Li Mu looked at the three people in front of him with a light smile on his face.

  "Officer Takagi, it seems that there are only these three people. These three people have not seen the alibi, and the murderer is among them."

  As soon as the voice fell, there was an uproar.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins!enter.

Chapter 1390 Preemptively solve the case again (three shifts)

  The three people were also surprised in their hearts, but they didn't expect to be suspected just because they were standing.

  "Mr. Officer, you can't doubt us just because of that."

  "Yeah, at [-] o'clock, I also knew about the event. I was just about to find the cracker, but the cracker wasn't there."

  "Of course you can't find it." Li Mu took a step forward and said with a smile, "Because at eight o'clock, the cannon was collected after it was fired, so they were looking for something on the ground, and you weren't there."

  Officer Takagi also understood and stepped forward to look at the three people in front of him.

  "Okay, the three of you can talk about your schedule today? Maybe at that time, you had a dispute with the victim."

  One of the three frowned slightly. Although he didn't want to say it, he still had to explain it.

  The mustache uncle Mr. Satsuma first said: "I went to see a sumo match today, which is this sumo match. Although I am a fan of the losing player Chi Qinglong, it is still very exciting."

  "So, you are angry because Mr. Kunisuke is too happy, and you hurt the first 20 students at the end of the country." Hattori Heiji said.

  "This... how is this possible." Mr. Satsuma was anxious and quickly explained: "How could I do this, I am not such a person."

  Li Mu's mouth also twitched, and he reached out and patted Hattori Heiji.

  "Hey, boy, don't think too dark. Not everyone is the same as you. If you lose the game, you will attack other people's fans."

  Hattori Heiji's face turned black, is he such a person?

  He is a good man, yes, a very good man, how could he do such a thing.

  "Okay, okay, this gentleman, let's talk about it, what did you do today, what sports did you watch?"

  Officer Takagi quickly interrupted Li Mu and Hattori Heiji.

  Otherwise, a fight later will affect their police handling of the case.

  The burly man Mr. Ivy also quickly explained: "I went out to answer a phone call at about eight o'clock today.

  As for what kind of sports I watch, I watched beach volleyball today. Of course, if I can, I would like to see the disappearing picture. "

  After finishing speaking, Mr. Chunteng had spring in his eyes.

  Hattori Heiji came over again, pointed at Mr. Chunteng and said, "So, because you acted too vulgarly, you had an argument with Mr. Kunimitsu, and then beat him, didn't you?"

  Li Mu didn't say anything. He found that he was entangled with Hattori Heiji about this matter, and he was just being stupid again.

  With this spare time, Li Mu might as well ask about the last gentleman.

  "Okay, this gentleman, tell me, what game did you watch today?"

  "Oh, hello, I did watch the game today. It was the game between the Soul Team and the Osaka Team. It was a very good game."

  Li Mu sat on the side after listening, patiently thinking about the case.

  He always felt as if he had thought of something, but he couldn't figure it out.

  Next to him, He Ye looked at the contemplative Li Mu, and couldn't help comforting: "Brother Li, have you figured it out? Who is the murderer, and when can I get that amulet."

  "He Ye, wait a minute, I should figure it out right away."

  Li Mu already knew who the suspect was, but without evidence, Li Mu had no choice but to think carefully.

  Hattori Heiji was immediately dissatisfied. He, such a famous detective, went to ask Li Mu with Ye Buwen.

  "Hey, He Ye, can't you ask me? I'm a famous detective, so I must be better than him. Besides, do you think he can read minds? You can find out so quickly."

  Kazuo glanced at Hattori Heiji, blinked, and then ignored it.

  Hattori Heiji was suddenly full of anger, his face was unhappy, and his heart was even more jealous.

  But Li Mu reacted and his eyes lit up.

  He can listen to the voice of all things, why is it so troublesome, he can listen to the voices of these three people.

  After he figured it out, Li Mu did not hesitate to listen directly to the inner thoughts of the three people.

  After listening, Li Mu immediately understood, picked up the phone and searched roughly.

  Not long after, Li Mu found the video of today's baseball game and glanced at it roughly.

  At the end, Li Mu saw the figures of two people, and the corners of his mouth rose.

  "Officer Takagi, I already know who the murderer is, it's you, Mr. Kuma."

  Mr. Kuma was startled and quickly explained: "No... it's not me, I'm not the murderer, do you have any evidence?"

  "Of course there is." Li Mu nodded and smiled, "I think you and Mr. Guomo watched a baseball game at the same time, and then saw that Mr. Guomo got a home run, so you want to get this baseball. "

  Hattori Heiji immediately reacted and said quickly: "So that's the case, so Mr. Kunisue's pockets are so big because the baseballs are in the pockets."

  "Then the proof of luck that Mr. Kunimo said he wanted to show his friends should be home run baseball." Conan also understood.

  But after speaking, Conan and Hattori Heiji both turned black at the same time, and they actually lost to Li 177 Mu.

  I was upset, very upset.

  Li Mu ignored the two of them, took out his phone and said, "Look, this is the evidence that you watched a baseball game with Mr. Guomo today.

  If I'm right, the baseball is in the popcorn, and you haven't eliminated the evidence above. "

  Without explanation, Mr. Kuma lowered his head sadly.

  "I'm so sorry, I...I just wanted this baseball because my girlfriend who died was..."

  Another sad story, Li Mu couldn't help but want to cry, this story is really a bit sad.

  Li Mu waited for Mr. Kuma to finish speaking, brewed for a while, and then looked at Hattori Heiji beside him.

  "Hitbu, sure enough, I'm a man who can read minds. Reasoning or something is useless at all. It's better to go home and have a good rest."

  "Damn, Kudo, I have the urge to hit people, don't stop me."

  "I won't stop you, come on, I happen to be very unhappy, this guy is really bad."

  Of course, although the two were very upset, they still dared not hit someone.

  At that time, whoever hits whoever is not sure.

  The invincible godslayer, the beloved concubine of the great voyage, begins! .

Chapter 1391 Football teenager Li Mu (four more)

  That night, He Ye got the amulet and hid it secretly.

  In the evening, Li Mu comforted Heye and Xiaolan again, and sent Heye away the next day.


  A few days later, Li Mu, Maori Kogoro and Xiaolan participated in the activities of the Football J League.

  Football is played by J League players and a group of kids, and of course, Conan and the Boy Detectives.

  Originally, Li Mu was not interested in this kind of thing, but since Xiaolan and the others would all go, Li Mu naturally couldn't help but go.

  After all, this is an opportunity to get in touch with beautiful women.

  In a large football field, there are many teenagers wearing sportswear, and their parents are nearby.

  In addition to these people, there are a lot of football fans and a lot of journalists.

  After all, all the members of the J Alliance are here today, so it will naturally attract countless people.

  In front of a certain bench, Li Mu held Hui Yuanai and said speechlessly: "To be honest, I have no love for this kind of sports, because it's too simple, I'm all-powerful."

  That's right, no matter any competition, Li Mu can open 100 hangs, who is Lin Fei's opponent.

  Let's just say this one football, Li Mu can play a kung fu football, and it is also possible to kick people to death.

  But Conan next to him didn't think so, and muttered: "Isn't it just bragging? Who can't, can you play football? If you can play well, that's a real skill."

  Obviously, Conan thinks that his reasoning may not be as good as Li Mu, but there are countless, he must be more powerful.

  "Why, you don't believe me, why don't you tell me a ball, I'll play it for you later, if I can't play it, I'll help you collect the signed balls of world-renowned football players, if you lose, why not Treat me to all-you-can-eat cake."

  Li Mu provokes Conan with a wink.

  He also knew that Conan couldn't come up with anything good, so he might as well eat it and make Conan feel sorry for his pocket money.

  Conan's eyes suddenly lit up.

  With Li Mu's financial resources, these things are very simple, if you can get...

  Just thinking about it makes me feel a little excited.

  "Okay, I agree to your challenge."

  At the same time, players from the J League also appeared one after another (cacc).

  Among them, the Akagi hero of the soul team and the young detective team are a team.

  After Akagi Hero came over, he said to everyone: "Then the training starts now, first of all, um, come with three people first, and the other one will wait for a while."


  Conan nodded and took a step back consciously.

  Akagi Hero and the other three just kicked the ball like this, while Li Mu and the others sat beside him and watched.

  Before long, it was Conan's turn to appear.

  Although he was just a kid, his skills were very good, and even Hero Akagi had some admiration, and then conceded defeat.

  In the distance, Bi Hu glanced at Conan, came over, and looked at Conan with some puzzlement.

  "Shinichi Kudo? You play football almost like that guy Shinichi Kudo. Did you learn from him?"

  Conan was also startled just now, and nodded quickly and said, "That's right, I studied with Brother Xinyi."

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