he knew how to fly the plane. He directly controlled the directional stick and drove the plane down.

  In a certain corner of the airport, Kaito Kidd looked at the falling plane, and felt a little nervous in his heart, while still praying for everyone.

  In the plane, Maori Kogoro and others were equally tight in their hearts, and their hands were one.

  "Li Mu, you must do your best."

  The plane descended slowly. Although it was a little unstable, Li Mu still controlled it and let the plane descend slowly.


  There was a loud noise. Although the plane was bumpy, in the end, under the control of Li Mu, the plane landed smoothly.

  "Okay, it's done, it's really dangerous."

  Li Mu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, turned off the engine of the plane, and pulled Conan away.


  Kaito Kidd, the tower, and everyone in the plane shouted, feeling very fortunate in their hearts.

  Li Mu returned to the first class cabin and looked at the happy Xiaolan and the others with a smile on his face.

  "Everyone, we're safe, let's go down to eat now and celebrate."

  "Okay, it's up to you to treat the guests, we're going to have a big meal."

  The depression in Maori Kogoro's heart disappeared, pulling Li Mu and walking happily.

  Li Mu looked at Kogoro Maori next to him, and because of the face of the concubine Yingri who had just taken care of him, forget it this time.

  Afterwards, Li Mu took Xiaolan and the little ghosts, a group of more than ten people, to the restaurant near the airport and had a big meal.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1366 Was found adultery by Hai Yuanai (three more)

  Night fell, and in the dark night, Li Mu and others walked down the street after eating.

  Looking at the faint moonlight in the sky, Xiao Lan suddenly said with emotion: "Today is really dangerous, I thought we might die."

  "Yeah, I was also taken aback. Fortunately, Miss Ben's auspicious nature has her own vision, so there is nothing to do."

  Li Mu couldn't help but snicker.

  Just now, Sonoko's face was still pale, not at all as happy as he is now.

  Now when I get off the plane, the garden becomes alive again.

  Today it can be said that if there is no Li Mu, everyone may land safely, but it must not be so simple.

  All of this is because of Li Mu's great ability.

  "Okay, let's not talk about it, everyone, don't you have a car? I have already asked for a car. I will take you home tonight."

  During the conversation, an RV appeared in front of Li Mu.

  Because there were more than ten people, Li Mu had to call a RV so that everyone could sit down.

  Li Mu first sent Yuanzi back, and then sent Dr. A Li home.

  "Dr. Li, there are too many people. Can you help me bring these children home?"

  Dr. A Li glanced at the sky. It was already midnight. If he sent them back one by one, it would definitely take too long.

  "Well then, kids, don't bother Li Mu anymore. After all, it's getting late."

  "It's a pity, I still want to continue riding this car."

  "Yeah, I want to ride in such a luxurious car."

  Although the young detectives were a little reluctant, they also knew that it was very late and it was impossible to send them one by one.

  And Li Mu still has a lot of people to send.

  After the children got out of the car, Li Mu drove the car and sent Xiao Lan back first, and then changed to a car, a luxury car.

  In the end, what Li Mu gave was Concubine Yingli.

  The two were happy because they had just been in the plane, and they are now in the honeymoon period.

  Fei Yingli was sitting in the car, peeking at Li Mu all the way, with a blush on her cheeks, looking very cute.

  After arriving at the concubine's lawyer, Concubine Yingli glanced at Li Mu, suddenly approached Li Mu, and directly touched Li Mu's face.

  "Honey, be careful today and call me when you get home."


  Li Mu's face changed slightly. If it was before that Fei Yingli was so active, Li Mu would definitely be very happy.

  Unfortunately, there is a 'in the way' person behind today.

  Behind him, it was none other than Haibara Ai, who just stayed in his car and didn't leave.

  "I think let him go to your house, so that no one else will find out, and you can also know if he is in danger."

  As soon as she finished speaking, Fei Yingli's face froze, she turned her head mechanically, and looked at Huihara Ai who was reading a magazine behind her.

  It’s over.

  This was Fei Yingli's first feeling, that her relationship with Li Mu was actually discovered by Hai Yuanai.

  Fei Yingli glared at Li Mu subconsciously, with a hint of anger in her beautiful eyes.

  Li Mu actually didn't remind her, and now such an accident has occurred.

  "Hey hey hey..."

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