"Li Mu, why are you here? Could it be that you came with Miwako?"

  After that, Yumi looked around from time to time.

  "Miwako is not here. She is now interrogating the suspect. It is estimated that it will take a long time, so I am here to find you."

  "Really? Miwako is not here.. 0"

  With a faint smile in the corner of Yumei's eyes, she gently stood on tiptoe, and then stretched out her arms to wrap her arms around the back of Li Mu's neck.

  "Then, come with me. Anyway, tonight, I'm the only one here in the traffic department, no one else."

  Li Mu could bear it, he pulled Yumi directly in, then turned off the traffic light, and locked the door.

  Then the two embraced each other, their clothes fell a little bit, and the voices of two people could be heard from time to time in the office.

  On the other hand, it took Miwako a long time to interrogate Kazuya Nakaoka.

  "I'm too tired, I'd better go to Yumi, and then go back and have a good sleep."

  Miwako stretched and came to the traffic department.

  At the traffic department, Miwako looked at the dark office and muttered to herself, "Is it possible that Yumi is not here? Why don't you call and ask."

  After speaking, Miwako dialed Yumi's cell phone.

  Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

  A bell rang in the silent office, and a faint light flashed.

  Fortunately, this is not a horror world, otherwise, this ringtone alone would probably scare a lot of people to death.

  Yumi was startled when she heard the phone ringing, and subconsciously hugged Li Mu tightly.

  "Yumi's cell phone ringtone?" Miwako followed the voice and came outside the Office of the Traffic Division.

  3.5 Looking through the window, Miwako could see a faint glow.

  She didn't notice that in the inner test of the door, near the wall, Li Mu and Yumei were clinging to each other.

  There are several people's clothes on the ground.

  "It looks like Yumi's phone has been forgotten. Forget it, I'll go back by myself."

  Miwako left without seeing Li Mu.

  Yumi waited for a while, and after Miwako left, she secretly picked up the phone and set the ringtone to silent mode.

  After it was done, Yumi came to Li Mu's side, and was entangled with Li Mu again in the dark office.

  On Miwako's side, after leaving the Metropolitan Police Department, they didn't meet Li Mu in the underground parking lot, so they reluctantly called Li Mu's cell phone.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1396 The murderer's provocation again (one more)

  Jingle bell... Jingle bell...

  In the dark traffic department office, the ringtone of the mobile phone came again.

  Yumi was startled again, and subconsciously grabbed Li Mu's arm, and Li Mu felt Yumi's warmth even more.

  After confirming that it was Li Mu's phone, Yumi breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "I'm scared to death, please answer the phone quickly."

  "I see."

  Li Mu answered the phone, and there was no other person on the opposite side, it was Miwako.

  "Hey, Miwako, I'm already home. I'm so sorry to make you worry."

  After hanging up the phone, Li Mu hugged Yumi.

  "Okay, Yumi, let's hurry up and then I'll go to your house."

  Yumei blushed instantly, feeling Li Mu's sprint, her hand clenched Li Mu's clothes.

  Twenty minutes later, Li Mu sat in Yumi's car and went home with Yumi.


  The next day, Yumi got up early to eat, and then sent Li Mu to the vicinity of the Maori Detective Office and left by herself.

  When Li Mu arrived at the Maori Detective Agency, he happened to meet the police officer Meihe Zimumu and others.

  "Yo, Mr. Li, you are here. Just in time, there is a challenge letter 20 sent by the kidnappers. Come and take a look."

  When Officer Mumu saw Li Mu, he became anxious.

  After all, Maori Kogoro couldn't think of anything, so he could only put his hope in Li Mu's hand.

  This is a big bang case, and it is natural to solve it quickly.

  Li Mu took the challenge letter from the murderer and glanced at it roughly.

  "There are more audiences than the Dongdu Football Stadium last time, so have you found a suitable place?"

  "Of course I found it. You see, that day, Yoko's concert had [-] people, more than the original [-] people."

  Mouri Kogoro excitedly pointed at the poster on the wall, and now he can't wait to catch the murderer immediately.

  This is not just provoking him, but also wanting to do something to his idol Yoko Okino, which is unbearable and unbearable.

  Li Mu frowned slightly, he always felt that it couldn't be that simple.

  Not only Li Mu, but even Conan frowned, as if thinking about something.

  After a while, Li Mu thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

  "Officer Mumu, if I guess correctly, this should be a text trap."

  Conan's pupils shrank, and he immediately understood.

  No wonder he felt something was wrong, it turned out to be a text trap.

  "Text trap?" Officer Mu Mu was a little confused and puzzled: "What is going on here, what is a text trap?"

  Li Muzhen didn't know how the police officer Mumu became a police officer. Could it be cheating?

  Although speechless, Li Mu still had to explain: "If my guess is correct, the prisoner's target is still the J alliance."

  "J League?" Officer Mumu shook his head and said, "It can't be the J League. In this competition, the maximum number of people in a venue is more than [-] people, and it is impossible to have [-] people."

  "That's right, but you don't seem to know that in this J-League game, there are [-] people in one game, but what about ten game venues? And you can also watch ten game venues at one time through TV, which adds up, More than [-] people."

  Officer Mu Mu's eyes lit up, clapped his hands and said, "So that's the case. He just said that the audience was over [-], but he didn't say the audience."

  "Wait." Miwako suddenly remembered and said quickly: "So, the prisoner's goal is ten football fields, and we need to monitor so many football fields at the same time."

  "That's not necessarily the case. Yoko Okino's concert can't be ignored. In case the prisoner's goal is also there."

  The police officer Mu Mu's face was very solemn.

  Ten football fields, coupled with Yoko Okino's concert, put a lot of pressure on their police.

  The faces of the others were also a little ugly. The bomber this time was obviously crazy, and he took so many places to set up bombs all at once.

  Li Mu glanced at Xiaolan next to him again, and said quickly, "Xiaolan, please inform Yuanzi, don't go to the game in a few days, it's too dangerous."

  "That's right, Xiaolan, you must not go to see it. You should stay at home with peace of mind. No, you should go to Sonoko's house. No, you should go to that girl's house in Osaka."

  Li Mu and Conan twitched at the corners of their mouths.

  An explosive maniac actually asked Xiaolan to take refuge in the He Ye family in Osaka.

  But think about it, this bomber is looking for Maori Kogoro for revenge, maybe he will accidentally hurt Xiaolan.

  Xiaolan smiled awkwardly, but did not speak.

  Asking her to take refuge in Osaka was too pretentious, it was better to stay, and she didn't want to be separated from Li Mu.

  Li Mu thought of Haiyuan Ai again, turned his head to Conan and said, "Conan, what do those little devils like most? Find an excuse to send them away."

  Conan's head hurts too, what excuse should he find?

  If there is a bomb, these people will be very excited, and maybe they will find the bomb.

  So it can't be said for sure.

  "Okay, Brother Maori, I won't bother you. Let's investigate first. There are so many bombs, maybe it's a pity that there are some clues at the immigration office."

  "Then don't send 953, Officer Mumu."

  Mouri Kogoro waved goodbye, and then thought by himself.

  This is someone else's provocation to him, and he is naturally in no mood to bet on the small steel ball again.

  Conan also left the Mouri Detective Agency and went outside to investigate the case.

  Li Mu looked at Xiaolan who was worried, walked to Xiaolan's side, reached out and grabbed Xiaolan's hand.

  "Xiao Lan, don't worry, there's nothing wrong, I will definitely protect you well, and I will catch this bomb madman. This is my promise to you."

  Xiaolan felt Li Mu's hand, her face flushed instantly, and her heart was full of warmth.

  "Brother Li, why did that person ask Dad to trouble him?"

  "This..." Li Mu rolled his eyes, then teased, "Maybe he's jealous of the Maori detective?"

  "Jealous?" Xiaolan blinked her big, shining eyes with a puzzled look on her face.

  "That's right, he's jealous of the Maori detective for having such a beautiful, gentle and virtuous daughter, and a handsome and rich son-in-law."

  Xiao Lan's cheeks flushed, she patted Li Mu lightly, and said coquettishly, "Brother Li, you are really bad."

  Li Mu grabbed Xiaolan's hand and secretly gave him a kiss while Maori Xiaogoro was not paying attention.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1397 Use Conan as bait (two more)

  A few days later, it was time for Yoko Okino's concert, which was also the day of the J League game.

  On this day, Officer Mumu came here very early, hoping that Kogoro Mauri could find the murderer, but if he really can't, he can discuss it.

  "How is it, Brother Maori, have you found any clues?"

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