"Then I'm with you, what's your purpose for coming here?" Xiaolan asked.

  "I, I also came to play. After all, the hot springs here are still very good."

  He Ye had a smile on his face, but he was still very happy inside.

  After all, she didn't expect to meet Li Mu here.

  In addition, she can still live here tonight, maybe she can still be with Li Mu.

  "Okay, let's not talk about it, you have lunch, I'll treat you."

  "Okay, come and treat yourself. Today, I must have a big meal."

  Mouri Kogoro was excited, as if he was provoked to fight.

  Beside him, Conan looked down at Kogoro Mouri and complained, "Uncle Mouri still doesn't order food. It is estimated that he is waiting for Big Brother Li to order. The purpose is to save money and eat good food."

  Li Mu nodded, as expected.

  Every time he goes out, he basically pays the bill, and Kogoro Mouri basically treats him as an ATM machine.

  Fortunately, Li Mu is not the master of losses. Every time, after Li Mu pays, he will eat Xiaolan and not let himself suffer.

  When Mouri Kogoro saw Conan dismantling his place like this, he quickly stood up and beat Conan's head hard.

  "' 々 Damn, you stinky bastard, can't you not tear down my place?"


  Conan covered his head in pain and said in pain, "It hurts, uncle, it hurts too much for you to beat me too much."

  Mouri Kogoro directly ignored Conan, picked up the menu and took a closer look.

  "This...this...and this, I want it."

  Mouri Kogoro ordered a lot of things at once, which looked very expensive.

  Xiaolan blushed and said quickly, "Dad, you ordered too much, can't you order less? Have you finished eating?"

  "It's not related to (Qian Nuo), isn't there still you? I'll definitely finish eating."

  Mouri Kogoro waved his hand indifferently.

  Xiaolan was helpless and didn't know what to say.

  Every time she ordered so many, she felt embarrassed.

  Li Mu secretly leaned on Xiaolan and said softly, "It doesn't matter, we are all a family, and a little money is nothing."

  Xiaolan blushed instantly and bowed her head shyly.

  Conan noticed the shy Xiaolan and became jealous, and hurriedly pulled Hattori Heiji's clothes.

  "Hatten, eating so hard today must have made him poor."

  Hattori Heiji was also a little unhappy, and then nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's eat together, we will eat the best and most expensive, he feels distressed today."

  Although they knew it was impossible, the two still tried their best to order expensive dishes.

  The invincible date battle of the concubine of the great sailing begins! .

Chapter 1403 You can consider marrying Kudo (one more)

  "Oh, it's really sad. I knew I wouldn't eat so much."

  In the restaurant, Hattori Heiji and Conan looked very painful.

  In order to get revenge on Li Mu, the two of them frantically ordered all kinds of food, hoping to make Li Mu feel distressed.

  As a result, Li Mu didn't have a headache because of spending too much, but they ate too much and their stomachs were uncomfortable.

  "Really, Pingji, eat less if you can't eat it. Look at you, you should eat up."

  "Yeah, Conan, so are you."

  Xiaolan and Ye couldn't help but teach them a lesson. Conan and the others had a bitter face and didn't know how to refuse.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, don't talk about them, and you don't know how to order so many expensive ones for the sake of others."

  On the other hand, Mouri Kogoro couldn't help but glanced at the two of them with contempt.

  As everyone knows, he was the one who ate the most at "[-]" just now, and he ate so much at once.

  Hattori Heiji and the two were full of black lines, and looked at Mouri Kogoro resentfully.

  How shameless can a person be to say such brazen words.

  Xiao Lan's face darkened as well, and she couldn't help but say, "Dad, you are the least qualified to talk about other people, right? You eat no less than them."

  Wait, is this despising us?

  Hattori Heiji and the two were immediately hit hard.

  Mouri Kogoro was also a little embarrassed, touched the back of his head with a smirk, "Hey, sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while, so I ate a little more."

  Li Mu didn't care at all, it seemed like a good choice to use money to beat Hattori and Heiji.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, we went out for a run, and there's nothing wrong with staying here."


  Side by side with Ye Xiaolan, they left together.

  "Kudou, let's go too."

  Hattori Heiji was dissatisfied and shouted out subconsciously.

  "What? Kudo?"

  After a meal with Ye Xiaolan, they immediately stopped and turned to look at Conan and the two behind them.

  Hattori Heiji's face froze, he touched the back of his head with a smirk, "I said...I said why Kudo didn't come, I...I miss him a bit."

  Miss him?

  Li Mu smiled and said jokingly, "What's the matter? You miss Kudo. I found that your relationship with Kudo is much better. Maybe you are conscious of him. If you don't get married, I won't discriminate against you."

  "What a joke, who wants to marry him."

  Conan Hattori Heiji pointed at each other and shouted in unison.

  Xiaolan and Ye looked at Hattori Heiji and Conan, then nodded, thinking seriously.

  "I think you two seem to be a good fit."

  "Yeah, if you are a man and a woman, I might think you are a couple."

  Hattori and Heiji had black faces, and it was really heartbreaking to be told that by their beloved.

  Li Mu also took a serious look and joked: "Why is Conan so excited just now, maybe he likes Kudo again, and wants to marry him when he grows up, or marry him."

  The others also reacted at this time, and their eyes were fixed on Conan.

  Conan was sweating profusely, and being stared at by so many people, he was still a little nervous.

  But Hattori Heiji smiled, blinked at Conan and said, "You're right, Conan likes Kudo, I can see that."

  There is a saying that I have something better than you, Hattori Heiji directly betrayed Conan without any integrity.

  Conan's head was covered in black lines, and he glared at Hattori Heiji with gnashing teeth.

  This unscrupulous, actually betrayed his companions.

  "Okay, Xiaolan, don't make Conan ugly, let's go."


  Conan looked at Li Mu indignantly, this guy actually mocked him and made himself humiliated.

  "Okay, Kudo, don't be angry, let's follow."

  Conan turned his head and stared at Hattori Heiji with dead fish eyes. Heiji Hattori actually betrayed him just now.

  Hattori Heiji also noticed Conan's gaze, and quickly squeezed out a smile and said: "Okay, kid, don't be angry, let's go, or they will go."

  After speaking, Hattori Heiji pulled Conan away.

  Walking on the crowded street, Hattori Heiji looked at Li Mu with a displeased expression.

  Conan was also very upset, because both Xiaolan and He Ye were very happy to talk to Li Mu.

  Damn, you have to know that this is their childhood sweetheart, and it turns out that they are so happy with Li Mu, what the hell is this...

  "Hey, Kudo, I think we should teach him a lesson, otherwise he won't know how good we are."

  "Also, he must be taught a lesson, otherwise he doesn't know what he is doing now."

  Conan also nodded solemnly, thinking about how to teach Li Mu a lesson, and he couldn't let Li Mu and Li Mu go.

  Otherwise, Xiaolan will be called Li Lan in the future.

  (Neon women will have the same surname as men after they get married.)

  Hattori Heiji thought the same way.

  "Okay, then, Kudo, let's go."

  Hattori Heiji nodded, then pulled Conan to the back of Li Mu.

  After walking for a while, Hattori Heiji suddenly stumbled and fell directly to Li Mu.

  Naturally, Li Mu also knew Hattori Heiji's plan, so he pretended to stop, and then looked at Kazuha.

  Hattori Heiji directly hit Li Mu's body, Li Mu was hit by Hattori Heiji like this and fell directly on He Ye's body.

  "Li Mu, are you okay?"

  He Ye looked at Li Mu worriedly, and grabbed Li Mu's arm with both hands.

  "I...I have nothing to do."

  Li Mu shook his head, his head was still rubbing against He Ye's fierce mouth, feeling the softness and softness of He Ye's body.

  Hattori Heiji widened his eyes, gritted his teeth, and clenched his hands tightly, wishing he could eat Li Mu.

  Conan was also startled, he could feel the murderous aura emanating from Heiji Hattori.

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