"No, I'm here to withdraw money."

  Sometimes, in order to pit Conan and others, Li Mu needs some cash.

  Therefore, Li Mu specially came to withdraw money.

  "Withdraw money?" Mitsuhiko pointed to the ATM machine on the side and said: "If you want to withdraw money, you can withdraw money there, there is no need to queue here."

  "Oh, sorry, I want to withdraw more money, so I have to withdraw it at the counter."


  Conan's detective intuition immediately began to think, and he was thinking about why Li Mu wanted to withdraw a large amount of cash.

  But what is the reason, Conan can't think of anything.

  Simply, Conan didn't think much about it and put his eyes aside.

  "Ah, it hurts."

  Suddenly, Yuan Tai covered her stomach, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

  "Really? Then you go to the toilet, and I'll buy you some medicine."

  Dr. A Li had a headache, and helplessly left with Haibara Ai.

  Conan and others had to accompany Yuan Tai to the bathroom.

  Li Mu was about to withdraw money when he suddenly felt a gaze looking at him, and turned his head to look subconsciously.

  "That's it, it's him."

  Although in his eyes it was Shuichi Akai, but Li Mu could see that this person was disguised.

  Moreover, Li Mu also knew this person, it was Bourbon from the Black Organization.

  Li Mu didn't pay attention to this matter, and went directly to the VIP counter on the side to withdraw money.

  Because the amount of money to be withdrawn was as high as tens of millions, Li Mu had already made a reservation one day in advance.

  After getting the money he wanted, Li Mu was about to leave when he suddenly saw several people wearing masks rushing in, each with weapons in their hands.

  In such a familiar dress, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a robber.

  Sure enough, after these people came in, they shot directly.


  A gunshot rang out, and everyone was startled and screamed loudly.

  "Shut up, don't make noise."

  The kidnapper shouted, and the people around were startled, they dared not shout again, and stood on the ground tremblingly.

  The robber didn't bother about these people either, he closed the door directly, then walked to the vicinity and looked at the bank staff with cold eyes.

  "Okay, hurry up and fill this box. As for the other people, those who know each other stand together, and those who don't know stand together."

  Li Mu glanced around, as if he didn't know anyone at all, only Teacher Zhu Di in the crowd.

  But Li Mu didn't see Teacher Zhu Di at all.

  Perhaps because Li Mu was standing aside, the robbers just noticed Li Mu and set their sights on the suitcase in Li Mu's hand.

  "Boy, give me the money in your hand, and stand aside for me."

  Li Mule is so excited that someone dares to rob him, this is simply courting death.

  If he didn't teach them a lesson, Li Mu wouldn't be too shameless.

  "Okay, I'll give it to you if you want."

  Li Mu gently tossed the box full of money in his hand to these people.

  "Hey, what are you doing?"

  The robber looked at the box in the sky, startled, and reached out his hand subconsciously.

  Li Mu suddenly rushed out and punched the robber in the stomach.

  The robber's pupils widened and his body curled up.

  The next moment, Li Mu suddenly grabbed the gun in the robber's hand, pulled it hard, and kicked it with his right foot at the same time.

  The robber's gun was immediately snatched by Li Mu.

  "Damn, what are you doing?"

  The other robbers reacted and quickly picked up their guns, wanting to shoot at Li Mu.

  It's a pity that Li Mu's speed was even faster. He lifted his foot and kicked the box hard, kicking the box out, hitting the two robbers heavily.

  The two robbers flew out, smashed against the wall, and passed out.

  At the same time, the gun in Li Mu's hand was thrown with force, and a rifle and a pistol each hit one of them.

  bang bang bang...

  The two robbers were also hit and fainted.

  After the two robbers were dealt with, all the robbers were solved by Li Mu.

· · 0 flowers 0 · · ·

  Li Mu pulled his clothes, then picked up his suitcase and left.

  The others reacted and rushed to the nearby robbers, holding them down with force.

  The pitiful robbers were solved by Li Mu before they got the money and realized their plan. It was really pitiful.

  In the crowd, Bourbon, who pretended to be Shuichi Akai, glanced at Li Mu with shock in his eyes.

  At that moment, he didn't see Li Mu's figure clearly at all, and when he reacted, Li Mu had already solved it.

  "Who is this guy?"

  Bourbon rubbed his chin and thought, and at the same time quickly left the place. After all, he came out to test the FBI's reaction, so naturally he couldn't stay.


  After leaving the bank, Li Mu happened to meet Dr. A Li who was rushing back.

  "Mr. Li, what happened just now, I seem to hear gunshots."

  While speaking, Dr. A Li looked at the direction of the bank with some worry, for fear that something might be wrong with those children.

  "Oh, don't worry, it's just five armed robbers, no big deal."

  Dr. Agasa and Haibara Ai had dark faces.

  There were five robbers, and they were armed with guns, but it was no big deal.

  "Don't worry, the robbers have been dealt with by me, it's too wasteful."

  Li Mu shook his head, these robbers are indeed too useless, and it only took a little time to solve these people.

  Dr. Li: "..."

  You took down five armed robbers at once. How powerful are you?

  "Okay, Dr. Ali, Xiao Ai, I still have something to do, so I'll leave first, you have to be careful yourself."

  Li Mu didn't say much, picked up his own money box and left.

  Not long after Li Mu left, the police arrived and took the five armed robbers away.

  Likewise, the police took several other people to take notes.

  This is where Li Mu is smarter. If he leaves early, he doesn't need to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes.

  He has no time to waste with the police.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!seven.

Chapter 1387 Living in Xiaolan's house (four more)

  On this day, Xiaolan didn't go to school, so Li Mu came to the Maori Detective Agency early in the morning.

  In the afternoon, in the office, Li Mu was preparing to have dinner with Xiaolan and others when Hattori Heiji and Ye suddenly arrived.

  "Brother Li, are you here too?"

  When He Ye saw Li Mu, he got excited and hurriedly sat next to Li Mu.

  "Conan, go and get a pair of chopsticks for the guest."


  Conan gave Li Mu a contemptuous look, but went to the kitchen anyway.

  Heiji Hattori next to him was covered in black lines and took a pair of chopsticks. This was not ignoring him.

  Mouri Kogoro picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, then looked at a few people.

  "How about you? Is there anything wrong with coming here this time?"

  "Oh, it's like this. I want to ask you to find someone. His name is Guomo Lighting, and he is a member of the tennis club."

  He Ye thought of something and said quickly.

  "Are you looking for someone?" Maori Kogoro drank a glass of wine and muttered to himself, "Is there anything to do with him?"

  "Is this?" He Ye suddenly pointed at Hattori Heiji's nose, and said with a dissatisfied expression: "Xiaolan, it's not all because of him, who asked this idiot to give my amulet to the end of the country."

  "You can't blame me. How do I know that the amulet is yours, and, isn't it just an amulet, is it useful?"

  Hattori Heiji muttered in dissatisfaction.

  Although the voice behind him was quieter, Kazuha still heard Hattori Heiji's voice.

  "Damn, you guy, what does this mean, don't forget, this amulet has saved you many times."

  Hattori Heiji looked at the angry Kazuha, was also startled, and quickly stopped talking.

  However, Hattori Heiji was very unhappy in his heart, and seriously suspected that so many things had happened to him, and it was because of this amulet.

  "By the way, He Ye, do you know where that person is? His university and residence are here, you can go now."

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