
  "That's right. It's really common to be so stupid, and you're still far worse than when I was a kid."

  Conan showed a pair of dead fish eyes, staring at Li Mu dissatisfied, and the movements in his hands were not slow at all.

  Li Mu didn't say anything. Seeing that it was almost time, he quickly grabbed Conan and jumped into the sky.

  "Okay, enough has been demolished, there is no need to continue, we should retreat."

  Conan did not refuse, after all, he is not stupid, since there is no danger, he does not need to stay and wait to die.

  Not long after leaving, the explosion sounded.

  Although the explosion sound is particularly loud, the harm is not particularly big, even if the electronic display screen falls, it does not cause much danger.

  The explosion didn't last that long, and it stopped quickly.

  Li Mu stood not far from the auditorium, looking at the commotional crowd, the corners of his mouth rose.

  "You bastard, you actually blew up Laozi's car, I will definitely teach you a good lesson."

  "What? Brother Li, has your car been bombed?" Conan asked in surprise.

  For some reason, Li Mu always felt that Conan's smile seemed a little happy.

  It's like a schadenfreude.

  Li Mu stared at Conan and said coldly, "Conan, you seem to be mocking me, don't you?"

  "How... how is it possible, this is fake." Conan quickly explained.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins!Dry.

Chapter 1393 Xiaolan, seek comfort (two more)

  At night, Li Mu ate at Maori Kogoro's house.

  After eating, Li Mu put down his chopsticks and said calmly, "Xiao Lan, my car was blown up. It's not convenient to go back tonight, so I can only live with you."

  "It's okay, Big Brother Li, just live here. I really want to thank you today for solving this case for Dad."

  Xiaolan looked at Li Mu gratefully, with a bright smile on her face.

  On the other hand, Conan looked at Li Mu jealously, feeling very unhappy in his heart.

  "Okay, Li Mu, you should rest. I have to think hard and find the murderer."

  Maori Kogoro's eyes were full of flames. This prisoner dared to challenge him. He must let this prisoner know how powerful he is.

  Li Mu shook his head, with Maori Kogoro's ability, he was simply a scumbag.

  He can think that the possibility of finding the murderer is relatively low.

  "Then, Maori Detective, I figured it out. The man said a lot of words today, and the fans seem to have heard it during the day."

  Li Mu just reminded, and then left.

  Mouri Kogoro thought about it for a moment, then reacted immediately and said excitedly: "By the way, I remembered it, what the 20-year-old said today must be like this, great."

  The excited Mouri Kogoro picked up the phone and called out.

  Li Mu shook his head, then took a shower in the bathroom first, and then came to Xiaolan's room alone, taking advantage of the brush and others not paying attention.

  Xiaolan was startled when she saw Li Mu coming in, and hurriedly came to the door of the room, and glanced outside secretly.

  After confirming that no one noticed outside, Xiao Lan said angrily, "Brother Li, my father hasn't slept yet. Come in, what if you are discovered."

  "No way, Maori detectives are going to investigate all night today, so I can only come here now."

  While talking, Li Mu threw his clothes aside and walked to Xiaolan's side.

  Xiaolan immediately understood what Li Mu was going to do, blushed, locked the door, and leaned against the wall.

  Li Mu walked to the other side, closed the curtains in the room, turned off the lights, and came to Xiaolan's side.

  He hugged Xiaolan gently, then lowered his head and left a mark on Xiaolan's mouth.

  It didn't take long for Li Mu and Xiaolan to embrace each other and collapsed on the side of the bed together.

  The two were completely entangled, and the clothes gradually disappeared.

  While Li Mu and Xiaolan were having fun in the room, Mouri Kogoro didn't notice that much and went directly to the second floor.

  Conan came to the second floor because he was very interested in this case.

  Not long after, the police officer Mumu arrived.

  "Brother Maori, I heard that you have clues to the murderer, is it true?"

  "Yes, after my hard thinking, I finally found the flaw of the murderer. This time, I will definitely bring him to justice." Maori Kogoro said proudly.

  Conan next to him gave him a contemptuous look.

  This was clearly what Li Mu thought of, but when it came to Maori Kogoro, it was what he thought of, it was so shameless.

  "Then Maori brother, tell me what's going on." Officer Mumu asked.

  Mouri Kogoro also reacted and said quickly: "That's it, today he said something, it was the words of the football player Chiryo Miura, and there were several people nearby at the time.

  They are Shinzo Yamamori, the intelligence director of Nippon TV, and Kaoru Kaoru, a reporter from the intelligence department, as well as Ryosuke Sakaki, and Keiichiro Honura. "

  Conan thought of something, and said at the same time: "Also, there is a person named Nakaoka Kazuya near us, and he may have heard it at the time."

  "So that's the case, then, the bomber should be here." Police Officer Mumu said while rubbing his chin.

  "Officer Shiratori, I'll leave this matter to you, go and investigate these people."

  "Yes, Officer Mumu."

  Officer Shiratori nodded and left first.

  Afterwards, Kogoro Mouri talked with Officer Mumu for a while, then sent Officer Mumu away and came to the second floor.

  Mouri Kogoro and Conan came to the third floor.

  Just arrived on the third floor, Conan glanced at the sofa and said in surprise, "Uncle Maori, where is Brother Li? Why aren't you here?"

  "I don't know, maybe he's gone, what are you doing?"

  Mouri Kogoro didn't want to think too much, and walked sleepily to the bathroom on the side.

  Conan was full of doubts, walked outside Xiaolan's room and tapped lightly.

  "Sister Xiaolan, where are you? Did you see Brother Li?"

  In the room, Xiao Lan was startled, subconsciously grabbed the quilt on one side, and glanced nervously at the door.

  Li Mu leaned over Xiaolan and said softly, "It's okay, you pretend to be calm, there's nothing major at all, don't worry."

  Xiaolan calmed down and said softly, "Conan, Brother Li, he seems to have something to do with the company, so he left first. Do you have anything else to do?"

  "Oh, nothing, then I'll go to rest."

  Conan secretly eavesdropped on the door.

  Li Mu also sensed Conan, so he didn't continue, just relying on Xiaolan.

  It didn't take long for Conan to hear no sound, 870 breathed a sigh of relief, and left.

  As soon as Conan left, Li Mu continued to move, Xiaolan blushed again, her heart was extremely shy, and her body became very dry~hot.

  After relaxing, Li Mu hugged Xiaolan tightly, covered himself with a quilt, and rested with Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan looked at Li Mu's face, her little hand grabbed Li Mu, and her heart was full of warmth.

  "Brother Li, who do you think the prisoner is today?"

  Li Mu suddenly opened his eyes, touched his chin and thought, "It should be one of those people I met today, but don't worry, I will definitely catch him and won't let him do anything wrong."

  Xiao Lan smiled and hugged Li Mu tightly.

  "Brother Li, thank you, I believe you can catch the culprit."

  After speaking, Xiao Lan closed her eyes and rested.

  Li Mu tapped Xiaolan's face and pulled her into his arms.

  Outside, Conan didn't think too much. After Mouri Kogoro took a bath, he also went to take a bath.

  The night passed so peacefully.

  Until the next day, Conan went out early in the morning to investigate the bombing, and Li Mu hugged Xiaolan and rested in peace.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1394 The case of Hemei and Zicha (three shifts)

  After dawn, Li Mucai came out of Xiaolan's room reluctantly.

  Outside the Maori Detective Office, Miwako stepped on the stairs and came to the second floor.

  And Li Mu had just arrived on the second floor, not long after, Miwako had already reached the second floor.

  Seeing Li Mu, Miwako looked overjoyed and quickly said, "Li Mu, are you free today? Can you go out with me?"

  "If you're free, if you have any request, I'll definitely agree, let's go."

  What is there to refuse when a beautiful woman invites you?

  Li Mu agreed without hesitation, then sat on Miwako's red fd and left the Maori Detective Agency.

  In the car, Miwako explained while driving: "Li Mu, our goal for today is Kazuya Nakaoka, please accompany you to the prison."


  Li Mu nodded, and then put a hand on Miwako's thigh.

  Mi Heko's face instantly turned red, Mei Mu glanced at Li Mu, her shy expression was very cute.

  "Li... Li Mu, where is your hand, take it away from me quickly."

  "Take it off, Miwako, aren't we with the prisoner? Isn't this better, we can pretend to be a couple, and the other party will not doubt it."

  Li Mu explained in a serious manner, his little hand moved up and down on Miwako's body.

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