"Brother Li, why did your clothes button fall off?"

  Meanwhile, He Ye suddenly stopped and pointed to a button on Li Mu's clothes.

  Li Mu glanced at the clothes and pretended to be surprised: "Why did it fall again? I even borrowed a button from He Ye, and it fell off again."

  "Do I have any buttons? How come I don't know?" He Ye puzzled.

  "Oh, I saw it by accident today and used it."

  Hattori Heiji looked at each other, and finally understood why it was Eavesdropping and Ye, who finally became those people.

  At the same time, the two also secretly said that they were not good, how could they be so unlucky to encounter such a thing.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1372 The Song and Dance Shop Stealing Incense and Jade (One More)

  Next, Li Mu and the others were no longer in the mood to go out to play, and returned directly to Shanneng Temple.

  When I arrived at Shanneng Temple, I was told that Maori Kogoro was called by others to drink, and he was in a nearby song and dance shop.

  Li Mu and others had no choice but to come to a nearby song and dance shop to find Maori Kogoro.

  It didn't take long for Li Mu to find Maori Kogoro.

  Of course, Mouri Kogoro was very happy at the moment, and he was drinking happily with the dancers in the dance shop.

  "Dad, you really are, why are you drinking again, don't you want to work?" Xiaolan complained dissatisfiedly.

  Maori Kogoro was also startled, and said with a little trembling: "Xiao Lan, why are you here, I'm just drinking, it's no big deal."

  For Xiaolan, Maori Kogoro was subconsciously afraid.

  After all, Xiaolan's combat power is particularly strong.

  Xiaolan was also helpless, so she could only sit next to Maori Kogoro and watch over Maori Kogoro to prevent him from having any accidents.

  "By the way, Xiaolan, where did you go today, the black-skinned boy from Osaka is also here."

  Mouri Kogoro asked suddenly.

 267 "Where else can I go, I could have a good time, but someone went to the police station, so we went to pick him up."

  He Ye complained in dissatisfaction and turned to look at Hattori Heiji.

  Hattori Heiji was also a little embarrassed, and turned his head quickly, looking away embarrassedly.

  Mouri Kogoro didn't know who he was, and he became interested and said quickly, "By the way, what happened to Hattori, can you tell me about his scandal and make me happy."

  Hattori Heiji:"……"

  He swore that he really wanted to hit Kogoro Maori once.

  Xiaolan blushed and said quickly, "Dad, don't ask about this shameful thing, it's very sad."

  Hattori Heiji and Conan: "..."

  other people:"……"

  Now it seems that it is not just Maori Kogoro who is more dead, but his daughter Xiaolan is even more irritating.

  And it seems that Xiaolan is more annoying than Maori Kogoro.

  "By the way, the moon is out, let's go see the moon."

  Li Mu looked at the moon outside, said something to He Ye and others, then turned around and left.

  After coming downstairs, Li Mu sat at a table, eating while looking at the beautiful scenery outside.

  After an unknown amount of time, Hattori Heiji and Conan felt bored and left first.

  After that, Li Mu touched his head and showed a light smile.

  "Xiao Lan, He Ye, I'm going to take a rest, you should watch the moonlight."


  Xiaolan and Ye nodded and started talking together.

  After an unknown amount of time, He Ye suddenly asked, "Xiao Lan, have you been with Li Mu during this time?"

  Xiaolan blushed suddenly and looked around secretly.

  "He...he Ye, keep your voice down, and don't be found by others."

  "Ah, yes." He Ye also reacted and said softly, "By the way, Xiaolan, have you been with Li Mu during this time?"

  Although Xiaolan was shy, she still said softly, "It's okay, Li Mu has time, just...that's it."

  While speaking, Xiao Lan bowed her head shyly, and her little hands subconsciously grasped the corner of her clothes.

  He Ye sighed and said jealously: "Xiao Lan, I really envy you. You can be with Li Mu all the time. As for me, like a wife separated from her husband, I can only wait alone."

  Xiaolan looked at He Ye who was worried and couldn't help lowering her head.

  "He... He Ye, do you want to go to Li Mu? I will tell the others that you are out, but you have to hurry up."

  "I... can I?"

  He Ye hesitated and wanted to go in his heart (caci), but it was inconvenient to leave Xiao Lan behind.

  "It doesn't matter, I have time anyway."

  Xiao Lan waved her hand with a look of indifference.

  This is also why she is relatively shy, otherwise Xiaolan can also have a double flight with He Ye again.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, wait here, I'll be right here."

  He Ye no longer hesitated, and secretly left the place and came to Li Mu's resting room.

  "He Ye, what are you doing here?" Li Mu asked.

  Although he had already guessed it, Li Mu remained reserved.

  "You didn't come to me, did you forget me?"

  He Ye complained and sat next to Li Mu at the same time, leaning his head on Li Mu's arms.

  At the same time, He Ye put his hand on Li Mu's body and gently unbuttoned it.

  Li Mu understood, pulled He Ye, and came to the vicinity of the basement.

  After all, the door here is open as soon as it is pulled, and it is easy to be found here.

  Fortunately, there is a basement here, and there is more than one.

  Li Mu hugged He Ye directly, came to a relatively small basement, and blocked the door.

  After that, Li Mu's hand kept moving around He Ye's body.

  "Li... Big Brother Li, move a little bit."

  Li Mu didn't speak, he pulled He Ye's feet away, and pressed them down gently.

  Not long after, in the small warehouse, Li Muhe and Ye were entangled together, making cold humming noises from time to time.

  On the other side, Xiao Lan was eating alone and watching the moon.

  At this time, Hattori Heiji came.

  "Xiao Lan, where's He Ye? And Li Mu?"

  What he is most worried about now is that Li Mu and Ye are together.

  "Oh, Li Mu went to rest, and Ye I just saw her leave alone, and it seems that she is going to buy something."

  Now Xiaolan can already lie.

  As long as you have an excuse ready, Xiaolan is not as nervous as before.

  "Oh I got it."

  Hattori Heiji did not doubt either, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  As long as he is not with Li Mu, then everything is fine.

  "Then Xiaolan, I'll leave first."

  Xiaolan watched Hattori Heiji leave, suddenly hesitant in her heart, whether she should make it clear to Hattori Heiji.

  But after thinking about it, Xiaolan gave up.

  Otherwise, when everything is exposed, she will be very embarrassed.

  On Li Mu's side, when Li Mu was chatting with Ye Hehe, an abnormal noise suddenly came from the next room.

  "You... what are you doing, hurry... hurry up and let me go, I... ah..."

  A sudden scream startled Li Mu.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1373 He Ye almost said that he was exposed (two more)

  This sudden scream not only frightened Li Mu, but also frightened He Ye.

  Fortunately, Li Mu reacted long ago and quickly grabbed He Ye and covered He Ye's mouth.

  "He Ye, don't make a sound, if we are found out, then we are finished."

  He thinks about it too, maybe the murderer finds out, and we're finished.

  Especially when He Ye and Li Mu were doing that kind of thing now, once they were discovered, the scene would be horrible.

  He Ye waited for a while, and said with some concern: "Brother Li, don't we call the police? What if he dies?"

  Li Mu hesitated for a while, and he was so concerned about Ye, he couldn't say anything.

  "He Ye, I'll be fine right away. You can call secretly, notify the ambulance first, and then call the police. When the police and the ambulance come, I'll be fine, too. "[-]".

  After speaking, Li Mu increased his speed.

  He Ye nodded, and while enduring Li Mu's attack, he called the police.

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